To learn how to build this app, visit the Create a starter app tutorial. Active 4 years, 7 months ago. Wie ist es aber mit von ArcGIS verwalteten Daten, den Hosted Feature Layer? More information about Feature Layers can be found in the L.esri.FeatureLayer documentation. Types of spatial relationships that can be validated. Only the features that fall within this time extent will be displayed. You can create filters on hosted feature layers, hosted feature layer views, ArcGIS Server feature service layers, and related tables in ArcGIS Server map service layers; you cannot create filters on map notes or features imported from a file. Filters allow you to retrieve a subset of records that match an attribute or spatial query. The FeatureLayer achieves this by working directly with the Feature Service, which can return data based on the needs of the layer. . FeatureLayer Class Events. Server-side Filters: To access a subset of the data from the server without adding the feature layer to a map, you can set the definitionExpression (SQL expression) on a FeatureLayer object. Feature layers are most appropriate for visualizing data on top of your basemaps. After the graphics are created, they are added to a FeatureLayer. Add the following code to highlight features as the cursor moves. The sample includes two local feaure layers, one with an attribute filter and the other with a spatial filter. Creating a FeatureLayer with client … Only the features that meet the filter's expression criteria will be visible in the map. Interior — Points are entirely interior and have no boundary. The require function is used to load modules so they can be used in the main function. How can a complete geometry of a selected feature be returned in a FeatureLayer using Java Connector? Converts an instance of this class to its ArcGIS portal JSON representation. The filter will use that buffer to display features in the layer or layer view that adhere to the to the indicated spatial relationship. Only the features that meet the requirements specified in the filter will be displayed. Copyright © 2021 Esri. L.esri.Layer.FeatureLayer is used to visualize and query vector geographic data hosted in ArcGIS Feature Layers. When a feature layer is filtered, only the features that match the criteria will be displayed. L.esri.FeatureLayer also fires all L.esri.FeatureLayerService events.. In addition to the events … // setFeatureLayerFilter(; // Only return features for the feature layer, Display point, line, and polygon graphics. The article in the Related Information section below describes how to retrieve the coordinate list for a feature using the class. The spatial relationship is determined by whether the boundaries or interiors of a geometry intersect. Add the layer to the map. Members Collapse All Expand All Language Filter: All Language Filter: Multiple Language Filter: Visual Basic Language Filter: C# Language Filter: Visual Basic (Declaration) C# Visual Basic (Declaration) ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping Namespace: FeatureLayer Class: Represents layer with a collection of features and their visual representation and editing (when permitted). If you want to show the "excluded" features for reference, you can set the effect property on the FeatureLayerView. Creates a new instance of this class and initializes it with values from a JSON object generated from a product in the ArcGIS platform. The spatial relationship as specified by spatialRelationship will indicate how the geometry should be used to filter features. As long as a filter is set on a single feature layer, the filter displays the expected results. Client-side Filters: To access a subset of data on the client, you have to add the feature layer to a map first, and then set the filter property on a FeatureLayerView object. Another form of filtering is to use the hitTest method on the view to find features at a given screen location. 4,873 6 6 gold badges 34 34 silver badges 40 40 bronze badges. Any legal SQL92 where clause operating on the fields in the layer is allowed. | Privacy | Terms of use | FAQ, "", // Return all fields so it can be queried client-side, "The trail elevation gain is {ELEV_GAIN} ft.", "width: 275px; font-family: Avenir Next W00; font-size: 1em;". Open the JavaScript Starter App on CodePen. FeatureLayer Constructor(FeatureLayer,Filter,Buffer) See Also Collapse All Expand All Language Filter: All Language Filter: Multiple Language Filter: Visual Basic (Declaration) Language Filter: Visual Basic (Usage) Language Filter: C#: ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.IMS.Carto.Layer Namespace > FeatureLayer Class > … Esri Developer Summit 2020 - Technical Workshop. To learn how to access and display data using a query, visit the Query a feature layer tutorial. Update the filter with the code below to show the excluded features with 50% opacity. Click on features to show the pop-up information. Opposite of intersects. After the graphics are created, they are added to a FeatureLayer. 