Luigi. Skyblazero: Well, now it's time to talk about Luigi! Death Battle Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. 39 Replies Report. Lets just get on with this. meme. 269 posts. Wiz:The Ice Flower Allows Luigi to Skate at High Speeds and Freeze his Foes, His Power Flower Turns him invisible, Double Cherry Grants him Up to Five Clones, The Cat Bell Turns Luigi into a Neko and Grants him powerful Attacks Like the Paw Slap, and He Can Also Climb Walls, and Finally the Blue shell Lets Luigi Spin in a Blue Shell at Very High Speeds. As he put it, "It'll be perfect! Therefore, Luigi effectively began as a clone of his slightly older brother. Anti-Sky: But Luigi was faster and has Mario's Power-Ups and with his own arsenal like his Poltergusts to give troublems at Mario. Wiz: I'm fine. Mario and Luigi Finally Face of in the Epic Clash of Big Bro vs Little Bro! Wiz: And our job is to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to see who would win in a Death Battle. Nah, scratch that, he's afraid of everything! in attack speed we've seen Mario's speed stat being consistantly higher then his bro's, considering the fact speed dictates who moves first, we can assume it means attack speed. Calculating the brute physical strengths of Mario and Luigi relative to one another is a hopeless task. Peach doesn't even make cakes for Luigi unless Mario is there. 's water to push Luigi back, making him crash into a wall, and breaking his Poltergust in the impact. Wiz: That's right, but even the greatest of heroes could use a little help! Wiz: That's right, Mario can jump up to 40 feet in the air! Anti-Sky: And Mario can use Firehand allows Mario to shoot fire from his hand! Mario then returns to the Mushroom Kingdom, ready for some cake and Wario is seen taking Luigi's wallet from his overalls. How to Create Your Own What-If Death Battles, General Death Battle TN and Template Blog, 'Returning Character' themed Death Battles, Death Battles with a Returning OMM Combatant, "Siblings vs Siblings" themed Death Battles,,,,, Who would win? Brain teasers, puzzles, you name ’em, this very question is asked among many gamers. The First Video Game Character To Break The Mold. Mario and Luigi have had many adventures, but no game has truly had them work together like the Mario & Luigi series. Mario is Stronger, Luigi is More Tanky, Mario is More Skilled in Power-ups, Luigi is More Equipped, White Tanooki is Invincible, And Dream Luigi...Grants Luigi Insane Power. Mario was first seen in 1981s Donkey Kong.Soon after, Mario and Luigi were plumbers defeating creatures in the New York sewers in Mario Bros. (1983). Wiz: Ahem, anyway, Luigi can certainly hold his own in a fight, however, he's not much of a strategist, he's a coward, and has much less experience, at least, when compared to his brother. Boomstick: Being a Star Child, Mario is More Powerful Then The Basic Bitch. The Hero of the Mushrooms or The Pink Demon? One day he won a mansion that just so happened to be infested with ghosts! Though strength is a non-factor, size remains very much in play. Mario starts shooting more Fireballs but Luigi is dodging them until he jumps at Mario smacking him with his Hammer making him returns to normal. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Take the intro to NSMBU or it's port for example. I couldn't honestly say who would win in a fight. Not only that but he can throw the heaviest of opponents like DK, Bowser and even Ganondorf! Mario was now standing above his brother, summoning a massive fireball. Wiz: Not so fast, Boomstick, Mario may seem powerful but he's fairly naive and not much of a strategist. Summers 'skeptical' about student loan forgiveness Sega. That's his Nirvana. Luigi suddenly punches Mario's Face and make Mario ends up making the Mushroom ends up flying away. 6. whats better Nintendo or Sega. Boomstick: I Can't Believe You Wiz. Mario is far less interesting than his brother, Luigi. who would win in a fight mario or luigi. Then Mario looks a Fire Flower and tried to grab it but Luigi used the Thunderhand shocking Mario and Luigi used the Fire Flower becoming into Fire Luigi shooting Fireballs at Mario who jumped and kicked Luigi's face making he returns to normal. The dynamic duo plummets into the ground, but Mario pulls out his Cloud Mushroom and creates a cloud in which he land on. Posted February 28, '08 1:02am UTC. who can run, jump, and bonk into a Question Block before the other has a chance to do the same. Skyblazero: Luigi basically is like Mario, he can use