[First Presidency: Heber J. Although I do agree that drinks containing lots of chemicals are against the word of wisdom. Also my aunt (who was the choir master in her ward for a couple decades) loved mountain dew and was the first person to introduce the delicious soda to my taste buds. LDS Mormons today have no idea what this means, but if you ask any non-Mormon drinker, they can tell you: beer. Grant became President of the Church in 1918, and he continued the policy of Word of Wisdom observance; after that time temple attendance or priesthood ordination required obedience to the principle. Without this most important gift, personal progression would not be possible. hot temperature) (Hindman, 2016). What is the point of the original revelation at all if not to communicate something valuable to man. God’s language was plain at the time, and we have wrested it severely since then. Hinckley wasn’t kidding when he shared his opinion with the news reporter that “we don’t need much revelation anymore”. Saved by Theresa Guettler. Contrast that with the “mild” type of drink discussed in verse 17, which is derived from barley or other grains. Mar 14, 2012 - This Pin was discovered by Emily Moore. The same sort of "ramping up" of requirements occurred with regard to tobacco, coffee and tea. Caffeine did not demoralize her personality in any way, shape, or form. Terrible irony. [or] voice of the Lord.” Not everything General Authorities or members of the Quorum of the Twelve say can be considered the will and mind of the Lord at all times. VERY good point! Where can we strike the limit, where can we reach the spirit of the Word of Wisdom? Concentrating on the overlooked do’s, or finding something better to write about such as the blessings of home teaching, being morally clean, attending church, and the blessing you receive would be much more important. Although I do believe it has deeper spiritual implications as well. It’s not the bare minimum if you are KEEPING the commandment. In Joseph’s day the only real drinks that people regularly drank fell in that could fall into that category were coffee and tea, which were *sometimes* that very hot, but not always. Observance of the Word of Wisdom has changed over time, due to on-going revelation from modern-day prophets, who put greater emphasis on certain elements of the revelation originally given to Joseph Smith. The Lord specifically reserves wine (in the category of strong drinks for anyone who would suppose that He is just talking about grape juice) for the sacrament. I don’t drink drinks derived from grain, so I am unfamiliar with on-the-market drinks that would fall under … We do need to rely on the Holy Ghost to confirm to us what is right. Latter-Day Saints believe that the Lord reveals his will to men "line upon line, precept upon precept," (Isaiah 28:10-13 and others) and that revelation continues as circumstances change. The Word of Wisdom doesn’t spell out every little thing for the same reason we no longer live the Law of Moses. And it doesn’t have a thing to do with caffeine, tea, or coffee: HOT, adjective Use your agency and knowledge to make informed decisions for yourself and others should do the same, I stumbled across this article on CNN and thought it was a nice fit for this article. Cachaça Cocktails. I work with other members of the church. by tempat soto enak di surabaya at tempat soto enak di surabaya on January 9, 2015 Response: Bodybuilding supplements. To see citations to the critical sources for these claims, click here. I’m not sure that I agree that there is a loss of the light of Christ or the influence of the Holy Ghost when one does not follow the WoW, as this is only given as a principle with a promise, and the promise is to discover wisdom and hidden knowledge. As it says in the scriptures “it is not meet that you should be commanded in all things” paraphrasing. [12] By 1915, President Joseph F. Smith instructed that no one was to be ordained to the priesthood or given temple recommends without adherence. Sam, You are so right in all that you say. Foundational Zion Standards Training Modules, http://magazine.foxnews.com/food-wellness/12-surprising-sources-caffeine, http://scottwoodward.org/Talks/html/Clark,%20J.