1. For spatial filters, this parameter defines the spatial relationship to filter features in the layer view against the filter geometry. In CodePen, click Fork and save the pen as ArcGIS JavaScript Tutorials: Filter a feature layer. You can rate examples to help us improve the quality of examples. The spatial relationships discover how features are spatially related to each other. In this section, you will learn how to select and highlight a sub-set of a feature service’s data. Boundary — The endpoints of all linear parts for line features, or the linear outline of a polygon. In the example below: From the initial zoom, if 'fatal' is chosen as a severity level, I expect five features in England and two Scotland. Overhauling FeatureLayer with a similar implementation as VectorTileLayer allows us to provide the … In this session you will learn how to create, display, and edit data using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript's FeatureLayer. The boundaries of the geometries intersect, but not their interiors. The tutorial will build off the WPF application you createdin the previous tutorial. The name of the class. Syntax. Define a list of SQL expressions and use the list to generate a Select HTML element with an option for each expression. Copyright © 2021 Esri. Run the code and test out the select element and the different query options.NOTE: No filter has been applied so all of the data will be displayed. A where clause for the feature filter. The graphics are created from GeoJSON earthquake data requested from the USGS. For example, you may want to know if a polygon representing a county completely contains points representing settlements. After the view and FeatureLayerView are ready, use hitTest to find and highlight features the cursor is over. This ensures the best user experience when switching or updating fields for attribute filters. The crosses spatial relationship returns features in the layer view when the interior of a filter geometry comes into contact with the interior or boundary of features in the layer view. Supported Platforms. L.esri.Layers.FeatureLayer. This class defines parameters for setting a client-side filter on a layer view.Once a FeatureFilter object's properties are defined, it can be used to set the filter property of the layer view.. You can set filters by attributes, time, geometry and geometry with distance.Only the features that meet the requirements specified in the filter will be displayed. The envelope-intersects spatial relationship returns features in the layer view that intersect the envelope (or extent) of the filter geometry. Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Only the features that meet the expression criteria will be visible in the map. Dim myFeatureLayer As ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.FeatureLayer = TryCast(sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.FeatureLayer) ' Loop through all of the Graphics in the FeatureLayer and UnSelect them. Filters only affect feature visibility. Specifies a search distance from a given geometry in a spatial filter. The highlightOptions property can be used to change the color used to highlight the feature. This type of filtering allows you to apply both SQL expressions and spatial relationship operators, and is often faster than a server-side filter. In this tutorial, you will apply server-side and client-side SQL filters to the Trails feature layer. Applications can perform server-side or client-side SQL and spatial filters to access and display data from feature layers. Create filters. These layers are hosted as a part of Feature Services on either ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Server. Describes the layer's supported capabilities. The filter of SceneLayerView with 3D object scene layers only supports the spatial relationships contains, intersects and disjoint. A collection of features and their visual representation. The geometry to apply to the spatial filter. The within spatial relationship returns features in the layer view that completely contain the filter geometry. In contrast, FeatureLayer has a wealth of dynamic capabilities, including editing, querying/filtering, and support for on-the-fly rendering and projecting. One of the key differences between server-side and client-side filtering is that client-side filtering is only possible after the feature layer is added to a map and the attributes are present. Product Availability. The graphics are created from GeoJSON earthquake data requested from the USGS. But when the filter is set on multiple feature layers, I experience multiple issues. You will learn: how to build an app to use client-side and server-side SQL and spatial expressions to limit data displayed. hitTest returns features for all visible layers, so it is necessary to filter the results for the layer of interest. See the Using fromJSON() guide topic for more information. All rights reserved. The disjoint spatial relationship returns features in the layer view that do not intersect the filter geometry in anyway. You can apply a server-side filter to limit the features returned from a feature layer by setting the definitionExpression. Your app should look something like this. Run the code and select the different query options to filter the features in the layer. ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.IMS: Send comments on this topic. Start with the same code you used in the previous tutorial. Feature Layers are provided by Feature Services which can contain multupile layers. The contains spatial relationship returns features in the layer view that are completely contained by the filter geometry. A feature layer is a grouping of similar geographic features, for example, buildings, parcels, cities, roads, and earthquake epicenters. Configuring a query to filter features on a L.esri.FeatureLayer . The filter can be both a SQL and a spatial expression. You can set filters by attributes, time, geometry and geometry with distance. Properties:Example:// Once the layer loads, check if the// supportsAdd operations is enabled on the layerfeatureLayer.when(function(){ if (featureLayer.capabilities.operations.supportsAdd) { // if new features can be created in the layer // set … The unit for calculating the buffer distance when distance is specified in a spatial filter. Only lines and polygons have boundaries. You can apply a client-side filter by filtering the FeatureLayerView after the features have been loaded and the FeatureLayerView is ready. Creating a FeatureLayer with client … They do not return geometry or attribute information associated with the filtered features. use esri ... javascript gis esri esri-maps. Public Events Name Description; PropertyChanged: Occurs when a property value changes. For lines and polygons, the interior is any part of the geometry that is not part of the boundary. C# (CSharp) ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto FeatureLayer - 3 examples found. The ArcGIS API for JavaScript uses AMD modules. Comment out the setFeatureLayerFilter function and call the setFeatureLayerViewFilter function passing it in the selected sql expression. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 9 months ago. The geometry to apply to the spatial filter. The object passed into the input json parameter often comes from a response to a query operation in the REST API or a toJSON() method from another ArcGIS product. Bei der Erstellung einer Feature-Layer-Sicht entsteht ein neuer Feature-Layer. Creates a new instance of this class and initializes it with values from a JSON object generated from a product in the ArcGIS platform. query the group of tracts from the layer using esri query task and store the geometry in an array. I need to create a simple webpage where I can see the result of filters in arc online into it instead of creating the filter each day. The queryFeatures method must be called to access additional information. ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Carto > ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto > Classes > F > FeatureLayer Class: ArcGIS Developer Help: FeatureLayerClass Class. Using the in the last and not in the last operators, you can also apply a dynamic date filter to a hosted feature layer to show events that occurred relative to the current day—for example, all features that were edited in the last five days—without having to manually update the filter each day. In essence, setting this property creates a buffer at the specified size around the input geometry. For spatial filters, this parameter defines the spatial relationship to filter features in the layer view against the filter geometry. Properties:Example:// Once the layer loads, check if the// supportsAdd operations is enabled on the layerfeatureLayer.when(function(){ if (featureLayer.capabilities.operations.supportsAdd) { // if new features can be created in the layer // set … Viewed 970 times 3. The intersects spatial relationship returns features in the layer view that intersect the filter geometry. NOTE: Highlighting features does not add new graphics to the map, it simply highlights the feature as part of the FeatureLayerView. Das bedeutet, wenn die Daten im Feature-Layer aktualisiert werden, wird die Sicht ebenfalls aktualisiert. Indicates the layer's supported capabilities. See the properties for a list of all the properties that may be passed into the constructor. The Filter widget allows you to limit the visibility of features in a layer. Is there a way to set a geometry filter on a esri.layers.FeatureLayer? A FeatureLayer is a single layer that can be created from a Map Service or Feature Service; ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS for Portal items; or from an array of client-side graphics.It is composed of discrete features, each of which has a Geometry that allows it to be rendered in either a 2D MapView or 3D SceneView as a graphic with spatial context. The above code will load the entire data set and display all of its features on the map. 24 comments Closed Support ... You won't always be able to retrieve all data and it doesn't make sense to say esri-leaflet feature layers support time filtering but don't use time as exposed through the AGS REST API. Accordingly, other out-of-the-box widgets, if applicable, will respond to the change it makes in the layer. In CodePen, click Fork and save the pen as ArcGIS API for JavaScript Tutorials: Filter a feature layer. This sample shows how to create a Feature Layer from client side graphics. This property requires a filter and an excludedEffect, which will be used to style and draw the excluded features. Die entstandene Sicht zeigt auf die Daten des originalen Feature-Layer. See the ArcGIS REST API documentation for examples of the structure of various input JSON objects. The units property indicates the unit of measurement. Converts an instance of this class to its ArcGIS portal JSON representation. In other words, the filter geometry is completely within the features in the layer view. Specifies a search distance from a given geometry in a spatial filter. Be sure to have the correct sequence of single and double quotes when writing the where clause in JavaScript. If a Filter is set on a Feature Layer, ArcIMS Java Connector normally sends a GET_FEATURES request. answered May 12 '17 at 13:09. The touches spatial relationship returns features in the layer view that touch the filter geometry. See the, // display features that are completely within state, // Get a query object from the filter's current configuration, // set a geometry for querying features by the view's extent, // query the layer with the modified params object, // prints the array of result graphics to the console, A new instance of a FeatureFilter object equal to the object used to call. Für Daten in der Enterprise Geodatabase kennen wir die Benutzerverwaltung, um die Daten sicher vor ungewollten Zugriffen zu schützen und um festzulegen, welche Personengruppe nur lesenden und welche auch schreibenden Zugriff auf die Daten erhalten. (Inherited from … Is that possible? Explore the capabilities of the feature layer that directly connects to your data. Add the element to the top-right of the view. Add an event handler to the selectFilter element to get the selected sql expression and call the setFeatureLayerFilter function. Client-side filters execute