If you want to do absolutely maximum DPS, you can take this utility along with Imperial Tactics to use Sever Tendon semi-rotationally, but the DPS increase is barely noticeable and you do have to sacrifice some defensive capabilities which are more valuable in a raid. The effects are nice, but there will always be better utilities to take in this tier. If you don’t really need it for mobility, use it whenever you can benefit from the full effect of the heal, just like you would a Medpac. Guildy says he's getting 20k openers with Volatile Strike and doing 11 to 13k sustained on scaled content. The conventional wisdom with offensive cooldowns is that they should be used as often as possible in order to maximize their number of uses in a given fight so that you deal as much DPS as possible, provided that they don’t need to be saved for a burst DPS check of course. There are 5 instances in your rotation where Corrosive Dart should be used: Please note that it is not a DPS increase to apply this to a second boss or enemy with a lot of health since Laceration is a better ability. This utility should be the first one you give up if you need to take something else for a specific fight. Never take this. In addition, resets the cooldown of Stim Boost, Recuperative Nanotech, Volatile Substance, and Lethal Strike. The effect is nice, but Corrosive Dart already takes priority in situations where you don’t have a TA since it deals nearly identical damage to Laceration and you can’t really spare the Energy cost to use Sever Tendon that close to a Corrosive Dart unless you take Precision Instruments. Check out the SWTOR Damage Types and Damage Mitigation guide by Endonae. You also don’t want to let the Acid Blade DoT fall off, so you may need to use Lacerate first even if you don’t have 3 TAs. This is important to know as you get close to 60 Energy. Otherwise, you’ll end up having to use Corrosive Darts and Rifle Shots more often than you should and will end up having lower DPS. Dealing damage this way causes the next Back Blast/Backstab to critically hit. Concealment Operative / Scrapper Scoundrel Tactical, FQN: itm.​tactical.​sow.​operative.​concealment.​prepared_strike, "I'm the bomber." This effect isn’t incredibly helpful for defensive purposes in raids since DPS don’t have to deal with melee/ranged damage too much. If multiple people are dead and you’re not sure who to revive, as the raid leader. Since this ability has such a long cooldown, it doesn’t matter too much if you delay it for a little while since it’s unlikely to change the number of uses throughout the fight, though do be mindful of whether or not you are able to squeeze in an extra use before the end of the fight. If you have a question, feel free to message me on Discord, my name is Endonae#3332. ... Continue browsing in r/swtor. There will always be better utilities to take. In an ideal world, you’d be able to use both Veiled Strike and Crippling Slice mostly on cooldown, only occasionally being superseded by Backstab and Volatile Substance, but thanks to the Acid Lash tactical, they also have to contend with Laceration in order to maintain the Acid Blade DoT. It provides the tech and internal/elemental DPS debuffs, a useful raid buff, and most importantly, the ability to stealth rez multiple players in the same fight! Wait to use your Medpac until you can fully benefit from the heal. This ability’s primary purpose is to generate a TA for you to use on Laceration, and since the goal of the rotation is to be able to use Laceration as much as possible, you’ll be using this ability fairly often as well, and as a result, this ability accounts for about 14% of your total damage output. the views and content expressed on this website are written by individuals and do not necessarily reflect the views of game rush, llc. Volatile Strike does more damage and is more reliable than Catalyzed Toxins (Sanguinary Shot misses a lot despite having 110% accuracy. First up is Volatile Strike, the far superior choice of the three. Dealing damage this way causes your next Backstab to critically hit. In addition, it has a 10m range so there’s really only a 6m range where this ability is valuable unless you are taking the Mobile Strategies utility. Purges are stronger than cleanses because they remove all removable debuffs rather than just two and can remove things that cleanses can’t always remove. TO DO NEXT – find a mobile friendly way to collapse tables and add icons (22nd November 2020). Equip: Veiled Strike automatically critically hits targets affected by your unexploded Volatile Substance and triggers it immediately. Increases movement speed by 15% and effective stealth level by 3. Some players do prefer this utility over Infiltrator since the speed boost is more potent and you are activating Veiled Strike very often, but it doesn’t make a huge difference either way. Remember, you’re only really getting an extra GCD, so if a healer is able to throw in an extra GCD or two of DPS as a result