Four years later he was admitted a solicitor, and in course of time he acquired an extensive practice, but his taste and inclination ultimately led him to devote almost the whole of his time to literary research, and especially the elucidation of the history of the university of Cambridge. But apparently it soon became desirable and perhaps necessary to specialize the work of teaching by setting apart for that duty one presbyter who should withdraw from secular occupation and devote his whole time to the work of the ministry. Franklin as a scientist 5 and as an inventor has been decried by experts as an amateur and a dabbler; but it should be remembered that it was always his hope to retire from public life and devote himself to science. Entering the diplomatic service at an early age, he was appointed successively to the legations of Madrid, Vienna, Berlin and Versailles, but in 1871 returned to Italy, to devote himself to political and social studies. 3. Check out these complete sentences. He will therefore devote all his care to examine and distinguish these three means of knowledge; and seeing that truth and error can, properly speaking, be only in the intellect, and that the two other modes of knowledge are only occasions, he will carefully avoid whatever can lead him astray." In Hebrew the root h-r-m means to " set apart," " devote to Yahweh," for destruction; but in Arabic it means simply to separate or seclude (cf. "To" Talk to me! To run an in-home business, you need to be prepared to devote not only your time but plenty of love. They seek the flexibility of an online curriculum, but they may not have the financial resources to devote to such a program. He likes to swim. Devote two full pages so the children have enough room for all their friends and teachers to sign. If you have limited time to devote to a workout, adding pushups to your routine can help you add focus to your exercise program. You have gotten to the end, and you do know what’s happening. Freelancing can be trickier than taking a full-time position, but it is perfect if you're not able to devote a ton of time to the business. In 1831 Offutt made him clerk of his country store at New Salem, a small and unsuccessful settlement in Menard county; this gave him moments of leisure to devote to self-education. Learn more. Employ parallelism. This semester we will devote our attention to studying the abiological processes of certain non-living organisms. Another great reason to try your hand at Speedo is because they devote an entire section of their website to specifically detailing the different brands they offer, as well as the various materials those brands employ. I'm able to ski. 4. The impulse towards natural science which he had received from Van den Ende would be strengthened by the reading of Descartes; he gave over divinity, we are told, to devote himself entirely to these new studies. He not only lost his reputation but also brought a bad name to his family.. 5. He then spent a year in the study of feudal and civil law before he resolved to devote himself to theology. to give all of something, especially your time, effort, or love, or yourself, to something you believe in or to a person: He left the Senate to devote more time to his family. Silly sentences are sentences that make grammatical sense but describe something silly or made-up, like "The yellow cow talked about underground stars." Interpreting his father 's death as divine providence, the young Salieri resolved to devote his life to glorying God through his music. 2. If I were in her place, I wouldn't give up yet. 102+4 sentence examples: 1. Resolving to devote himself and his means wholly to the advancement of Christianity, his first proposal for that end, made in 1796, was to organize a vast mission to Bengal, of which he was, to provide the entire expense; with this view the greater part of his estate was sold, but the East India Company refused to sanction the scheme, which therefore had to be abandoned. She has devoted all her energies / life to the care of homeless people. At YourDictionary we try to give you all of the tools you need to really understand what the word means. Not intending originally to devote himself to physical science, he first took up the study of law and philology at Göttingen, and the general culture he thus gained stood him in good stead when he turned to chemistry, the study of which he began under Liebig. The fathers continued to devote themselves to the subjugation of the Hussites; they also intervened, in rivalry with the pope, in the negotiations between France and England which led only to the treaty of Arras, concluded by Charles VII. Many Christian web designers also devote a significant portion of their funds to Christian ministries and charitable works. Devote definition, to give up or appropriate to or concentrate on a particular pursuit, occupation, purpose, cause, etc. You must give way to any pedestrians on the crossing. Definition of devote oneself to in the Idioms Dictionary. He then entered his father's law office, without intending, however, it would appear, to devote himself to the study of the law. 1. Main Interests Now I devote much of my time to producing decorative stoneware each piece differing subtly from any other. Inventing these can be a fun kids game, but they are also used by teachers to help students learn important rules of sentence … And in the same generation Heraclitus, probably a descendant of Codrus, quitted his hereditary magistracy in order