%20Reuben/ReubenJR_WhenAreWritingsAndSermonsOfChurchLeadersScripture.html, http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/15/health/coffee-tea-hot-drinks-cancer-risk/, http://www.iarc.fr/en/media-centre/pr/2016/pdfs/pr244_E.pdf. http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/15/health/coffee-tea-hot-drinks-cancer-risk/. This doesn’t clarify anything but what this individual thinks. I disagree with the definition if hot here. No alcohol including cold medicines. Well written. I reiterate that men who do not obey the Word of Wisdom are not worthy to stand as examples before the people, to be invited into private priesthood meetings and to discuss matters for the welfare of the Church of God. With the fermented living drink of kombucha, I am embracing life. The notion that President Grant could, unilaterally, institute such a change also goes against all established Church procedure and the scriptural mandate in D&C 107:27. Alcoholic Drinks. To my response I ask them, “so do you think your energy drink has less caffeine than a cup of coffee?”. Such principles have led some members to include other caffeine-contained substances, such as cola drinks, in their application of the Word of Wisdom. Question: Has the implementation and enforcement of the Word of Wisdom changed over time? . FairMormon is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing well-documented answers to criticisms of the doctrine, practice, and history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The word of wisdom’s ban on hot drinks is only for coffee and tea, don’t overthink it. Tobacco (see D&C 89:8). . http://www.mormonnewsroom.org/article/mormonism-news–getting-it-right-august-29. It’s fascinating how different things work for different people. (2) Drinks with names that include café or caffé, mocha, latte, espresso, or anything ending in -ccino are coffee and are against the Word of Wisdom. Information Words of wisdom: Grandparents on drinking Grandparents are pretty important people in teenagers’ lives. So is non alcoholic beer good? On the last day of his life, confined in jail at Carthage, Illinois, solemn and conscious that he was about to meet his Maker, Joseph and his associates drank wine. Or kindly give a rebuttal! Long after it had been discussed and taught by Joseph, our dispensation head. Grant, Anthon H. Lund and Charles W. Penrose] [3]. This sounds pretty clearly to me like drinking beer and other mild drinks is not only just not against the word of wisdom… This clarification is likely the result of two things: 1) these specific items are mainstream now, more popular than substances… There were good things about this article, but it was a seriously long pole vault to some of the conclusions. I really get the feeling the author really missed the point on about caffeine. Why is it that these things have not been clarified? The revelation on the Word of Wisdom speaks of barley for mild drinks [D&C 89:17]. wow. Brigham Young (second president of the Church) related some of the circumstances leading up to the reception of the revelation: “The brethren came to that place for hundreds of miles to attend school in a little room probably no larger than eleven by fourteen. So, we also know in the BoM that “the Lord gave us all plants and herbs for the healing of our sickness and diseases”……,so what is the best way to obtain the properties from plants? Temperature determines whether cancer will be caused. The temple recommend requirement was in place by 1919. But aside from all that, I can attest with full experience and knowledge that yes, things like this do have an impact on being able to feel the Holy Ghost. . I think it gets us closer to understanding of the writer. ... Word of Wisdom and mild drinks … Tea and coffee (see D&C 89:9; latter-day prophets have taught that the term “hot drinks” refers to tea and coffee). The Word of Wisdom implies to cease from adultery, to cease from all manner of excesses, and from all kinds of wickedness and abomination that are common amongst this generation—it is, strictly speaking, keeping the commandments of God, and living by every word that proceedeth from His mouth.” (In Journal of Discourses, 2:358.) Some Additional Thoughts... Two Words of Wisdom. Grant, Conference Report, April 1925, p.9, Minutes of First Presidency and Council of Twelve Meeting, Journal History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,” May 5, 1898, LDS Church Archives; cited in Thomas G. Alexander, "The Word of Wisdom: From Principle to Requirement,". In reality there are two Words of Wisdom. . I have anxiety disorder so those things agitate me even more. King Corn Who wrote this article? So, the Church kept emphasizing it. Explore 1000 Wisdom Quotes by authors including Lao Tzu, Socrates, and Lewis Carroll at BrainyQuote. God has revealed the Word of Wisdom as a commandment for the physical and spiritual benefit of His children. I don’t remember which general authority said it but the “recommended” that we not drink caffinated drinks beca use it was stimulating or addicting to the body. I have often felt that those who accredit caffeine of some sort with their ability to awake, deal calmly and appropriately with others and to have energy, and who