Hammers and has Mario's Power-Ups! And finally, reaction time. Skyblazero: Mario is the Nintendo Mascot and most famous videogame character ever. Boomstick:Mario is Strong Enough to Survive a Hypernova, A Black Hole, Can Lift a 70 Ton Fortress and Kick it, And Can FUCKING Flatten It!! So, uh... in theory this would be a pretty cool fight, but it basically comes down to the fact that physically speaking, the Mario Bros. have far better objective feats, yet at the same time, power scaling and theory crafting would suggest sans and Papyrus are much, much stronger, to the point either of them could solo if they were serious. Round 4: Mario vs Kirby in a Feats battle. Round 3: Composite Mario and Luigi vs Composite Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee. Mario Saw Many Luigis Appear and Rush Towards Mario and Cover him in Luigi, Mario Was Being Hit by Each Luigi, Feeling Tons Of Pain, Mario Successfully Broke Free However, and Unleashed Mega Mario, and Mario Saw Luiginoids turn Back into Luigi, Mario Tries to Crush Luigi, But Gets Stopped as Luigi Grows into Giant Dreamy Luigi. Wiz: Yes he does actually! Mario rests on a pipe, until Luigi jumps out of it, waking Mario up. It was boring. Those plumber brothers will be to tired to fight me after fighting each other and wearing themselves out!". Check out to win prizes, watch K-Zone TV, do quizzes, find gaming cheats and more. Mario vs Luigi is an episode from DEATH BATTLE!, featuring Mario and Luigi from Super Mario Bros. Battle of the Duo of Nintendo's Brothers. fight takes place in Tibet Round 1: Baby Mario and toddler Naruto vs … Press J to jump to the feed. Fight takes place in Lhasa. Signed: 100% Mario". The 2 take flight, banging into each other multiple times. Luigi rests thinking his brother is dead but Mario runs towards him with an Ultra Hammer and tries to squish Luigi but the Green Thunder blocks it with his trusty Ultra Hammer, and soon finds himself engaged in a deadly hammer-to-hammer brawl against the Whimsical Italian Plumber. Boomstick:Luigi is A Total Wimp However, but that's Negated in Dreamy Luigi Form, Luigi is One of the Strongest Side Kicks In Gaming History. Luigi takes notice of the cloud and joins his brother on it. Hell, when he was in New Donk, he was known as Jumpman! Wiz: Ah Luigi. STAMINA Mario vs. Luigi: Who would win in a fight? Boomstick: Generally Boiling Down To Fighting a Big Turtle. Wiz: Mario Has Done Alot of Amazing Things In His Lifetime. Nomad. Mario Expected Luigi To Come back For a Counter attack, But Luigi was Unconsious, Mario Smiled, Reminding him of When they Were Friends, and Looked at the Pillow, It Looked...Familiar...A Dream Pillow! Additionally, it makes Mario heavy, so should the fight take place in Jolly Roger Bay for example, the Metal Mario form would sink. Mario is a guy with a mustache who can kick human beings's butts, kill an enemy via in simple terms leaping on it, can throw fireballs, start during the galaxies, and can force a kart. Mario or Luigi? Boomstick: Like Luigi Mario's Brother and one of the Seven Star Children. As he came down to the ground, he welled up with tears, constantly asking himself "what did I do? With 7 entries full of unique characters, memorable events, and top-notch gameplay, there's plenty to discuss as we share our collective love for the series! Mario transforms back into his regular self until Cappy showed up. series featuring Mario from Nintnedo and Luigi from Super Mario Bros. in a fight to the end! Skyblazero: And these two are Mario, Super Mario Bros's protagonist mascot of Nintendo. Mario or Luigi, who would win the hearts of fans. Battlefield is Final Destination. reply. Mario VS Luigi is the second episode of RatedM's DEATH BATTLE! However, both Mario and Luigi are capable of fireball-slinging, nullifying its role as a differentiator. Luigi couldn't believe his eyes. Then he saw his brother come in, Pleasing Red. The first video game character to break the mold. The Giant Brothers Nod and Punch Each other, Not Letting the Other Catch a Break, and Mario suddenly Consumes A White Leaf, Going into White Tanooki Mario. Mario vs Sonic. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Wiz: And Miles Prower, also Known as Tails and Hero of Cocoa Island. The most impactful power-up is arguably the fire flower (excluding the star because the brothers agreed beforehand that wouldn't make for a fun fight). Luigi dons a fire flower and shoots fire at Mario, who turns into a rock and is unaffected. Wiz:Luigi of Course is Mario's Little Brother, and He Has Quite The Skill's And Power-ups in-hand. How Dare You Underestimate Pong? Wiz: Nintendo is a video game company bent on dominating the video game market, and to accomplish this, they gave us some of the most beloved characters, like Mario the mascot and protagonist of Super Mario! Why? Mario and Luigi was running into the Mushroom Kingdom until Mario hits a Block and a Mushroom appears. Sure enough, Mario was testing his rocky powerup on his favorite field. Luigi and Peach Get Married and Bury Mario's Hat. Jun 1, 2008 #3 SmashBrother said: Luigi would win hands down. Boomstick: And Luigi, Mario's younger brother and Player 2! To them, Luigi is barely a person. Wiz: Mario's also quick to react, like when piloting the Star Diver! His cowardice. Boomstick: Mario's got a few weaknesses, most pressingly his gullibility. Luigi punched Mario into a brick, and after this Mario enters the rock ball form and rams Luigi. Boomstick:*Clears Throat* Mega Mushroom Expands Marios Size Temporarily, Penguin Suit grants Ice and Better Swimming, Metal Cap = Metal Mario Invisicap = InvisiMario Tanooki mario Makes Mario a Furry, The Rainbow Star is Mario on LSD and...Shit, The White Tanooki Suit is Basically an Infinite Starman. While it may be possible to cite examples of objects with estimable weights in various Mario games and extrapolate the brothers' quantifiable strengths from there, the examples would quickly become too numerous and variable from instance to instance to declare anything other than that Mario and Luigi are both very strong. Who can win? Wiz: This battle was an extremley close call. The Mario Kart Tour Berlin Tour delivers Luigi in Lederhosen, plus a variety of other costumes, and you can drive the Fast Frank kart. In the end it looks like Luigi was Mari-owned. Luigi tries using a Thunder attack on Mario but it won't hurt him. Mario is known for one thing in particular in these fights. Just Like how Grandma Boomstick Made hers... Wiz:The Fire Flower and Super Cape are Pretty Self Explanitory, While the Others are Pretty Lengthyish. They wear the same outfit, but in different colors. offline. Boomstick: Yeah, right when he was just a baby, he got kidnapped by a wizard! Luigi Gulped, But then Realized he Has One Chance and Shrinks Back Down as Mario Flies towards Luigi at Super High Speeds, Mario Gets Sucked into Something, the Poltergust 5000, as Luigi Lets Mario Free Towards the Fiery Lava Mario Immediately Wall Jumped onto a Tiny Platform, and Flies Back towards Luigi, Which Was a Terrible Mistake, Because Luigi Entered Negative Zone, Stop Marios Flight Mario Grabbed onto the Ledge of The Cliff as Much as he Could, Screaming as Luigi Smashed His Hammer onto Marios Head, Launching him into the Lava, Melting the Hero of the Mushroom Kingdom. and think about it... mario has more fighting exp. SPEED. THAT FUCKING TURTLE HAS ATTEMPTED TO KILL YOU, YOUR BR- AND KIDNAP YOUR PRINCESS! OMG_im_on_fire. Nintendo wins. OMG_im_on_fire. Both Bro's Collided Hammers But Marios Face went to Angered to Horrified when he Saw the Luiginoids appear from Luigi and creates 3 Shockwaves, Which Mario Barely Dodges, as he Consumes a Rainbow Star he Sees 5 Dream Luigis and Eyes Widen As All 5 Luigi's Smash their Hammers Powerfully to the Ground Making 15 Luiginoids Create Shockwaves, That Mario Barrages Through as He Punches all 4 Of the Luigi Clones and Rushed at Luigi, Who Jumped into a Luigi Constellation. Skyblazero: But Luigi has his own arsenal, like his Poltergusts allows him to suck corporeal and incorporeal things, can blow things away, can fire a Plunger, which acts as a grabbing mechanism, can be a Car, give Luigi height and can summon Gooigi a Gooey version of Luigi who can go through Bars and sewer grates but is vulnerable to Fire and Water always respawns in few seconds in Luigi's tank and has a Quarter of Luigi's Health! Suddenly a noise is heard followed by a loud yell. Mario's nose bleeds while Luigi's mouth bleeds. Boomstick: and then the Mushroom Kingdom had a new hero! 19 Answers Video & Online Games1 decade ago. Mario is far less interesting than his brother, Luigi. A Who Would Win? what did I do? Luigi launches himself at Mario with the Green Missile move and Mario flung back, losing his Cloud ability and F.L.U.D.D. In response, Mario puts on a Wing Cap as well, and pulls Luigi into the air. Mario: Oh Luigi, look what did you do, it's time to solve this troublem Luigi! Luigi is the underdog, that's why people like him. Wiz:Mario has The Fire Flower, Cape Feather, Mega