of you using this ability defensively, you’re gonna break even on DPS anyway, and the 15% healing done by Revitalizers is already more than a healer GCD anyway. Concealment also offers exceptional raid utility. It deals slightly less damage than Rifle Shot. In PvE, this will generally only be used for specific mechanics since most things you’d care about stunning are immune. The only debuff that’s stronger than this one is the armor debuff. SWTOR 6.0 Concealment Operative PvP Guide by Alim SWTOR. This allows the healer(s) to focus on healing. Normally, the maximum number of TAs you can have as Concealment at any given time is 2, though with the Tactician’s set bonus, you can increase that maximum to 3. During the roll, you increase your defense and resist chance by 200%, allowing you to avoid all incoming damage. The only real benefit of this utility is the Flash Powder, so if you find yourself in a fight where the adds hit hard and can be CC’d, like Red, you might consider taking this utility. Repeat after me: “Adrenaline Probe is an offensive cooldown, not something I save and only use when I mess up my rotation and run out of Energy.” It may be a bit strange since it isn’t as straightforward as some of the other offensive cooldowns are, but rest assured that it is still an offensive cooldown. Remember, you should only be taking Mobile Strategies if there is nothing to reflect, you’re frequently out of range of the boss, and there isn’t a lot of damage going out. This should only matter at the very beginning of the fight since you’ll be able to stealth out later on. In this specific instance, you should completely ignore the priority and always do the Volatile Strike Sequence. His passion for video games as well as his love for all things Star Wars are reflected in his news and in-depth guides available here! Normally, Medpacs can only be used once per fight and each fight is determined by entering and exiting combat. This item can be placed into the following container slots: Auctionable Binding Disassembleable Equippable Schematic, itm.​tactical.​sow.​operative.​concealment.​prepared_strike. Reduces the cooldown of Escape by 30 seconds, Shield Probe by 5 seconds, and Infiltrate by 60 seconds. And use the volatile substance tactical. For example, you want to use it 4 times in a 10 minute fight. If the fight has fairly frequent downtime, see if you can forego using it entirely. Unfortunately, this relic is BiS for Concealment at level 75 as well as in sub-75 scaled content. Dealing damage this way causes your next Backstab to automatically critically hit. Each use of Overload Shot consumes a charge of Mobile Strategies and grants 10 Energy. The upcoming SWTOR Expansion – ‘Onslaught’ – will introduce a many changes for each Class in the game. Corrosive Dart (Tech/Internal/Periodic/Single Target/Instant). In addition, Cloaking Screen can be used as a small DPS increase on occasion, so this allows you to get that increase more often. Can the healers deal with it without too much stress? Browse the. Cannot occur more than once every 10 seconds. Faction: Empire Class: Imperial Agent Advanced Class: Operative Combat Proficiency: Concealment Role: Melee DPS How to choose Concealment: You can start playing Concealment at level 1. Reduces the cooldown of Cloaking Screen by 30 seconds and activating Cloaking Screen increases your movement speed by 50% for 6 seconds. I would like to thank Insta, Dot, and Healthbars for reviewing this guide. There is an alternative for those of you that really enjoy filleting your victims with vibroknives and detonating explosives that you’ve injected into their bodies. Sometimes it can’t be helped though and having it up for a major DPS check or burn phase definitely takes priority over getting as many uses as possible. 149k. It is okay to use this ability for defensive purposes if you think you might die if you don’t use it, even if it is best used offensively. r/swtor. Toxic Haze deals more damage than any of your other abilities if you hit at least 2 targets with the full duration. How can I do as much damage as possible each GCD (global cooldown, 1.5 second duration before you can activate another ability) given the constraints of the fight? Besides it being not your job, a lot of bosses have fairly tight enrage timers, so if you’re having to waste your precious GCDs helping out another role because they can’t deal with what they are fully capable of dealing with, you’re gonna end up wiping to an enraged boss later anyway. It’s easiest to just keep an eye out for when you won’t have it, rather than checking every single time to make sure that you do have it. This is your CC break. Always take this. New armor sets like the Aggressive Treatment set and tacticals like Volatile Strike, which allows Bludgeon/Veiled Strike to automatically critically hit targets affected by your unexploded Blood Boiler/Volatile Substance and trigger it immediately; dealing damage this way causes your next Back Blast/Backstab