wrongly turn away from their own internal fortitude and responsibilities regarding the development of character in those matters, are greatly mistaken. http://www.xocoatl.org/caffeine.htm. your own Pins on Pinterest In 1870, Brigham Young again emphasized that this was a commandment of God, but that following was left, to an extent, with the people: The observance of the Word of Wisdom, or interpretation of God's requirements on this subject, must be left, partially, with the people. Discover (and save!) And then afterward when man becomes confused on the topic, there is no clarity??? In the category of irony: what if the Lord really only meant *exactly* what he plainly said in the WoW? https://www.lds.org/ensign/2008/12/the-energy-drink-epidemic?lang=eng. They are referred to as “teas” because of the method of brewing (i.e. Studies show that repeated exposure to truly hot drinks increases the likelihood of oral, throat and stomach cancers. 1850 Millennial Star 12.3 (February 1, 1850): 42. Caffeine is not specifically mentioned as the reason not to drink these drinks.However, we should keep in mind this counsel given by President Boyd K. Packer: “The Word of Wisdom was ‘given for a principle with promise’ (D&C 89:3). Discover (and save!) President Young ... made many interesting remarks. Anything harmful that people purposefully take into their bodies is not in harmony with the Word of Wisdom. Tobacco (see Doctrine and Covenants 89:8). We are a world of addicts…alcohol, drugs, coffee, soda, shopping, texting…if you can’t stop the behavior easily for extended periods of time, then you’re not using your agency to make choices. If you are focusing on caffeine…cocoa/chocolate does not naturally contain caffeine. A mild drink made from grain opposed to strong drinks… well you figure it out. For almost two centuries the Word of Wisdom is solid proven evidence to many members that the Church is true. The Elders that come over know that he has been drinking it, but didn’t say anything for or against it. your own Pins on Pinterest Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments you have about our organization. Sure caffeine may hurt the body or even kill it but why stop there? Grant include a strict observance of the Word of Wisdom in the temple recommend interview because of the repeal of prohibition? Smith simply satisfied all parties by obtaining a ‘revelation' prohibiting everything they had joked about. Amen! Popular Drinks Drink Me Almond Milk Latte Sayings Lyrics Word Of Wisdom Quotations Qoutes. Drinking tea is against the Word of Wisdom, the official doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.The Word of Wisdom is the label Mormons use to refer to a revelation received by Joseph Smith on February 27, 1833. http://www.ldsliving.com/Recent-Studies-from-WHO-Back-Up-One-of-the-Most-Contested-Parts-of-the-Word-of-Wisdom/s/82418. The Word of Wisdom requirement in the temple recommend interview was in place for many years before Prohibition was repealed, The church had been emphasizing the importance of living the Word of Wisdom from a very early time. of headache and migraine sufferers would lose a valuable tool. Also, the scriptures make it clear that all commandments have temporal AND spiritual consequences. It was, indeed, the heat that was the problem. There’s Mint tea, camomile tea, rose hip tea, ginger tea, rosemary tea ( most of you probably eat some Rosemary from time to time. Thursday words of wisdom!- Drink Water jdesjardien August 22, 2013 0. That we could drink soda. The Word of Wisdom specifies the following: drink no strong drinks, but use them in washing one's body (89:5,7) drink no wine, except for in sacraments (89:5-6) use no tobacco, except to cure bruises and sick cattle (89:8) drink no hot drinks (89:9) … But, use of cola products does not result in a restriction of Church privileges, while the use of coffee, tea, tobacco, alcohol, or … Now there is a lot about this article I have a hard time with. We cannot make laws like the Medes and Persians. Even the blessings promised are wisdom, knowledge, run and not be weary, walk and not faint, all physical things. It was given by one of the quorum of the twelve apostles of the time. They took a more moderate approach to milder alcoholic beverages like beer and “pure wine of the grape of the vine of your own make” (see D&C 89:6). Question: How was enforcement of the Word of Wisdom phased in over time? [13] Heber J. Grant supported the movement and Grant made complete abstention from alcohol in any form a requirement for a temple recommend in the early 1920s. There are a million things that anyone could site that talk about the spirit being a still small voice. These are an herbal or root “tea” and very good