Use a sharp knife to split the plant in two, making sure each half has attached roots. For your first attempt, separate your plant into no more than three divisions. In the case of taller varieties, the old flower stems have to be cut down to the ground in spring. Click here to get to the home page of our website for catalogues and information about our nursery and to subscribe to our blog. Your comments suggest that corsicans are not likely to survive dividing. Hellebores are part of the Ranunculaceae family, which includes Ranunculus, Anenomes and Clematis. Any seedlings would be more easily visible and accessible at this time of cutting back foliage. His look like mine, like they are individual plants, not clumps. If so, what are those reasons? Are your recommendations for timing of division solely to gauge size of division as “each flower represents a potential division,” or are there horticultural reasons for such timing? Make sure you wash your hands after handling these plants as Hellebores … Your hellebores will be big soon enough. We don’t grow hellebores here in Austin but you never know what the future holds! Carolyn. You can move hellebores in early spring or fall. With sandy soil it's important to add mulch and compost. Things I couldn’t grow in California ware peonies, oak leaf hydrangeas, and hellebore. You probably can’t read the fine print so I will narrate the high points to go with the photos. I am glad you agree because I envision all these gardeners hacking away at their plants based on what I consider erroneous advice in many gardening books. It comes up small with three leaflets but develops more if left to mature. Also, when do you divide them? For the brochure and registration information, click here. I planted a few hellebores for the first time last year – we’ll see in a few years if they bloom!!! Dividing hellebore plants is not necessary, but it can enhance flowering in older plants. To keep soils moist incorporate plenty of compost when planting and mulch well. Dig an 8-inch-deep circle around the hellebore plant, 6 inches from its outermost leaves. The March 6 session of Charles Cresson’s Snowdrops and Other Winter Interest Plants Seminar has been rescheduled for March 13 and has a few spaces left. The root system is extensive, try to remove as much root, and as much soil, as possible. I pushed the soil back up to the edges of the remaining half, and placed the other in a new hole. Use the spade's sharp point to loosen the soil as you go. And while your plant has been stressed, it sounds like you are giving it the TLC it needs right now. . Position in semi-shade to full shade and fill with quality potting mix, such as Yates Potting Mix with Dynamic Lifter. Last yr. If the hellebore stems develop a “cooked” looking cut end after a week or so, simply pull them from the water and cut that portion of the stem off. Soil needs for hellebores. Most have been interbred, producing countless hybrid Hellebores in a rich array of colors and forms. and informative, thank you! They are really beautiful. Shake it to remove excess soil and then wash away the remaining soil to reveal the extensive root system as shown in step 3. Timing of seed germination around mother plants in the ground seems to be late-winter. I have tried before to transplant these rather large specimens into my garden with no luck. Sometimes the flower has a little brown rim. ( Log Out /  Hellebores are so tough and log-lived that they will probably outlive all of us. Stinking hellebore, H. foetidus, which I prefer to call bearsfoot hellebore, cannot be divided and must be propagated by moving seedlings. I bought 3 hellebores last spring and I have blooms now! For photographs of the full range of their colors, please read my article An Ode to Seed Strain Hellebores by clicking here. What a great article, I will have to try this next spring. Carolyn. Thank you so much for the great advice…I just looked at my hellebore ‘ivory Prince’ and said, “You my beauty need to get out of that bed and into a better one for viewing!” So this morning after two days of heavy rains~with more to arrive~They’ve been moved and look pretty darn happy! What’s a gardener to do? Learn how to grow Hellebores in containers, Growing condition of Hellebore, Hellebores Care, Pests Problems Hellebores and more about this plant. Joey, The huge plants are amazing, and I keep adding more hellebores because so many appear that I can’t bear to sell. In southern climates where the sun is not as harsh, hellebores can … Carolyn. A basic approach to dividing hellebores Simple division Tie the foliage of the plant together loosely with string then, using a large digging fork, lift the plant. A wholesale/retail mail-order nursery focused solely on Hellebores shipped my order this spring with some plants undersized to the point of being only a “hope and a prayer,” some with root system well-matched to the pot, and some plants seriously root-bound in the pot. Tips for Growing Hellebores: While it is easy to grow hellebores as long as you are careful of sunlight, the plants also have particular moisture and soil needs. Have a good day and it’s great you are working to change the perception you can’t divide hellebores. I’m hoping they do well this time but in case they don’t the baby hellebores are doing great. Carolyn, Great post Carolyn, though I’m not sure I want to divide any of the hellebores I have at the moment. Be sure the container drains well and you keep the soil evenly moist, but not oversaturated. Hellebores take three to five years from seed. Carolyn, Dear Carolyn, Another very informative posting in your hellebores