to critically hit. Sometimes you’ll get to benefit from it, sometimes you won’t, but your sustained DPS will be higher if you use Backstab on cooldown as often as possible than if you tried to delay it for the autocrit every time. When activated, it purges movement-impairing effects and grants a Tactical Advantage (TA). While your Kolto Probe is active on yourself, your damage reduction is increased by 3% per stack. As an offensive cooldown, this ability should only ever be used immediately before a Backstab against a target that does not have the Revealing Weakness debuff. Offensively, this cooldown is incredibly potent. I will not be writing out tooltip descriptions for abilities and I will only be writing out the components of discipline passives that directly relate to the ability and rotation. The other effects of the utility do not matter to you as a DPS. Make sure your crit chance with each of the parses is within 1% of each other as well so your results are at least comparable. I’ve been able to do over 23k with Acid Lash and about 21k with Volatile Strike, so you really do have to be struggling in order for this tactical to be better for you. You should just wait until it’s time in the priority to use Veiled Strike, so make sure you use Crippling Slice first or Laceration if you have 3 TAs already. It’s a bit complicated to describe when to use this ability since it varies depending on what other abilities you have available, how much Energy you have, and how many TAs you have. As a stealth class, you can exit combat at will with your Cloaking Screen ability. Countermeasures grants Curative Agent, causing your next single use of Kolto Probe to grant 2 stacks of Kolto Probe instead of 1. If you’re struggling with this, it’s okay to just use Crippling Slice on cooldown from the beginning. If you do plan on using this tactical, please do a couple of dummy parses to verify that your numbers are actually increasing by using Volatile Strike over Acid Lash. These cooldowns are much simpler than the multi-purpose ones since there’s really only one way to use them. Basically, Tactical Advantage is an additional resource alongside Energy and in order to use some abilities you have to spend 1 TA. Increases the amount of damage absorbed by Shield Probe by 30%. It is best used on unavoidable attacks. The Imperial Tactics utility allows it to grant a Tactical Advantage, making it a weak version of Veiled Strike, and the Precision Instruments utility reduces its cost. This means that you need to activate the relic right before your first use of Stim Boost whenever you use two Stim Boosts back to back from Tactical Overdrive. Sometimes the stars will align though and everything will be on cooldown and you have a spare GCD before you have to refresh Acid Blade, which is the perfect time to use this ability. Revealing Weakness – Dealing damage with Volatile Substance marks the target with Revealing Weakness, allowing your next Backstab against the target to be usable while face-to-face with the target and treated as though you attacked from stealth. You can gain a TA from the following sources: Most abilities have cooldowns, so this just represents an additional resource to manage, though this essentially functions as the cooldown for your Laceration ability. Having both Stim Boost and the relic active at the same time gives you the 1.2s GCD and with Tactical Overdrive, you get a full 30 seconds of the 1.2s GCD. Since it breaks on damage, it’s best used against adds that you do not intend to kill immediately. The only thing that really matters rotationally is the Energy refund. I’ve had an amazing time over the years and can’t wait to see what’s in store for the years to come. Use Overload Shot instead if there’s a GCD where you don’t have enough TAs to do Laceration. This is your interrupt. Make sure to activate it shortly after you apply Volatile Substance so that the cooldown reset is actually useful. It may be possible that you could utilize this on specific enemies as an extra interrupt for a clutch save, but there are better utilities to take in this tier that will be useful more frequently and Cloaking Screen already has enough specific uses that would always take priority over this one. Toxic Haze (Tech/Internal/Periodic/AoE/Instant). Never take this. … You will also have a harder time maintaining the Acid Blade DoT since you won’t have much control over when to use Toxic Haze, so you may want to consider using the Volatile Strike tactical instead since you have a bit more freedom in terms of when exactly you use Laceration when using that tactical and won’t be able to get as much DPS out of using Acid Lash since the DoT will fall off on occasion. You do not need them. Just like everything else, make sure to have it available for DPS checks and otherwise use it on cooldown. While this priority may seem simple on the surface, it’s rather difficult since there are often several factors to consider when choosing which ability to