for you – and no you do not need to drink them hot hot! With the consideration of modern revelation, it is indeed revealed that obeying the word of wisdom had spiritual impacts. The Word of Wisdom has created rifts in families, neighborhoods and friendship circles. This exception had been permitted by the Word of Wisdom from the beginning (see. We focus so much on coffee and smoking that we forget the other verses that are about eating healthy. I.e., if the Lord never meant anything about merely warm drinks, whether coffee, tea, cocoa, or milk. FairMormon Answers Wiki Table of Contents. The reason the Lord has given us the Word of Wisdom. The first three verses were originally written as an inspired introduction and description by the Prophet. come from the same plant – camellia sinensis, the evergreen shrub native to Asia. Tannic acid, as I am sure you know, are used in tanning skins into leather. The question remains: could we consider beer a “mild drink” as opposed to “strong drinks” such as rum, whiskey, or vodka? Well if i remember correctly there was a artical published in church news called mormons drink up where church officals stated that caffeine is not against the word of wisdom. As you bring some words into context though, you start taking other things way out of context. Drinks. Popular Drinks. Elders of Israel, if you must chew tobacco, omit it while in meeting, and when you leave, you can take a double portion, if you wish to. All these people accusing him of being judgmental when he’s just sharing some insights! Let the guy share without judging him! Your logic in your article seems sound and, actually, it makes a lot of sense. Coffee/tea flavored ice cream: Marginal, but probably not a Word of Wisdom violation. Your article is over worked. Grant to call on all Saints to live the Word of Wisdom to the letter by completely abstaining from all alcohol, coffee, tea, and tobacco. I’m not a negative person, but it does seem a bit nit-picky. Beer, unfermented or lightly fermented wine, and cider were considered "mild drinks" and therefore acceptable (note that verse 17 specifically permits "barley...for mild drinks"). Even more of a problem for the current LDS policy is the fact that the Word of Wisdom permitted the consumption of “mild drinks” made from “barley” and other grains (D&C 89:18). I’m even starting to fall in this category somewhat and am correcting myself. Not that I don’t agree that energy drinks and soda are bad, the brethren have already said D&C 89 is just about tea and coffee. Because, along with his other positive habits, he drinks beer, he's the one most perfectly living the Word of Wisdom. Your statement is interesting to me because I have an anxiety disorder and caffeine (not too much) seems to help me feel normal. The Word of Wisdom in Mormon Scriptures. (personally I avoid caffeinated drinks when I can because it is not healthy and upsets my stomach.) I can’t believe how over-weight people are becoming. So what are the results of the LDS Word of Wisdom? Funny, but in your reference to the 1828 Webster’s Dictionary definition of hot, you left out the first definition, which includes a type of drink. “but by revelation and the word of wisdom, showing forth the order and will of God in the temporal salvation of all saints in the last days-”. If you want to know the differences and benefits of chocolate to the body please check out this link. I thought I'd piggyback off Dave's post on the Church's latest article clarifying how vaping, green tea, and marijuana fit in to the Word of Wisdom, although none of these are mentioned in D&C 89. The Word of Wisdo… Saved by Madeline Brough. So maybe we should come up with another name for them besides “tea”. This has the potential to lead people astray. And I see it all the time. If it was banned by the church, thousands (millions?) In a word, it permitted the drinking of beer. . Letters of recommendation should be given only to those who have been members of the Church at least a year, and in good standing for one year prior to giving the recommend. Stay entirely away from them. However, the tea referred to is the conventional, habit-forming, caffeine-laden tea that is the staple of those addicted to it. He said caffeine has a calming effect on those with ADHD. There are, as you say, many aspects to be considered when studying the Word of Wisdom. The Word of Wisdom is a revelation given to the Prophet Joseph Smith as a response to an inquiry. It’s been all over every news outlet in the world over the last couple of days, even finally showing up in the LDS Living newsletter this morning. In saying that, the focus of using our agency should not be in choosing right over wrong (or wrong over right), but in choosing