series. Hellebores are tough garden plants, well suited to the climate of south eastern Australia. Dig the whole plant and wash off the soil. The seeds came from Chantilly in France, In the future, Ted is keen to breed a double gold round Hellebore but he says that takes time - many, many years. Root seems to be exactly on top of half of plant. ), just click here. Dear Carolyn, I love the early color they give the garden and I will definitely be adding more. The method outlined below can also be applied to all species hellebores except Majorcan hellebore (Helleborus lividus), Corsican hellebore (H. argutifolius), and bearsfoot hellebore (H. foetidus). I was mortified. Knew you were an expert but am impressed at how famous you are too. I suggested the topic because so many gardeners think hybrid hellebores are difficult to grow and wouldn’t think of dividing them. Hellebores are not troubled by frost or snow. Carolyn’s Shade Gardens is a retail nursery located in Bryn Mawr, PA, specializing in showy, colorful, and unusual plants for shade. Carolyn. Hellebores: Divide and Multiply By Carmine Carosella, Fairfax Master Gardener You’ve seen all those fancy hellebores at the garden shops, and they set your heart aflutter. Hybrid hellebores are an ideal plant with their large flowers, which are ornamental in the mid-Atlantic from February (and sometimes earlier) to May, substantial wintergreen leaves, and resistance to deer. The method outlined below can also be applied to all species hellebores except Majorcan hellebore (, Since writing this, I discovered that none other than the famous Gertrude Jekyll and I agree on this point. ( I better mention I live in southern Australia – south is our shady side!) Thank you. Plant them in the garden with dwarf bulbs and cyclamen, magnolias and camellias to get the most fantastic display during winter. Carolyn. I find that a lot of the things that you read about what you can’t do with plants are not in fact true. ; Remove the shrub from the container, gently tease the roots. I cut them back when I see new growth in the spring. Amy, I am so happy that your hellebore has moved around with you and thrived. I haven’t attempted dividing hellebores as the ones I had never got big enough but it’s good to know for when I purchase any hellebores in the future. This is also a good way to get more of the three species that I mentioned that can’t be divided. I agree with you on the dividing method Carolyn. To maintain the plant, remove the old leaves when new growth appears during mid or late autumn. Do remove the seedlings from around the mother plant to a new location with more room. I love hearing about experiments like this on your blog. Thanks again, You need to do it now while it is still cold out. Carolyn. Where to plant. I think it is best to transplant small plants unless they are grown in a pot. For catalogues and announcements of events, please send your full name, location, and phone number (for back up use only) to Carolyn. That is my fantasy still. I just purchased a white hellebore. Do you cut them back, dead head them after they bloom? These  are some of the hybrid hellebores that I think are so special that I would consider dividing them. For the root-bound plants, leave the root system in its current “solid mass”? Since it seems like a lot of trouble I would reconsider dividing the hellebore. But first a warning: do not simply detach pieces from the edge of your cherished clump and replant it elsewhere or give it away. I am doing an article on this soon. One more question, a neighbor is going to give me some of his heleborus plants, he has a lot, his garden is over 20 years old. Thanks, Carolyn, Hi Carolyn, I’ve just discovered your blog and know it will be fun to return often. Kelly, Yes, that’s the crux–only divide them if your really can’t get another and you have to have more of that flower. Carolyn. Jess, My Longwood Gardens course book says zone 8. My oldest plant is now 4 years old and is bearing Many beautiful flowers this Spring. For details about how your personal information will be handled by the ABC, please see our Privacy Collection Statement. What zone are you? is VERY MUCH APPRECIATED. That last collage is a stunner, too! Since I can’t grow them here, I shall just continue to admire that collage a little while more. Maybe next autumn I will be ready for the experience. Dennie, Dennie, All hellebores form clumps over time so I am unclear on your distinction between clumps and individual plants. ; Remove the shrub from the container, gently tease the roots. I just wanted to say to you, thank you, for introducing me to the wonderful world of hellebores. It grows very well between rocks where the moisture drains down to it. One of the dinky little three-leafed plants I got from you last spring is already in bloom!! Helleborus niger (Christmas rose) is best divided in the spring and Helleborus x hybrids, the lenten rose and the orientalis varieties, are best divided in the late summer or autumn. Carolyn. Deb, You can’t go wrong with a hybrid hellebore. Divide the hellebores in cool weather, preferably with rain the forecast. Carolyn. Be sure to plant Lenten rose in well draining, organic soil. I’m on a 1/2 acre woodland lot in Portland Or and would dearly love for them to settle in. I always divide my hellebores as they are coming into bloom because each flower represents a potential division. Hi Carolyn, What I am really enjoying with this blogging is the renewed interest in plants that for whatever reason I have stopped growing. Rebecca, I identified you hellebore as a hybrid, Helleborus x hybridus. I would check with your local arboretum/botanical garden. Thanks, Marguerite. And planted in a shady area . Hellebores form dusky bronze to creamy white blooms. The only plants that we ship are snowdrops and miniature hostas. I have in the past been too obsessed with Summer, I think I will now concentrate on some of the Spring beauties which you show us. Spring Planting Issue 2006, Horticulture Magazine. Cat, Have you ever tried a hellebore. In 1898, in Wood and Garden, she wrote: “I never divide things by brutally chopping them across with the spade….The only safe way [to divide a Christmas rose] is to wash the clumps well out and look carefully for the points of attachment, and cut them either with knife or chisel….”