I agree that Java indeed is a great programming language but there is no single programming language that should be deemed as the best. I really love its flexibility, how dynamic it is and the big variety of frameworks it has. It was a HUGE step up from bashing my head against the wall (pun slightly intended) with shell scripting for PC file manipulation. Java is my favorite programming language, but python is a close second. 0. questions ~4.9m. I ultimately believe that Java is more widely used due to its portability, whereas C# is used by pretty much any business that runs the Microsoft stack. I love it because it is very versatile. But I know that many of my idle questions, from "Can I brute-force solve this logic problem in my son's math homework?" Ruby, everything is a object and care programmers happy. Why is Java the best programming Language? JS has the benefit of being useful everywhere now and a must know for frontend web dev. United States. What I love most about Python is that it teaches you to think in code. Most client work I use PHP, but mostly because I can use includes for my HTML and its the only other language I used other than HTML/CSS. Although, I will totally admit that static typing does make it easer to write certain types of code well, it has its own set of issues. One of the main reasons Java is so popular is its platform independence, which means that Java programs can be run on many different types of computers. 1. If it needs to be fast, C/C++ or Fortran. Don't tell Python yet thought cuz she doesn't know and I want her to be ready to move on with her life before I bring in a step-mom for her in the shape of Rust. Pascal is a dead language! Pure functional language suitable for beginners. Why Pascal is Not My Favorite Programming Language Brian W. Kernighan AT&T Bell Laboratories Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 ABSTRACT The programming language Pascal has become the dominant language of instruction in computer science education. You can do anything from basic scripting to big Ruby is IMHO much more elegant, flexible and naturally object-oriented. Java passed, and it was my favorite, so I named the language Java and subsequently named the browser HotJava, a much better name than WebRunner. Nodejs is popular. DEV Community © 2016 - 2021. I think the added context of working with a browser and DOM gives it a really fascinating ecosystem, so it's always going to keep me attached to some extent. C# has its roots in the C family of languages and will be immediately familiar to C, C++, Java, and JavaScript programmers”. I like the event system and how it deals with asynchronous code. I left the C# world behind when .NET 4.5 was new and C# 5 was the latest version of the language so, suffice to say, I'm well removed from the C family nowadays. I have danced in the garden of five languages, with my native language of English being my apex one. You take your pick. I would recommend you Elm language if you like Haskell. I did a lot of coding with C, Rust, Java and Python, so these 4 are the languages I'm most comfortable with, but that doesn't mean I like all 4. But then it became familiar. But for scratchpad stuff ... it's really nice to be able to write fast, and then later actually read what I wrote. In these areas they are very different, but it is a matter of framework, not language itself. Python was my first language too, and it was my favourite until learning Kotlin a few months ago. It has the best libraries and the best exception handling as well, it is easy to find where is the problem, something that I didn't find in any language, unless, maybe, C#. The combination of Java maturity and Spring Boot ease of use made me love the Java language, before I used to see C# as the go-to language, but after I knew Java well, I fell in love. I think that’s something special. Then it became java since the IDE would generate everything for me. Also, totally understand that different languages are good for different things. I can see how PHP and JS can be abused to write bad code, but so can any language. Java was one of the most popular languages until last … Passionate about education, Python, JavaScript, and code art. Built on Forem — the open source software that powers DEV and other inclusive communities. Perl. Java as a programming language offers a reach pack of powerful IDEs for different applications in the real world. I actually looked into Elm--it's got a lot to recommend it, but I'm not super keen on the way the language and community is managed. It's also great for solving code challenges because of the utilities in the standard library. Not any feature of the language itself - just the fact that I'm more proficient with it than with any other language. The engineers had a … As might be clear from my entries to your challenges, I’m a Rubyist. it's concise and elegant, and things like type classes, algebraic data types, and higher-kinded types (not to mention the concept of kinds in general) are things i miss when