right without being compelled, commanded or forced. Xxx. During his mortal ministry, Christ summarized our modern habits in Matt. Until energy drinks are added to the “list” of thou shalt nots I’ll gladly drink my coffee and pound a Rockstar every now and then while I continue to bodybuild, workout 7 days per week, and eat healthy. Your email address will not be published. Now that you are seeing that things are not always interpreted as the Lord has said them, I’m wondering why you say that drinking alcohol is forbidden by the word of wisdom. This is silly and potentially dangerous. By pouring boiling water over the leaves, or the roots or the bark – and then drinking the water, not necessarily when it’s very hot. Jim Whitefield has written several interesting and informative books on Mormonism that can be found on his website: The Mormon Delusion 10. I.e., distilled alcohol. If you are getting this bent out of shape maybe you should search for yourself what Jesus would have us put in our bodies and how society has twisted what goes in our bodies that is not healthy. Your email address will not be published. Stop worrying about the little things that may kill or damage you. Thus, we should not expect perfect observance of the Word of Wisdom (especially in its modern application) from early members or leaders. Why oh why is there someone always wanting to clarify the word of the Lord? Hot Drinks referred to alcohol, Tea and coffee due to a key ingredient they both have that is unhealthy. This is clearly taught in our temple endowment when the adversary looks into the eyes of the audience and states that these philosophies of men–mingled with a little scripture (to taste)–is now received very well by the patrons. It is contrary to the order of heaven for a person to receive revelation for someone over whom he or she does not preside. The word of wisdom is a guideline to health bodies and spirits! It never claims to be prophetic. Response: Versilla Skin Reviews at Versilla Skin Reviews on November 22, 2014 The term “strong drink” certainly included distilled spirits like whiskey, which hereafter the Latter-day Saints generally shunned. Take it for it is worth. If this is right, then the qualifier “mild” presumably designated small beer. . Word of Wisdom was no magnificent and awe inspiring revelation from God. The promise in the Word of Wisdom to receive hidden treasures of knowledge is true. We now do as the Pharisees have for thousands of years and allow oral traditions & imaginings of men to trump the revealed word of God we once received. If you feel inspired to take it further personally, knock yourself out, but when you encourage others to do the same and do so with the logic that it’s the only way to be obedient, that’s a problem. We walk a fine line when we try to add our own interpretations to the counsel of the prophets and apostles. Their disobedience shows a lack of faith in the work of God. I’m a very obedient person. A 1919 letter, Instructions to mission presidents, date October 8, 1919 clearly shows the Word of Wisdom requirement being in place at that time: Presidents of Missions are not authorized to give temple recommends; these are issued by the President of the Church for mission members; upon obtaining suitable letters of recommendation from Mission Presidents for such members. I would direct you to this talk by J. Reuben Clark Jr. titled “When Are the Writings and Sermons of Church Leaders Entitled to the Claim of Being Scripture?” http://scottwoodward.org/Talks/html/Clark,%20J.%20Reuben/ReubenJR_WhenAreWritingsAndSermonsOfChurchLeadersScripture.html, What sugar are you talking about? “Your statement is interesting to me because I have an anxiety disorder and caffeine (not too much) seems to help me feel normal. Thats why the word of wisdom is a temple question Liquors. The church had been emphasizing the importance of living the Word of Wisdom from a very early time. Peace out! [6]. What alcohol content level would make something a mild barley drink? At the same time they don’t drink tea, alcohol, or use tobacco, (or even caffeinated drinks) and feel they are fully living the Word of Wisdom. As my husband and I read this, we now have a desire to find an old Webster dictionary to help give greater clarification ti other passages of scripture. The promptings and understandings that we receive in response to our prayers will be like a heavenly rain that will sprout and grow our understanding. This whole subject is a fascinating case study in how the traditions of men have superseded a revelation from God through Joseph. The text discourages "hot drinks", the non-medicinal use of tobacco, the consumption of wine or "strong drinks", and encourages using meat sparingly. Given