Shotwell, O.L., Kwolek, W. F., Goulden, M.L.. Jackson , L.K. Data include in illustrations and tables should not be extensively discussed in the text, but significant findings should be noted. 3. Plan for maximum reduction wherever possible, figures will be reduced to fit one journal column (69 mm). Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Technology (JASFT) (ISSN: 2465-7522) is an international peer-reviewed open access journal dedicated to publish high quality research articles in the field of agricultural sciences and Food Science and technology. On the other hand, the abstract must be completely self-explanatory and intelligible in itself. The SI system is adopted as standard. 2. With three or more authors, use et al. ... Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology, Burjassot, Spain. Introduction. Author Rights And Obligations; Frequently, this causes the results section to be combined with discussion section. This section is sometimes combined with the discussion. The findings of others that will be challenged or developed. The overall aim of the journal is to promote the professional development of its readers, researchers and scientists around the world.Indian Journal of Agricultural Research These channels are important for sustainable and effective decision making in agriculture, food and the environment which in turn contribute to productivity, competitiveness and sustainable development. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (JAST) is an international research journal published bimonthly for the purpose of advancing the scientific studies. Ten lines require about 25 mm of column space. The reference section lists the literature cited in the paper. Plant agriculture (8694) Animal agriculture (1981) Aquaculture (17) Agricultural chemistry. When in doubt, the author should consult a reference librarian for the correct bibliographic citation of difficult material. For example, do not write " two rates of P " but write " rates of 40 and 80 kg of P ha, The article should begin by clearly identifying its subject. The cover image depicts Professor David Reid, Editor in Chief (1998-2013), for the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. International Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Technology is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing agricultural and food research. A person reading the abstract should be able to tell quickly the value of the report and whether to read it further. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology is owned by Tarbiat Modares University, Iran, and is managed and published by YektaPub Co. All Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology Editorial Board members and the Editor-in-Chief submitted articles are gone under the same reviewing process as the other authors gone. 5. The role of technology in agriculture. Run-in headings are typed in the normal paragraph position and understand for printing in italics. Serv., 1984). Two or more articles by the same author(s) are listed chronologically; two or more in the same year are indicated by the letters a, b, c, etc. Methods should be cited by a reference(s) if possible. 7. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A and Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B, the monthly professional academic journals, particularly emphasizes new research results in realm of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and veterinary, fisheries, agricultural engineering, food science, agricultural economy and so on. Tables, graphs and other illustrations in the results section should provide a clear understanding of representative data obtained from the experiments. North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota, United States. This section may include tables and figures. 3. Secondary center headings and side headings are typed in capital and lower case letters. The Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics is a peer reviewed journal that publishes papers and short communications dealing with research in the Tropics and Subtropics in the fields of plant production, animal nutrition and animal husbandry, soil science, agricultural economy and farm management, forestry and forest economy, veterinary hygiene and … Archives of Agriculture Research and Technology (AART) Archives of Agriculture Research and Technology (AART) is scientific, open access and peer reviewed journal that publish papers concerned with advance of Agriculture and use of land resources throughout the world. First mention of tables in text must be in sequential order; indicate first mention of each table in margin of manuscript. Speculation is encouraged, but should be reasonable, firmly founded in observation and subject to tests. Jackson, 1997, personal communication). Exceptions, lack of correlation and definition of unsettled points, gap areas needing further investigation. These 20 pages should also cover the graphs and tables presented. (9). The recognition published in Director Decree No. Read More. If specific pages in book (not entire chapters) are cited, mention them in the text: Weisman (1983. p.75). All letters, numbers and symbols thus must be large enough in original to be at least 1.5 mm high after reduction. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology accepts No advertisements in the site or even as a report article. The "Oil and Gas Journal" is a very good resource for valuable information about Oil Refining and Production. Editorial Policies|  Editorial Board Members  |  Support Team  |  Partners  |  Social Media  |  Contact Us, Journal of Agriculture and Technology Management © 2018 - Cebu Technological University, Site developed and maintained by: Systemscore Integration Company, Vol 22 No 1 (2019): Journal of Agriculture and Technology Management (JATM) Volume 22 January-June 2019 Issue, Dennis L Capuyan, Reylan Capuno, Janneka Fae C. Capuno, Angelito L Marsan, Alita Labiaga, Lucila L. Garbo, Ricardo S Garbo, Christeodoflor Ramos. The Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology (JAGST) is a peer-refereed journal published by Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology since 1997. Contributions must be original and must not have been submitted for publication elsewhere. When only a few determinations are presented, they should be treated descriptively in the text. The subjects covered by JAST include all aspects of agriculture and natural resources (see Areas Covered). Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology follows the, Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing, The content of Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology is under the, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License, Process for identification of and dealing with allegations of research misconduct, Publisher and editors of Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology are reasonable to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred, including plagiarism, citation manipulation, and data falsification/fabrication, among others. IJSAMI establishes an international state-of-the-art knowledge platform bringing together agricultural management functions and informatics modules to establish effective communication channels. Titles should never contain abbreviations, chemical formulas, or proprietary names; and authors should avoid using unusual or outdated terminology. In many cases, more people will read the abstract than will read the entire report. It is necessary for the corresponding author to provide institutional affiliation and e-mail address. Discussion. A person usually decides to read an article based on its title. The purpose of the review is to assure readers that the papers have been found acceptable by competent and independent professionals. It should not inclue bibliographic, figure, or table references. A running title of 50 character and /or spaces should be provided. Figures are photographically reproduced, nearly always at a reduced size from the material provided by the authors. In the cases that a reviewer suspects undisclosed conflict of interest in a submitted manuscript or a reader suspects undisclosed conflict of interest in a published article (all authors are filling the, ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest. A brief statement of the problem that justifies the work, or the hypothesis on which it is based. Any plants, animals, other organisms and soils not mentioned in the abstract should be identified accurately by genus, species, cultivar, soil classification and special characteristics. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Journal of Agriculture and Horticulture Research aims to bring both small-scale and vast scale cultivation development which provides an Open Access stage to the scientists who focus around the research that supports Agriculture and horticulture knowledge, abilities, innovations, training, education, and commerce. These conclusions should be carefully worded so the readers can identify and understand them. ACS Agricultural Science & Technology is now open for submissions. Use [] to indicate the number of formulas. The journal is committed to encouraging an inclusive culture of scientific discussion and rapid information sharing among researchers worldwide. An explanation of the general approaches and objectives. Equations, formulas, obscure abbreviations and acronyms are also inappropriate. The Journal welcomes submissions across fundamental and applied research in agricultural sciences. The journal is interested in papers that demonstrate the interactions of agricultural science and technology with approaches and implications in the application and management of these technologies and systems. Instead, concentrate on the subject and findings of the research. The Papers are published in English with an extra abstract in Persian. of Agricultural Sciences and supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic. Menu. No detailed comments (for example contribution percentage of the authors) will be added when publishing the article. All submitted articles are evaluated at the submission to meet the, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology is under the scientific control of, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology is under the scientific supervision of the. Find out more about the editorial board for Journal of Agriculture and Food Research. CARDABA) PEEL, DEVELOPMENT AND PERFORMANCE OF MICROCONTROLLER-BASED LAPTOP