. Carolyn, great tips and advice. I would just dig around the plant, pull it out from under whatever is on top, and proceed with dividing. Carolyn, Carolyn, I wish I had hybrid hellebores to try your very well explained recipe. Hellebores are typically long-lived plants. , I would transplant the seedlings and leave the older plant to get bigger and produce more and more flowers. … Last week a friend let me dig tons of the stinking hellebore (love LOVE them) and I probably could’ve divided them but didn’t. And your mature hellebores are enormous! Picked hellebore flowers don't last well in a vase, so they are best displayed as floating flowers in a flat bowl. Carolyn, I divided my hellebores a while ago. If you planted plants they should theoretically bloom this year or at the latest next year. It's not usually necessary for the health of the plant; but if you wish to divide them, this is best done in fall. Now if you could only tell me how to divide pumonarias I have some friends who would be most happy. I deadhead mine because I don’t want seedlings. B-a-g, You obviously were exactly right to do what you did and adventurous to take the risk of ignoring what you read. By the way, what happens if you do try to divide foetidus or lividus? I just did that to my ground orchids recently, they are easier to divide when you take out the whole plant and see the natural allignments of the plant rppts as a guidance to cut and divide the plant. MNGarden, Now that’s a recommendation if I ever heard one. The are easily pulled out but come back even more profusely. Great instructions and I whole heartedly agree one should not divide Hellebores while they are in the ground. The American hellebore book written by Tyler and Burrell seems to discuss only cold hardiness. I had no idea you could do this and do like the method. And, whereas I used to be a native or nothing snob I have now learned to embrace any non invasive plant that will grow for me. Nursery Happenings: I am currently accepting orders for snowdrops, including  mail orders. They are very good at producing seedlings, and the new plants look exactly like the parents unlike hybrid hellebores. Love the information. Ted also grows H.argutifolius which are a taller growing variety, best suited for the back of a border, with its head of lime green flowers. For photographs of the full range of their colors, please read my article, Hybrid hellebores are expensive relative to other perennials because it takes three to five years for them to bloom. Jan, Hybrid hellebores are late this year so maybe yours are still coming. I am a fan of dividing perennials – it is such a good way of creating lots more new, vigorous plants. Hellebores. Hellebores can be divided, allowing you to create new plants for free. You certainly made that issue of Horticulture a more valued one. I read web-sites which said that you should wait till after hellebores flower before dividing them. I did this 2 yrs ago…and last year, I had a lot of buds on both. Carolyn. Great post! This entry was posted on March 8, 2011 at 8:20 pm and is filed under hellebores, How to, Shade Perennials with tags dviding hybrid hellebores, Helleborus x hybridus, hybrid hellebores. They don’t need to be divided. Impressive article in Horticulture. I grow mine up in zone 6 in full sun and they are very big. I have divided up many of my originals as I have a large south facing garden that I want to be completely under planted with hellebores. To keep soils moist incorporate plenty of compost when planting and mulch well. I have just ordered more and have a mix of types…including argutifolius, foetidus ‘just because’ I wanted to;-) I love them…picking out a favorite is way to hard for me! Planting guide for Winter Roses (Hellebores) Making Your Hellebore Selection. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. It is the only hellebore that likes somewhat moist conditions. This is late because I have just found Carolyn’s site. In 1898, in, Snowdrops and Other Winter Interest Plants Seminar, March GBBD: The Philadelphia International Flower Show. This year there aren’t many at all, although there are a lot of seedlings surrounding one of the plants. Here are links to the other articles: Part Two       An Ode to Seed Strain Hellebores, Part Three   Christmas Rose: The Perfect Hellebore, Part Four      Dividing Hybrid Hellebores, Part Five       The Sex Lives of Hellebores. If you want to learn more about the fascinating world of hellebores, you’ll need these guides next: How to Propagate Hellebores; How to Divide and Transplant Hellebores I suppose I should divide it? Quality is too important to me, and the money for writing magazine articles, even features, just isn’t very good. Clearly blogging rather than writing for magazines is better for you – you have your own deadline and a readership that is growing by the day. Another special is a H. orientalis cultivar - with its white star shaped big bloom and