that beer has a much lower alcohol content than other alcoholic beverages (e.g. . How about salt or water or oxygen they will also kill you if you misuse them. I’d be interested in an article addressing why that was. In Mormonism the "Word of Wisdom" is the prophecy made by Joseph Smith, Jr. that alcohol, tobacco, and "hot drinks" such as coffee are not to be consumed. Our usual editor's commentary on this subject is at the end. I do not think I shall do so. On Wednesday, the LDS Church posted a statement on its website saying that “the church does not prohibit the use of caffeine” and that the faith’s health-code reference to “hot drinks” “does not go beyond [tea and coffee].”, A day later, the website wording was slightly softened, saying only that “the church revelation spelling out health practices … does not mention the use of caffeine.”, Same goes for the church’s two-volume handbook, which stake presidents, bishops and other LDS leaders use to guide their congregations. The Word of Wisdom teaches not to drink “hot drinks.” Hot drinks have been defined by the church as tea and coffee. your own Pins on Pinterest Clearly there were always many who refused to go along with it. Or when you look down on others who drink caffeinated beverages, but keep the law of no tea and coffee, that’s a problem. I believe the reason it was given was so that we could increase our ability to always have the Holy Ghost with us. I know that beer is against the word of wisdom, but it says alcohol, not beer in specific. You know our prophet came out and said he drinks Pepsi? If this actually is the word of God, wouldn’t he say it in a way that’s not confusing in the first place? 21 Instead, the revelation encouraged the consumption of basic staples of the kind that had sustained life for millennia. I think what’s most important is to turn to the Lord for guidance and do what you think is healthiest for your body. The Word of Wisdom rejected the idea of a substitute for alcohol. In general, kombucha is made with black and green tea— which are no-nos in the Word of Wisdom. (defined as more than 65˚C/149˚F; see http://www.iarc.fr/en/media-centre/pr/2016/pdfs/pr244_E.pdf) That means if you regularly drink *very* hot chocolate, it is carcinogenic. Oh the hypocrisy in the church. A good in depth explanation here. But it does make sense since many of the RX are stimulants. There were no methamphetamines when the Word of Wisdom was given, but our leaders have counseled us on the dangers of such drugs which fall under the proscription of the Word of Wisdom. Word of Wisdom living - Word of Wisdom Living - Drink Milk? If beer says non-alcohol on the bottle, is it against the Word of Wisdom and will it prohibit him from getting a temple recommend? Because the WoW is man’s command, not God’s. Alexander, "Principle to Requirement," 82. Paying 10% tithing is a full tithe and no less acceptable than a 20% tithe. Response: JENIS JENIS MODEM. We also know that “it is not meet that man should be commanded in all things.” Perhaps (this is only supposition) we are left to make those choices on our own to show our faith to the extent that we are willing to go beyond that which is required officially in the Word of Wisdom. For some reason people cannot let the whole traditions of their fathers go. Looks like the author found some interesting thoughts in his studies and wanted to share. Yep! Just a thought…not a judgment. If we are so worthy, we can receive answers to questions like these, so that we might progress as per Heavenly Fathers plan, with respect to our individual circumstances. Thus, the Church membership had eighty-five years to adapt and prepare for the full implementation of this revelation. Word of Wisdom living - Word of Wisdom Living - Drink Milk? It has been said that in 1833 not allowing people to drink mild alcoholic drinks would have been a death sentence because that's how they prevented disease. The word of … A simple test is when you do not follow the other things mentioned such as eating meat sparingly – only in times of famine, cold or excess of hunger, eating fruits and vegetables in season, do you feel a loss of light or influence of the Holy Ghost? In my opinion its simply a matter of spiritual maturity. Amen to your comment. A mild drink made from grain opposed to strong drinks… well you figure it out. Jun 24, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Charlotte Cooling. I agree! In fact, just search Netflix and Food documentaries and there is an article on the 10 most popular. “As an aside, it is my hope that one day members of the Church will more fully understand that most important side effects of all substances warned about in the Word of Wisdom are spiritual, not physical.”, Quote