COOLER, APPLIED LINGUISTICS STUDENTS’ CLASSROOM TEACHING EXPERIENCES: CHALLENGES AND REWARDS, FORMULATION OPTIMIZATION OF MINT-FLAVORED HERBAL TEA MADE FROM SAMBOG (BLUMEA BALASIMAFERA L.), PANDAN (PANDANUS AMARYLLIFOLIUS L.), AND AVOCADO (PERSEA AMERICANA L.) LEAVES USING RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY. The reader should be told how the results provide a solution to the problem stated in the introduction or given as the objective of the work. Journal of Applied Agricultural Science and Technology is cited at Scopus database with name search … and Hesseltine, C. W. 1991. The title must interest these readers. It provides a platform for researchers, scientists, educators, practitioners, decision-makers, and policy-makers to discuss and exchange knowledge on the aforementioned themes. The meaning and order of words in a title are also important. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology is one of the TMU Press journals that is published by the responsibility of its Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board in the determined scopes. Periodical titles should be abbreviated as given in Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index (Chem. The Journal of Agricultural Science publishes papers concerned with the advance of agriculture and the use of land resources throughout the world. Carboxymethyl Cellulose Based Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Hull Polysaccharides Composite Coating Maintains the Quality of Cherry Tomatoes, Some Technological And Probiotic Traits of the Yeast Strains Isolated From Mihalic Cheese of Turkey, Seda Karasu-Yalcin, Sule Senses Ergul, Z. Yesim Ozbas, APPLICATION OF AMMI MODEL FOR EVOLUTION DURUM WHEAT GENOTYPES IN MULTI-ENVIRONMENT TRIALS, If you have forgotten your password or username, please use the, In tha cases of facing with any technical faults or needing help to continue the journal processes, use the. Specific rather than general statements must be used, especially in the methods and results sections of the abstract. If the manuscript is typed with pica (10-pitch face) or some other size and another length of line, the proportions will vary accordingly. The cover image depicts Professor David Reid, Editor in Chief (1998-2013), for the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. Copyright © 2017 Tarbiat Modares University . Principles, relationships and generalizations that can be supported by the results. Severina P. Velos, Marivel B. The Journal of Agriculture and Technology Management (JATM), formerly the Tropical Technology Journal, is the official CHED-accredited refereed journal of Cebu Technological University indexed in the ASEAN Citation Index (ACI). This part may indicate the means by which the question was examined, especially if the methods are new. Table headings must be typed along with the table and do not require a separate page. Shotwell, O. L. and Zwieg, D. W. 1994. Current Agriculture Research Journal is an open access, international, scholarly peer-reviewed research journal which publishes original research after double-blind peer review. Quick Links. Practical as well as theoretical implications. Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST): Engineering is the application of mathematics, empirical evidence and scientific, economic, social and practical awareness inorder to invent, design, build, maintain, research and improve the structures, machines and processes. Highly specific, narrow titles with words understandable only to specialists will be passed over. The abstract should not exceed 250 words for full-length papers and 100 words for notes, and is not divided into paragraphs. Make sure that your manuscript be not more than 20 pages of A4 size, one column , double spaced lines (font12), roughly equal to 4500-5000 words. The Journal of Agriculture and Technology Management (JATM), the official and CHED-accredited and ASEAN-indexed refereed journal of Cebu Technological University, Cebu, Philippines, is now accepting submission of research papers for the 2021 issue. 3. This footnote lists author(s) and complete address (es). International Journal of Agricultural Technology (IJAT) is an open access journal and peer-review published by the Association of Agricultural Technology in Southeast Asia (AATSEA). Readers should be able to obtain cited references by presenting the list to a librarian. Publications without consecutive pagination (i.e. Manuscripts submitted to JAST are critically reviewed before they are published. Only discussion that illuminates significant areas should be presented. . It is recommended that titles not exceed 12 words, except in unusual circumstances. Where results differ from previous results for unexplained reasons, possible explanations should not be laboured. The title of the reference, its author, and other information should exactly match that shown on the original document. Besides being descriptive, titles should be short. For full-length journal papers, the main text headings, such as materials and methods, are typed in capitals in the center of the line. The title must be useful in itself as a label. Indent each paragraph five spaces. Tel: + 603 9769 1622 Email: QUICKLINKS Publisher - UPM Press Deputy Vice Chancellor (R&I) Sultan Abdul Samad Library UPM UPM Homepage The second type of error occurs when authors either (i) do not include a reference cited in the manuscript or have omitted a reference from the text and have left it in the reference list, or (ii) the names and dates in the reference list do not agree with those in the text. JAAST has been ACCREDITED by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RistekDikti) of The Republic of Indonesia as an achievement for the peer-reviewed journal. The discussion section interprets data presented in the results section, giving particular attention to the problem, or hypothesis, presented in the introduction. Use standard symbols starting with : l, , n, o, p, r. Page author proofs will be sent to authors for checking before publication. each issue within the volume begins with page 1) should include the issue number: 11 (2):5-10. ... Agriculture & Technology & International Journal of Researches in Social Science & Information Studies . Abstract should be informative. Also Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology is included at EBSCO. Arrange the list alphabetically by the surnames of authors. Sometimes a conclusion section is included in the paper, which may be combined with the discussion section. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture encourages data sharing wherever possible, unless this is prevented by ethical, privacy or confidentiality matters. Introductions should be short and include: 1. SESQUIPEDALIS) AND ITS EFFECT ON PLANT’S HEIGHT, SCHOOL-LEVEL FACTORS AFFECTING MATHEMATICS PERFORMANCE IN A DEVELOPING COUNTRY: A CASE STUDY IN A PHILIPPINES STATE UNIVERSITY, PATH ANALYSIS APPROACH ON FACTORS AFFECTING GRADE REPETITION, CHARACTERIZATION OF THE SHIP’S BALLAST WATER AND ITS ATTRIBUTE TO THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT IN THE PORTS OF ANCHORAGE, PROCESS FACTORS AFFECTING EXTRACTION OF PECTIN FROM UNRIPE BANANA (MUSA ACUMINATA × BALBISIANA VAR. Thu, 01/14/2021 - 12:30pm lisa. It obtained its accreditation status in 2015 (from its former journal name). The discussion section, if not combined with the results section, should not recapitulate results, but should discuss their meaning. If the lines contain more than 60 number or letters, the table will be two columns wide. Shotwell, O.L., hesseltine, C. W. and goulden, M. L. 1993. The International Journal of Agricultural Science is an open access journal. Figure captions must be typed together on a separate page. JAST will publish manuscripts which are based on experimental and survey data and theoretical analyses, provided that acceptable results are obtained. Give details of unusual experimental designs or statistical methods. It publishes results of original research or continuations of previous studies that are reproducible. But they have a biased pro fossil fuels point of view. A reader is given orientation to the research being reported by brief reference to previous concepts and research. Special Issues. Technology is the collection of techniques, methods or processes used in the production of goods or … In this section, the author(s) may wish to thank some research institutions, companies, or governmental bodies or people who have contributed or financially supported the research from which the manuscript is derived. Launching in 2021, ACS Agricultural Science & Technology will publish cutting edge original research in all areas of the agricultural sciences, technology, and engineering. Aim of the Journal Production Agriculture and Technology is a journal which is published biannually (June and December) by the Faculty of Agriculture, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Lafia Campus. Do not capitalize the title of the article except proper names and the first letter of the words of the title. 5. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for academicians, researchers and practitioners all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in all areas of Agricultural Science. Conclusions, with summary of evidence for each one. Agricultural Research & Technology: Open Access Journal. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture encourages data sharing wherever possible, unless this is prevented by ethical, privacy or confidentiality matters. For non-English speaking authors it is highly recommended to put their manuscripts for English language editing before submission. Space required for tables can be estimated from the number of lines of headings, subheadings and numbers in the table. Entries with the same senior author (e. g. Shotwell below) should be organized by alphabetizing surnames of succeeding co-authors and then by year, when the name repeated exactly (see entries 3 and 4 below). Space required for figures can be estimated from the size of the original and the amount of reduction (usually 40 to 60 %) that will be made in preparing negatives of Photostats for printing. Journal of Agriculture and Food Technology (JAFT) is a peer reviewed, open access international scientific journal dedicated for rapid publication of high quality original research articles as well as review articles in the all areas of Agriculture and Food Technology. Many readers peruse the titles in a table of contents to decide whether or not to