Mushroom, Penguin Suit, Metal Cap, Invisicap, Tanooki Mario, and Finally, Mario's Strongest Super Power Up, The Rainbow Star, or, The White Tanooki Suit. Mario hops up and charges a firehand while Luigi charges a thunderhand, the two hands collide, summoning a cloud of smoke. While Luigi had better travel speed, no question. He saw his dead brother in his hands, by his hands. Luigi looks around and sees Mario moving in and out of site before kicking Luigi in the face. Wiz:Mario...Boomstick:...Luigi.Wiz:The 2 Poster boy's of the World's Most Popular Gaming Franchise in the World.Boomstick:And Tonight the 2 Plumbers are Gonna Fight to the Death!Wiz:I'm Wiz and He's Boomstick.Boomstick:And It's Our Job to Analyze Weapon's Armor, and Skill's to see Who would win a DEATH BATTLE!!! That said, one brother obtaining a fire flower before the other would be enough to tip the scales, thus redefining the terms of the match as not who can immediately overpower whom but who can power up first. To them, Luigi is barely a person. Wiz: Shut It. This is also his first 'Same Series' themed Death Battle. Wiz: However, everything changed when he entered the Mushroom Kingdom, a peaceful land inhabited by Toads, Yoshis, and what not, all under the rule of Princess Peach Toadstool. Anyway Mario Was Born as A Star Child Along With His Br- Wario, Donkey Kong-. Mario and Luigi don't have powerups, the Akatsuki can't use genjutsu and tools. Luigi would win hands down. While the two generally go on adventures together, Luigi has garnered an accumulated large fanbase that celebrates the often-ignored green hero. mario or luigi? Wiz-Like the ghost sucking hero from Super Mario, Luigi Boomstick-Or the Gun weilding tough son of a gun, Winter Soldier from Marvel. Boomstick: And Knuckles, the echidna guardian of the Master Emerald from Angel Island. When Luigi entered his mansion, Professor E. Gadd gave him his latest invention..the Poltergust 3000! Boomstick:Mario has Tons Of Power-ups, As Do Luigi, But we are Giving them The Bare Essential Power Ups, Basically their Power-ups. Skyblazero: But Mario was more Smarter and Experienced than Luigi, he also is less Coward and a Better Fighter! However, What Both Didn't Know is That Peach Was Purposed to Both Plumbers, and Peach Nervously Said yes. Skyblazero: However, don't mess up with Mario's Sidekick! LuigiVS Tails is the 32nd episode of DEATH BATTLE!, featuring Luigi from the Super Mario series and Tails from the Sonic the Hedgehog series in a battle between iconic video game sidekicks. Wiz: Ah Mario. Mario is the best rep for videogames tho. This already makes Luigi a bigger threat than Mario, especially considering most of what Mario has accomplished was accomplished in part thanks to Luigi. Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set! Fighting strength, then, depends on power-ups. Mario and Luigi stood in Frontof the Entrance of Bowsers Castle, An Audience watched in Excitement. An article on about this very topic explains that in a fight, the smaller and likely more skilled combatant gains more of an advantage the longer the fight goes on, meaning that the larger fighter has to secure their win quickly for their size to play a role (e.g. A 1-UP. 1 Winner: Mario Mario would win a battle against Link, even if it is by a close margin. While the character is certainly heavy in Super Smash Bros. Melee, there has been no real comparison in the Super Mario games. Boomstick: But he must have something special with him other than his skills right? He also possesses a dark force field called the Negative Zone, which can slow down one's movement. offline. Mario orces it into Luigi, and upon his waking, he was tackled to the ground by Mario, in a hug. Sonic is a blue hedgehog who has a lame television tutor and runs quickly. Luigi spins into Mario, grabbing his hammer until... Mario gets cut in half. he had already cleaned all of the clothes, the dishes and the house. Skyblazero: All heroes need a Sidekick.... Anti-Sky: So to save Mario's Ass his Cowardly Brother Luigi ever helps him to save the day! who would win? Luigi's first response was not to follow up on the high five his brother had set up, but instead punched his brother in the head, causing his brother to state "That's not what I meant by that.". Both brothers jump, but Luigi can jump a little bit higher. the sand was hard to do anything in without being slowed to a crawl. Boomstick:And It's Our Job to Analyze Weapon's Armor, and Skill's to see Who would win a DEATH BATTLE!!!! who would win in a fight mario or luigi. Back in the Dream World Luigi awakens And sees Marios Cap on Fire and Puts the Fire Out and Celebrated. Almost matching Sonic for speed is no mean feat. Anti-Sky: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armors and skills to see who would win a DEATH BATTLE! 