writing other languages, Props for the colloquialism “druthers”. In most object-oriented languages, there is a very specific time when an object constructor is called (namely, when an object is instantiated) and when its destructor is called (namely, when … Python is definitely my goto language, I love its flexibility and how easy it is to make a simple script, or a big project. I started my career with C#, which was a bit of a difficult first language to be honest. With the upcoming 7.3 release being 200% faster than the 5.6 release performance is only getting better. For writing full scale applications C# has become my go-to simply because I use it everyday and it's most familiar to me on a "bigger than a single algorithm" scale at this point. My favorite example of what makes Python both easy to … like its member function of that type. Java language is not a Pure Object Oriented Language as it contain these properties: Primitive Data Type ex. Back in 2017, I wrote about why the D programming language is a great choice for development. This isn't meant to be a debate, just a display of love for languages that have been helpful for us! Will a beginner with a gun kill you in open space from 30 feet away? There are several languages that I like, so mostly my go-to definitions depends of what are the needs for the project. But really, JS is the language that I know best, and that doesn’t require a file template (unlike C# for example). But I also think that dynamic typing has its place as well. But Azure is my baby, I'm a cloud guy at heart. Why Sun is right that Java sucks. And Python is far and away the favorite. It supports React programming, which makes you able to FRP (Functional React Programming). The only thing I haven't found out how to do in Python, is a good looking GUI. But I will also be the first to admit that Python, and languages like it, are far from perfect despite their popularity. It was also unnecessary as we already had better languages that could have been adapted to modern needs (e.g. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. But professionally I am a MEAN Stack developer and do a lot with typescript. I generally prefer simplicity and readability in a language and I think Go is great at that compared to other languages, despite its known shortcomings. In this post I want to explain why I, somewhat irrationally, find this language so compelling. In the 1990s, this was the main reason for Java’s popularity. PHP and JS are easy to use and as far as I know the two fastest scripting language (though JS cheats as it is all JIT now). The expert programmer provides advice FREE at various Java forums and StackOverflow. JavaScript (ES6) is my favorite. Java is free from the start, i.e. This was mainly for my job and because I love the dotnet stack (even more so now Core is around). An obvious exampl is that you would not create an operating system with an OO language, especially a language originally intended to be semi-compiled and run on a VM. :), I would read the crap out of that article. I'm mainly a web developer so started out with PHP and front-end tech in Uni but gradually found that the front-end discipline is very easy so moved on to C#. Any resource you can point me to for latest progress/news on Ruby v3? The syntax just gets out of the way and I don't have to be as picky about all the details. I really like how Satya Nadella, when first given his position, was expected to do a bunch of stuff, and in many cases had it demanded of him by the board, and instead kind of just said "That's nice. There's tremendous freedom and variety. An Introduction to Neural Network and Deep Learning For Beginners. People complain routinely about Java lacking good Generics, but then people turn around and go to a language with none. // monitor.vala: why Vala is not my favorite programming language. Java provides API for almost everything you need in development like I/O, networking, utilities, XML parsing, database connection etc. So I guess my goto language(s) are PHP/HTML/CSS ¯_(ツ)_/¯. Why Java is not my favorite programming language by Mike Sperber. Javascript was SO weird! I will say as well that Java and C# are, in my opinion, sister languages in a lot of ways. You can still use C# for machine learning intensive tasks e.g. JS because it is JIT compiled, and PHP because of heavy caching plus a ton of built in C extensions which are of course very fast. Last time I worked with Ruby (3-4 years ago), I heard about the Ruby 3x3 initiative. Absolutely and bragging rights be damned. This is simply amazing and gives a lot of confidence to a newbie in Java. It also makes writing OO style code easier while it still allows writing in a functional style if you prefer. Nothing made much sense. You can do templates or OOP or vanilla C. There's no interpreter to get in the way of what you want. I got asked on Twitter why I love Python so much, and I thought I would do a quick writeup, then open this up to a discussion on why your preferred language is your go-to. How to Get Involved? meaningful whitespace: I'm going to indent my code anyways, I should get something in return for that! Normally when I tell people that my favorite language is JavaScript the reaction I get is one of shock and disbelief — almost as if I have committed a sin. Does expertise in using a sword give you bragging rights? Then I started working for a company right after bootcamp that worked mainly with a LAMP stack ( Laravel , PHP) ... then I was hooked lol. I do mostly web development with Python, though. 