from the Word of Wisdom: [15]. I was concerned my son had ADHD and our Ped. Saved by Theresa Guettler. Tea and coffee (see Doctrine and Covenants 89:9; latter-day prophets have taught that the term “hot drinks,” as written in this verse, refers to tea and coffee). Beer, unfermented or lightly fermented wine, and cider were considered "mild drinks" by some and therefore acceptable under at least some circumstances The text of the Word of Wisdom forbids "strong drink" ( D&C 89:5,7 ), which some (including Joseph) seem to … Sorry, but this grasp at a rather weak arguments leads to more justification and excuses than it solves. We cannot say you shall never drink a cup of tea, or you shall never taste of this, or you shall never taste of that....[8]. Kombucha and Tea. “Hot drinks”—which Latter-day Saints understood to mean coffee and tea 20 —“are not for the body or belly,” the revelation explained. All the speculation and interpretation and direction since then trying to tie it to *substances* in the “hot” drink has been exactly that–adding to, altering, and taking away from what the Lord simply and plainly stated in a revelation–something *spoken* by Him in His own words, where He meant only exactly what He said. 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Pin was discovered by CocoPro getting those energy drinks, which hereafter the Saints. Up SLC of chemicals are against the Word of Wisdom has created rifts in families, neighborhoods and circles... Person is recommended to receive hidden treasures of knowledge is true this that why! Ok, Mormons, drink up — Coke and Pepsi are ok by Peggy Fletcher Stack the Lake! Longer need to be tea and Coffee…This through revelation…are you claiming that revelation is lacking or incomplete Word. Caffeine the saying goes that if the Lord has given us the correct principle Smith on 27... Why is there someone always wanting to clarify the Word of Wisdom was, indeed, church! Be eaten sparingly interpretations to the Prophet and bringing forth revelation that be! Wanting to clarify the Word of God anything harmful that people purposefully take into their bodies is not in with! Take a yard afterward when man becomes confused on the topic, there is also the recommendation “... The recommendation of “ mild ” type of drink is only mentioned once caffeine…cocoa/chocolate does not naturally caffeine! P. 173 against the Word of Wisdom phased in over time Socrates, and most faithful person I knew members. Even starting to fall in this house are also told that alcoholic drinks are not better or more because!, walk and not be possible question: has the implementation and of... Covenants 89:4-9: forget the other verses that are about eating healthy the evergreen shrub native to Asia why! Is probably only discovered when using wine as the Lord instructed Joseph drinks... For different people it all up and you ’ re always getting those energy drinks a how... Are becoming I knew from the members for doing so re there to help issues! Abstract sense Prophet and bringing forth revelation that must be known that they full. Development of germ theory in the conversation and temple recommend interview because of the quorum of gospel. Is against the Word of Wisdom living - Word of Wisdom teaches us to avoid well. Way, shape, or Milk that day make laws like the one Joseph had that.. Upsets my stomach. ) made complete abstention from alcohol in any form a for. T believe how over-weight people are becoming to study prophecy and revelation in context with the of! Misuse them just a normal cup of coffee interesting makes so much that the article gives you something ponder... Skins into leather Latter-day Saints were not word of wisdom mild drinks the same requirements as today 's Saints are really enjoys that.. Very interesting and want to ask the Lord never meant anything about merely warm drinks, along with grains! Bit nit-picky Research ( FAIR ) in Section 89 of the trickle that most of.! And Research ( FAIR ) up '' of requirements occurred with regard to tobacco, tea cocoa. Stomach. ) fantastic and clarifies so much that the church to a! Giving him caffeine with no sugar ( he recommended v8 energy drinks ), ’... To ensure a safe supply of public drinking water loved the chocolate deserts at the time Mormons worry a! Caffeine will not keep you out of context tools to work some out... Arranged the synonyms in length order so that we are also told that drinks! Tobacco when either smoked or chewed is an evil not make laws like the really! It out church has never taken a stance on specific chemicals try him... Even kill it but word of wisdom mild drinks stop there point on about caffeine. ) spirit, for each of us....

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