1. Luigi gets up and dons a leaf, turning into Kitsune Luigi, while Mario dons a feather, turning into Cape Mario. That's five times more than the greatest human leapers who can jump 8 feet into the air! Wiz: That's right! Tails Anti-Sky: True but Mario has his own weaknesses, Mario yet has gullibility as Bowser was attemped to kill him, Luigi and EVER kidnaps his Princess and Mario yet has his gullibility after ALL That! One of the most mind boggling questions. I mean, he got kidnapped at birth for Christ's sake! Anti-Sky: And Luigi has the Thunderhand allows him to shoot Fucking Electricity from his hand! However, Luigi Was In Cat Luigi Form and Begins to Climb the Pit back Up and Stands In front of a Metalic Mario, Luigi Got his Ice Flower On And Froze the Entire Battle Field and Then Skated Into Mario and Smashed His Head into Mario, Luckily Getting a Mis-fire, Launching Mario into the Ground as Mario Stood up Not Too Bruised and Jumped on Luigi with the Extreme Weight and Kicks Him but Luigi redirects his Launchedness towards Mario as Mario reverts Back and the Two Punch Each others Fist, But Mario Launches Luigi in the Air and Melts the Ice. Of course, since then, the most famous siblings in gaming history have become defined just as much by their differences as their similarities. reply. Anti-Sky: Mario have ALOT of adventures in his life, generally kicking Bowser's Ass to save Princess Peach. Who would win? Luigi And Mario Threw Fire and Electricity at Each other Respectively, Causing a Decent Sized Smoke Cloud to Surround the Arena, Luigi Realized He Could Use the Cloud to his Advantage and Whacks Mario into Bowsers Castle Walls With A Powerful Hammer Strike, Mario then Jumped on Marios Head Twice and Then Kicked Luigi Back onto the Arena as He Turns invisible, Mario Brings out His Cape. Both Rushed at Each other and Attacked Each other, Both Hitting the Others Hammer with Their Hammer, Trying to Overpower the Other when Mario Knocks Luigi onto the Ground as Luigi Puts the Hammer away and Throws Electricity at Mario, Doing Quite a Bit of Damage To Mario as He Brought out the Fire Flower. Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle. I like them both. One of Peach's most notable abilities that she has over Daisy is her control of emotions. Mario, who is using F.L.U.D.D. With very little items left, Mario decides to save his power-ups for an emergency. Luigi is documented as being able to take down as much as 3 opponents at the same time in a wide variety of contests of physical strength, dexterity, speed, and hand to hand combat among others without even lifting a finger!! Overall Mario is a super strong red clad hero-. Nomad. For Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story on the DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Bowser Vs Kirby. Just before Luigi crashes into Luigi, Mario de-cloaks and whacked him with a hammer. Luigi is known for being slower than his more famous brother. As everybody knows, this question is the most frequently asked in the gaming community. Scene of Tails Magic Gloving through Luigi Plays. Luigi walks on the cloud platform, finally done. Shreds of evidence Izuku, Bakugou, Todoroki and Iida vs The Wattersons. Mario had a much wider variety of power-ups! Anti-Sky: And Luigi has a Boo Bell which summons a Boo can steal stuff and the Boo can shook off, and the Hexes which steals something from opponents if stepped on and the other people can put their Hexes over other People's Hexes. Mario and Naruto decide to challenge Luigi and Sasuke to see who is better. Attack speed, attack speed, no question wo n't hurt him new champion and viewers not. Sidekicks, has had a pretty rough life 'Same series ' themed battle! The underdog, that both Plumber 's were Waiting for, the green. Very little items left, Mario * masia making his legs break a Big Turtle himself into Metal Mario his. Screams in his hands, by his hands this are points of why we do n't mess up Nintendo! Uh... ( think wiz, think! one Day he won mansion. 8 Deluxe Cheats the pairing of unique graphical styles and character personality would like. Intro to NSMBU or it 's time to find a cure Thunderhand, the dishes the. 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