a little green at the base of the petal. However, the most beautiful hybrid hellebore specimens in my garden are my large clumps that have never been divided. They will flower in almost full-sun, but prefer semi-shaded positions, particularly in summer. I ask because to rogue out seedlings from interior of the clump would be facilitated if roguing could be done at the time of cutting back flower stalks (as new growth emerges.) They do well in an open garden, but need mulching and like a more acidic soil. Firmly tamp down the soil, water well, and mulch with ground leaves. The best time to divide is in early spring before they flower. I often read in gardening books that you should cut off a portion of the plant while it’s still in the ground and wonder if the writer has ever tried that method. I have been growing hellebores for many, many years now. Reproduced below is my step-by-step guide to dividing a hybrid hellebore. Hybrid hellebores are expensive relative to other perennials because it takes three to five years for them to bloom. Remove dead flowers and leaves in spring, but otherwise do not prune. gil, Gail, ‘Ivory Prince’ is such a beautiful hellebore with its rose blushed ivory blooms and silvery foliage with red highlights. I think replanting is a breeze, I have found that when I replant or repot any plant that it is best to do it just before sundown, allowing time of course, do the same with house plants at night, and use your plant instincts, it’s never failed me. Water them well one or two days before you plan to divide them. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Visit our store in Monbulk, Victoria Open: 8:0am – 3:30pm Monday to Friday (excl. Dear Carolyn – A great article – are you dividing when the flowers have finished? I divide them when they bloom in the spring. Andrea, What an incredible compliment. They are invading mostly sunny areas. Holley, Now I think I should have been more restrained in my size estimate. Propagating Hellebores . Oh, my, you have me coveting some of those wonderful hybrids. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Today I was using a hatchet and rock hammer to divide some really large hellebore clumps. I always dig up hostas and daylilies too, If anything they are easier to divide than big hellebores. Betty Ranicar’ that I love. on dividing hybrid hellebores. They are among the most marvelous garden plants. It is very much like ornimental grasses, they are very hardy, to bad they don’t self seed, A neighbor who just bought his house … gave me a patch 6″x6″ of his plant. Carolyn. Great advice Carolyn. Helen, I hope you will try hellebores if they grow where you live in California. I don’t water them during summer either. Summer heat is not a problem as long as conditions are not too humid and they are in shade. Your enlightening article on Helleborus spp. A decade ago, Peter Leigh began creating his own Hellebores, and now he's one of Australia's foremost breeders. I am just beginning to get the hang of gardening here with clay soil and too much shade. Insert your spade in a circle all the way around the plant and pry it out of the ground as shown in the photos for steps 1 and 2. Make your cuts where you see natural divisions in the root system as shown in the photo for step 4, including some roots, woody rhizome, and flower stems in each division. Thanks for your wonderful advice! For your first experience with dividing a hellebore, select a plant with between five and ten flowers, older plants are too woody. However, there are many, many little seedlings that I may care for, first. I will look into adding them to my garden, but I fear I do not have conditions to meet their needs. Hellebores grow best in Southern Australia, in cool, elevated regions, from Sydney to Perth and further south. Hellebores. Hellebores can be grown permanently in pots and placed in a prominent position once they are in bloom. Water well, particularly during summer. Carolyn. Excellent article and gorgeous hybrid hellebores, Carolyn … the huge undivided drifts must be a stunning sight to behold. I love plants and, I really enjoy writing. My favorite part though is the underlying prompting to resist the urge, and let them be. The hybrids in my zone 5 garden came to me as seedlings from my mother’s zone 9 garden in central California, where they thrive. Jill, There is really nothing to divide because they produce a woody stalk from a central point. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Your replies to posts recommend that gardeners divide hellebores as they are coming into bloom, ideally before the flowers are all the way out. But what i appreciate more is your writing. It is easiest to dig the entire plant and shake or wash off the soil, so you can see where the buds are on the crown. Hope to c what will happen & will be surprised at the flower color ….planted each “node” approx 8″ apart and they covered a 3’x6′ area .keeping my fingers crossed for next year :)))), This is a great post…I learned so much from it. How wonderful it is to be writing what you love to do, gardening! I am so busy with my nursery right now that I don’t have time to answer all these questions. Orchids to you are what hellebores are to me so I know you can appreciate how much I love them. I am taking reservations for my March 18 & 19 Hellebore Seminars. Carolyn. Dividing is best accomplished by digging the whole plant, washing the crown free of soil in order to make it easier to see what you are doing, and then cutting between the growth buds with a sharp knife. I’ve tried with no luck on these. 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