use. Volatile Strike makes it so Bludgeon/Veiled Strike automatically critically hits targets affected by the unexploded Blood Boiler/Volatile Substance and triggers it immediately. level 2. I know some of you may be concerned about not having an emergency button for when you mess up your rotation, but it’s a bit harder to mess up the rotation in Concealment than it is for other specs that have this sort of energy management like Bounty Hunter since your Energy drains pretty slowly. The 10% healing effect is stronger than Med Shield if both are used as often as possible. In PvE, the fact that it isn’t just a hidden percentage damage increase doesn’t really matter beyond being a flashy way to have other procs associated with Laceration. Use them as I recommend. Remember, you should only be taking Curative Agent if you can’t benefit from Blow for Blow. The following abilities cost a TA: For Concealment, you typically want to generate TAs as often as possible, so long as it doesn’t get in the way of dealing damage with your strongest abilities. Backstab (Tech/Kinetic/Direct/Single Target/Instant). Don’t save it for so long that you could have been able to use it once and have it come off cooldown again before you get to the point in the fight where you think you’ll need it. Remember to take the Evasive Imperative Utility as well if it will enable you to reflect more often. So long as you do Crippling Slice roughly on cooldown and don’t use Corrosive Dart too often, you should be fine. In the meantime, Eric Musco took some time to talk us through what is coming in this round of changes as quite a bit is changing. For Empire side players, your goal is to take out the It can be tempting to just drain your TAs by using multiple Lacerations in a row, but if Crippling Slice or Volatile Substance become available, it’s important to use those immediately instead. Complete SWTOR Lethality Operative 6.0 Guide for the Imperial Agent covering both PvE and PvP - gearing, stats, utilities, abilities, priorities and tips. This ability deals very little damage per use, though if you don’t use it roughly on cooldown, you will run out of Energy on fights with very little downtime. If there is a specific point in the fight where stealth rezzing is possible or if the combat rez has already been used, make sure you have Cloaking Screen available to use as a stealth rez. Laceration has 3 procs, 1 tactical item, and 1 discipline passive associated with it that are relevant to your rotation. Requires, Equip: Veiled Strike automatically critically hits targets affected by your unexploded Volatile Substance and triggers it immediately. Since the DoT only lasts 6 seconds, there’s a high chance it will fall off if there is any sort of downtime. It’s pretty easy to tell what is and isn’t fluff, don’t be greedy and don’t hurt your group’s chances of beating the boss. Here is a comprehensive list of all the Tactical Items currently available in 6.0. Additionally, when Sleep Dart wears off, the target is struck by Sedatives, reducing all damage dealt by 50% for the next 10 seconds. Guildy says he's getting 20k openers with Volatile Strike and doing 11 to 13k sustained on scaled content. the views and content expressed on this website are written by individuals and do not necessarily reflect the views of game rush, llc. If you’re struggling with the numbers or can’t deal with everything you have to for Concealment and then also have some semblance of raid awareness, it might be worthwhile to try out the Volatile Strike tactical. That should be enough to keep you above 60 Energy at least until Adrenaline Probe comes off cooldown. SWTOR. Technically, this utility along with Precision Instruments gives you a tiny DPS increase by allowing you to use Sever Tendon in place of Rifle Shots, but it isn’t worth the two utility points for a barely noticeable DPS increase. Additionally, Countermeasures heals you for 1% of your maximum health every second for 10 seconds (10% total) and your Kolto Infusion now initially restores less health initially but gives a HoT over 9 seconds as well, resulting in greater healing dealt overall. Exfiltrate grants a charge of Mobile Strategies, reducing the energy cost of your next Overload Shot by 100%, increasing its maximum range by 20m, and making it knock the target back. Remember, this is not a personal buff for you, it’s something that buffs the whole team. By applying Corrosive Dart immediately before using one of those abilities, you get to apply that boost to an extra GCD, effectively extending the duration of the cooldown. 3,000 Tech Fragments + 1 million credits Crippling Slice should not be used until after you’ve already used the first Adrenaline Probe. The best use of the defense chance is to protect you for a couple of seconds in case you get aggro of something and hopefully the tanks can taunt it off before Evasion wears off. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds.

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