to devote himself to philosophy, in which his name became almost as great as that of any Greek. Clinton usually has five minutes a month to devote to Cuba. Though she enjoyed and devoted herself to being a housewife, something Martha wished she had put some of her energy into a career. He tried to give up smoking but in vain. In other words, a complete sentence must express a complete thought. He incurred their special reproaches by his condemnation of the irresistible evolution which impelled Rome to desire exclusive dominion over Catholic Europe and to devote her attention to earthly things. Waugh had given up pastoral work in 1887 to devote his whole time to the society, and he retained his post as director until 1905, when the state of his health com - pelled his retirement. MENEDEMUS, Greek philosopher, and founder of the Eretrian school of thought, was born at Eretria about 350 and died between 278 and 275 B.C. Often after collecting alms, and reckoning up twenty to thirty rubles received for the most part in promises from a dozen members, of whom half were as well able to pay as himself, Pierre remembered the masonic vow in which each Brother promised to devote all his belongings to his neighbor, and doubts on which he tried not to dwell arose in his soul. He had a distinguished career at the gymnasium of his native town, and on leaving desired to devote himself to astronomy, but abandoned the idea in deference to his father's wishes. Give me a coffee, please. ardourng determined to devote himself to the work of the ministry, he pursued the study of divinity with great ardor for several years. It maybe assumed as desirable that the demand for cotton should be so spread as to keep its price as steady as possible - " steadiness " will be defined more exactly later - and that to this end it is essential that specialists should devote themselves to the task of spreading it. Pleased by the service of his devotee, the Supreme Personality of Godhead reveals his form and opulences. With that said I will do my best to explain why you should abandon your family, friends, work and school to devote your life to this series. On entering parliament in 1840 he resigned the editorship to devote himself to history, but he still remained its most important contributor. Even if you only have 20 or 30 minutes per week to devote to using coupons, it's still a relatively easy way to help balance your household budget. Afterwards he went to Rome and studied for the priesthood in the Collegio Capranica from which he passed to the Accademia dei nobili Ecclesiastici, the usual training school for those who devote themselves to the " carriera " or diplomatic service of the Vatican. At this time Severus came under the powerful influence of St Martin, bishop of Tours, by whom he was led to devote his wealth to the Christian poor, and his own powers to a life of good works and meditation. In 1914 his preeminence had become so evident that a special position was created for him in Berlin, where he was elected a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and given a sufficient stipend to enable him to devote all his time to research without any restrictions or duties whatsoever. The word "sentence" is from the Latin for "to feel." I give up the useless struggle. You may either spend the night here or go home.. 6. After the treaty of San Germano, which was made with Pope Gregory in 1230, and the consequent lull in the struggle with the Papacy, Frederick was able to devote some little attention to Germany, and in 1231 he sanctioned Rebellion the great Privilege of Worms. 5. Make a Zebra Striped Sentence This zebra-themed writing worksheet challenges your child to write sentences about the pictured animal. The eldest, Thomas, retired from trade to devote himself to natural and physical science, and contributed many papers to the Royal Society, of which he was a fellow. In 1847 he began to devote his attention to astronomy; and from 1852 to 1861 he discovered fourteen asteroids between Mars and Jupiter, on which account he received the grand astronomical prize from the Academy of Sciences. You can concentrate on a handful of key assignments rather than scores of them, giving yourself the opportunity to devote your full attention and creativity to them. retired from the British navy in 1828 in order to devote himself to writing. Men and women of all ranks began to visit it; the emperor himself consented (f 887) to witness a performance by the great stars of the stage at the private residence of Marquis Inouye; a dramatic reform association was organized by a number of prominent noblemen and scholars; drastic efforts were made to purge the old historical dramas of anachronisms and inconsistencies, and at length a theatre (the Yurabu-za) was built on purely European lines, where instead of sitting from morning to night witnessing one long-drawn-out drama with interludes of whole farces, a visitor may devote only a few evening-hours to the pastime. This can drive her to volunteer for many humanitarian projects and devote much of her life to helping others achieve their dreams. Prior to his marriage he had made a few experiments in composition, but he now finally decided to devote his life to literature. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Of course, she, a handsome young woman without any definite position, without relations or even a country, did not intend to devote her life to serving Prince Bolkonski, to reading aloud to him and being friends with Princess Mary. If we do not get out sleepers, and forge rails, and devote days and nights to the work, but go to tinkering upon our lives to improve them, who will build railroads? Different types of sentence do different jobs. Although housewives aren't nearly as common as they were in the 1950s and 1960s, there are still plenty of women who have decided to devote themselves to managing household responsibilities on a full-time basis. In 1790 he was converted to Methodism, and in 1796 determined to devote himself to preaching that faith among the Pennsylvania Germans. Not intending originally to devote himself to physical science, he first took up the study of law and philology at Göttingen, and the general culture he thus gained stood him in good stead when he turned to chemistry, the study of which he began under Liebig. [NCT 2013] (a) the / sparrow / from / city / it / disappeared / house … Start with the big search engine RSS guides, such as Yahoo or Google. Finally, organizations such as CIEE and International Studies Abroad devote themselves to providing courses in other countries. By this time he had ceased to devote himself to pure mathematics, and in company with his friends Mersenne and Mydorge was deeply interested in the theory of the refraction of light, and in the practical work of grinding glasses of the best shape suitable for optical instruments. devoted example sentences. To make a list into a sentence, you essentially need to add a subject and a verb to bring context to the list. The examinations are open to candidates irrespective of where they have studied, but under the Higher Education Act grants are paid to seven colleges that specially devote themselves to preparing students for the graduation courses. Because of that fact, in 1993 Clinton could not devote as much time or political clout to health care reform. Its members, popularly called Liguorians or Redemptorists, devote themselves to the religious instruction of the poor, more especially in country districts; Liguori specially forbade them to undertake secular educational work. She likes to run. He had concluded peace with the Porte (June 13, 1700) on very advantageous terms, in order to devote himself wholly to a war with Sweden to the end that Russia might gain her proper place on the Baltic. Previously there had not been enough business done in cotton to make it worth any person's while to devote himself to the buying and selling on commission of cotton only. Our teachers devote their energies to doing the utmost for their pupils. If a surplus remained to the Caisse after making good such deficit the surplus was to be divided equally between the Caisse and the government; the government to be free to spend its share as it pleased, while the Caisse had to devote its share to the reduction of the debt. He devoted all his time to the job. Jesus retires northwards to Caesarea Philippi, and appears henceforth to devote Himself entirely to the instruction of his disciples, who needed to be prepared for the fatal issue which could not long be delayed. How much time can you devote to the project? inhabitants devote themselves especially to rice-culture, though tobacco, Indian corn, sugar-cane, fruit and vegetables are also raised. During the years of peace between the treaty of Passarowitz and the War of the Polish Succession, Eugene occupied himself with the arts and with literature, to which he had hitherto been able to devote little of his time. He was not permitted, however, to complete the work, being compelled to yield to the king's preference for residences outside Paris, and to devote himself to Marly and Versailles. Chess is the profession of many grandmasters and they devote many hours a day to studying and playing chess. Transition sentences are essential to a well-structured essay … Give away any food you have on hand, or lock it up and give the key to the neighbours. The Turkish envoy then in Bucharest was persuaded to invest Brancovan with the caftan, or robe of office, in token of Turkish approval, and the patriarch of Constantinople, who was also present, and the archbishop of Walachia, Theodosius, consecrated him together at the high altar of the cathedral, where he took the coronation oath to devote his whole strength to the good of his country and received the boiars' oath of submission. In these circumstances the government decided to tak~ a strong step, namely, to place the whole of the railways owned ~y itthe original state lines as well as those nationalizedin an account independent of the regular budget, and to devote their entire profits to works of extension and improvement, supplementing the amount with loans from the treasury when necessary. 5. The usual practice was for the whole of the people in one village to devote themselves to one special occupation. Give it to her. Once you are comfortable with declarative sentences, take some time to explore other sentence structures as they will give you language more variety and are a fun challenge to learn. Once you have decided on an exercise activity you'd like to include in your new healthy lifestyle, you will need to determine how much time you plan to devote to working out. Use the abbreviation "i.e.” when you want to add on to the first part of a sentence and give the reader more information. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Devote" in Example Sentences Page 1. For example, you could write a sentence like, "Janet reads romance novels." Thus it passed into the schools, where text-books still in use devote 200 pages to the Peloponnesian war and two to the Athens of Pericles. You may have to register … Examples of Devoted in a sentence. Keep your average sentence length at a maximum of 14 words. Examples of Devote in a sentence. What you'll really like about Ulta is that they devote an entire section to oil free products, including foundations, that helps one achieve a beautiful matte finish. ; The stars were again alight in the heavens when the devotee awoke from his sleep of exhaustion. He retired from the British navy in 1828 in order to devote himself to writing. Business degrees online can take varying lengths of time to finish, depending upon the number of hours you can devote to your studies each week. Considerable resources have been devoted to proving him a liar. : to devote one's time to reading. He devoted all his time to his job. He wished to devote himself to missionary labours in North Africa, but the ship in which he sailed was cast by a storm on the coast of Sicily, whence he made his way to Italy. Scrap weak words. When, in 1643, the disasters falling on the monarchy on all sides led to the dismissal of Olivares, Philip had lost the power to devote himself to hard work. 298+26 sentence examples: 1. give example sentences. He then retired to devote his time to literary work. God commands Moses to devote to anathema the Canaanites of the kingdom of Arad. Even as an adult, she found fame disconcerting and has chosen to devote her time to environmental activism. In order to be successful, you will need to devote your time and energy to the business. I expect to come. The adjective form of the word is "sentential." Ludwig, under whom he studied at Zurich, decided him to devote his attention to physiological chemistry, and therefore he went, after his graduation (18J4), to Heidelberg, where R. The culture of cotton is making rapid progress, immigrants who receive a grant of land being obliged to devote one-fourth of it to cotton culture. The queen may be altogether relieved of the work of the nest as the season advances, so that she can devote all her energies to egg-laying, and the colony grows rapidly. Isabella About the year 1170 Lambert le Begue, a priest of Liege, who had devoted his fortune to founding the hospital and church of St Christopher for the widows and children of crusaders, conceived the idea of establishing an association of women, who, without taking the monastic vows, should devote themselves to a life of religion. Her father had no leisure to devote to her training, and her mother was too illiterate to superintend her studies. In retirement she could devote herself wholly to art and science, and the opportunity of astonishing the world by the unique spectacle of a great queen, in the prime of life, voluntarily resigning her crown, strongly appealed to her vivid imagination. As his official duties made no great demands on his time, he had abundant leisure to devote to his favourite studies, - the antiquities and topography of Scotland having thenceforth special attractions for his busy pen. Accordingly I hid myself in some thick underwood, determining to devote the ensuing hours to reflection on my situation. Since Simon Cowell is leaving the show at the end of this season to devote more time to other projects, turns out that he too may be trying to woo Paula Abdul. However, things besides Napa Valley wineries will be reserved for another time and we will devote are time here to the thing that makes it great, the wine. As soon as Castelar saw universal suffrage reestablished he solemnly declared in the Cortes that his task was accomplished, his political mission at an end, and that he proposed to devote the remainder of his life to those literary, historical, philosophical, and economic studies which he had never neglected even in the busiest days of his political career. Toro, uncle of the marquis of Toro in Caracas, and embarked with her for Venezuela, intending, it is said, to devote himself to the improvement of his large estate. Lucy is absolutely devoted to her cats. Even experienced professional writers devote a significant portion of their day to editing and proofreading. A s nobody was willing to give in On this journey he resolved to devote his life to the improvement of geographical science. At once she became a valuable co-operator with him both in his professional duties and in the astronomical researches to which he had already begun to devote all his spare time. Adding a Subject and Verb Let’s begin with a simple grocery list. In the year 1784 he left Cambridge, and soon afterwards received from William Pitt the office of a patent searcher of the customs, which required but little attendance, and enabled him to devote a considerable portion of his time to his special studies. to give all or most of one’s resources to one person or activity. 1. me read something give to 2. go before shopping let party the them 3. This is due as much to the inspiriting teachings of Ritter and Humboldt as to the general culture and scientific training combined with technical skill commanded by the men who more especially devote themselves to this branch of geography, which elsewhere is too frequently allowed to fall into the hands of mere mechanics. The success of Wallenstein, with which Schiller passed at once into the front rank of European dramatists, was so encouraging that the poet resolved to devote himself with redoubled ardour to dramatic poetry. 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