very quickly. As the sample shows, an attribute filter is specified by defining a query in the local layer's Where property. Configure the Filter widget This widget can be set to open automatically when an app starts. capabilitiesObjectreadonly 1. Vikash Pandey. The Date field to be used for timeExtent should be added to outFields list when the layer is initialized. The sample includes to feature layers, one with an attribute filter and the other with a spatial filter. The source data for a feature layer can be hosted onArcGIS OnlineorArcGIS Enterpriseor it can be created from an array on the client. This class defines parameters for setting a client-side filter on a layer view. Once a FeatureFilter object's properties are defined, it can be used to set the filter property of the layer view. For i As Integer = 0 To myFeatureLayer.SelectionCount - 1 myFeatureLayer.SelectedGraphics.ToList()(i).UnSelect() Next i ' Select the Graphic from the e object … Click the options below to apply filters. Create a function that gets a FeatureLayerView and applies a filter with the SQL expression when the layer is ready. Object Model. This sample shows how to create a Feature Layer from client side graphics. For apps where users can interactively change fields used for attribute filter, we suggest you include all possible fields in the outFields of the layer. ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping Namespace: FeatureLayer Class: For a list of all members of this type, see FeatureLayer members. Answer. Creates query parameters that can be used to fetch features that satisfy the layer's current filters and definitions. Create a feature layer for the trails and add it to the map. Collapse All Expand All Members Options: Show All Members Options: Filtered. At the end of the code in the main function, create a FeatureLayer and set the url to access the Trails (Styled) feature layer, the outputFields to return all fields and values, and the popupTemplate to show the trail name and the elevation gain value in the popup content. In the require statement, add a reference to the FeatureLayer module. These are the top rated real world C# (CSharp) examples of ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.FeatureLayer extracted from open source projects. Run the code and select the different query options to filter the layer features. An array of objectIds of the features to be filtered. In der Sicht lassen sich andere Eigenschaften (Freigabe, Bearbeitung, Symbolisierung, Filter, etc.) Creates a deep clone of FeatureFilter object. Overview. The possible values for this parameter are described below and the images highlight the geometries returned for the specified spatial relationship for given geometries. capabilities Objectreadonly 1. Mesh geometry types are currently not supported. | Privacy | Terms of use | FAQ, "esri/views/layers/support/FeatureFilter", // display rain gauges where their water percent is over 30%, // and if the gauges are completely contained by the 10-mile, Any properties can be set, retrieved or listened to. The overlaps spatial relationship returns features in the layer view that overlap the filter geometry. Hi there, I was wondering if you could provide me with an example showing how you'd filter a feature layer. Create a function that sets the definitionExpression for a feature layer. Indicates the layer's supported capabilities.Example:// Once the layer loads, check if the// supportsAdd operations is enabled on the layerfeatureLayer.then(function(){ if (featureLayer.capabilities.operations.supportsAdd) { // if new features can be created in the layer // set … Filtering a FeatureLayer Online Filters allow you to retrieve a subset of records from a map service layer or spatial data service table that match an attribute or spatial query. ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.MobileServices.FeatureLayer Requirements Target Platforms: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family Include Inherited Members Include Protected Members. Follow below steps to achieve this- don't add feature layer on the map Create an empty map with basemap and add a graphics layer on it. In other words, the geometries share some interior area, but not all interior area. This sample demonstrates applying filters to a local feature layer. Suppose I want to limit the extent of a feature layer to a geometry (say a circle). For example I'm trying to filter the parks layer by PROPERTYID in the attribute table but I'm an absolute javascript noob. The declared class name is formatted as esri.folder.className. See the Using fromJSON() topic in the Guide for details and examples of when and how to use this function. It is opposite of contains. I am aware of setDefinitionExpression but that is limited to a attribute filter. In the MapViewModel.cs, the class initializer method will simply call a single method, InitializeMap(). Suppose you want to … A JSON representation of the instance in the ArcGIS format. It's important to keep the module references and function parameters in the same order. A range of time with start and end date. The query object representing the layer's filters and other definitions. If units is not specified, the unit is derived from the filter geometry's spatial reference. This ensures the best user experience when switching or updating fields for time filters. The unit for calculating the buffer distance when distance is specified in a spatial filter. Features can be points, lines, or polygons (areas). Only features of the same geometry can be compared. The InitializeMap()method will populate the map and set the initial viewpoint. All rights reserved. Possible Values:"feet"|"miles"|"nautical-miles"|"us-nautical-miles"|"meters"|"kilometers".

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