turn to a given abstract. Use of subheadings can help divide papers for guiding readers, but excessive use is distracting. Abstract should be informative. Its fundamental aim is to publish and disseminate scientific and technological information of practical relevance to those involved with the development of tropical Agriculture. : Ahmad et al. References to literature should be limited to information that is essential to the reader's orientation. The IJAR, the flagship print journal of ARCC, it is a bi-monthly journal published without any break since 1966. The abstract should be a suitable literary adjunct to the printed paper. Use " Fig. " Include the source of data and the date (e.g. But technology has left a significant footprint in every industry, and the agricultural sector is no exception. The manuscript should be submitted to JAST through the Submit Paper system. First mention of figures in text must be in sequent ional order; indicate first mention of each figure in margin of text. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology | Citations: 573 | Read 1100 articles with impact on ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists. Manuscripts prepared for JAST should be arranged in the following order: 2. Chemical rather than trade names are preferred. A common fault of discussion section is a tendency towards too much contemplation of nonessentials. The Normal manuscript length is 10 pages, for every additional page 5 USD/page. References to literature should be limited to information that is essential to the reader, Download the ‘Author Information Pack’ PDF. Line drawings must be drawn using intense black on white: photographs must be of good contrast and in sharp focus throughout. Authors are encouraged to cite only published, significant and up-to-date references in their papers. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology Advances in Agronomy International Journal of Plant Production Hortscience Crop Science PLoS One Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Biological Agriculture & Horticulture Euphytica The main objective of IJAITG is to highlight agricultural innovation and technology discovery. A list of three to five keywords from the manuscript must be supplied. If a crop or microorganism has no common name, then the scientific name (genus and species) is used. Author and paper documentation at bottom of the same page. This is a list of possibly predatory journals.The kernel for this list was extracted from the archive of Beall’s list at will be updated as new information or suggested edits are submitted or found by the maintainers of this site. Volume17, Number1, January 2021: Indexed In © Copyright © by Association of Agricultural Technology in Southeast Asia (AATSEA) A necessary footnote in the text may be a government disclaimer in reference to a named commercial product or a mentioned trade name. Dr. Zhao Jin. Search. This is a list of possibly predatory journals.The kernel for this list was extracted from the archive of Beall’s list at will be updated as new information or suggested edits are submitted or found by the maintainers of this site. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology (TURJAF) aims to publish original and cutting-edge research results and reviews on Agriculture related aspects of life sciences. The Journal of Agriculture and Technology Management (JATM), formerly the Tropical Technology Journal, is the official refereed international journal of the Cebu Technological University. Abstracts, theses or dissertations, and secondary material should be carefully examined by authors before including them in the reference section as many of these are later published in sources that are more easily obtained by readers. A title containing fewer than five words probably should be expanded. Journal of Agriculture and Food Technology (JAFT) is a peer reviewed, open access international scientific journal dedicated for rapid publication of high quality original research articles as well as review articles in the all areas of Agricultureand Food Technology. Each reference to a periodical publication must include, in order, the name(s) of author(s) year of publication, full title of the article, publication in which it appears volume and inclusive page numbers. Keep subheadings short. Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Technology(JASFT)(ISSN: 2465-7522)is an international peer-reviewed open access journal dedicated to publish high quality research articles in the field of agricultural sciences and Food Science and technology. Give sufficient procedural details so that a competent scientist can repeat the experiments an aim to high-quality! Topic investigated and special techniques used are widely familiar, write only names! Fossil fuels point of view work ( s ) if possible, authors cite. And physical properties of the reagents should be noted cited in the text together Agricultural management functions and informatics to. And international levels headings are typed in capital and lower case letters, L.K explanation how! Paper is completed and should be limited to those involved with the discussion section, if not combined journal of agriculture and technology! 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