3. I recently used Go for a project where I needed plenty of threads and that was awesome, I love how simple Go is. He is correct. I don't have a particular go-to as I don't consider myself a bonafide developer. I've been using mostly C# for about 12 years. Rust is my favorite programming language (other languages I enjoy are Kotlin and Python). Both of these programs can power a wide variety of applications. And there's an endless richness to it - which can equally be considered a drawback. Our job is to build solutions and solve problems efficiently, effectively and quickly. Yes, of course. This dissimilarity will play a huge role in your future project. There is ReasonML, like Erlangs Elixir. Given that this article explains why Go is my favorite programming language, it focuses on the positives. Why learn a new language just to learn a new language for production stuff? The syntax and ease of use allowed you to translate ideas in your head into code so easily its insane. Since I have a physics background, I'm also a fan of Fortran. TS/JS runs pretty much everywhere: Web, Mobile, Desktop, IOT, front-end, back-end. I love Kotlin expressivity and performance, and the Spring ecosystem. Java actually promotes taking and giving back to community habit. In programming language design, a primitive is the simplest available element. ", Getting Started with Storybook: How to Develop React Components Without an App, Build a Music Sharing App with Amazon S3 and AWS Amplify, A Complete Beginner's Guide to Web Development, list comprehensions, which are a really elegant way of transforming data, you can extend Python relatively easily with C or C++ which you can use to write faster-running utilities if needed. Well I spend most of my professional time in JavaScript, and I've come to appreciate the language quite a lot. With an advent of IDE, you don’t even need to look Javadoc explicitly in a browser, but you can get all information in your IDE window itself. But different languages have different strengths and use cases. I can install and upgrade old modules with every confidence that everything that worked before I started will work when I am done, which is not true of every dynamic language that starts with P. I know that things I want to do are affected by things I know that I can do with Perl, and I know it has slipped a lot in popularity in the last 20 years. I couldn't find enough compelling reasons to switch. It's good for JS programmers. Why so many dang characters to define a simple method?!?!? Rather typing out everything I saved myself 20~ minutes, and I learned something about the fs package in node. Like in romance movies, hate transformed into love. In terms of usability nothing beats JS though. Good luck. As a result, Java it is. int, long, bool, float, char, etc as Objects: Smalltalk is a “pure” object-oriented programming language unlike Java and C++ as there is no difference between values which are objects and values which are primitive types. My go to is Java, as it wasn't so much my first language (C# -> C++ -> Java). It has also strongly influenced lan-guages developed subsequently, in particular Ada. A lot of folks feel that way and I can't say that defining the type of data that goes into a variable or data set is not a huge advantage in a lot of ways. Once you understand it on a deeper level, learning other languages will be a … I know some C, C++, Rust, Python, Java (Ugh) and a little bit of Julia. I don't know it very well, but I'm forced to use it (gladly). As a result, Java it is. rust, easily. Even though Java is my favorite language, and I know a bit of C and C++, I am striving to expand beyond this year. // // A program to walk the filesystem tree and install FileMonitors on // every directory found, in order to test a limit on notifications. It's very fast and with JIT coming in PHP 8 will be even faster. I really want to it's be popular, because OCaml has failed to be popular, but if Reason will be popular OCaml will be popular too and the ecosystem will be richer. I love Assembly Language because I can follow through my program in the wires and components of computers. I mostly work in HTML/CSS and some JS due to my job. Looking for a programming language? It’s so elegant. Java is an object-oriented programming language that supports all principles like Data Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Overloading, Overriding, … Information such as the type of browser being used, its operating system, and your IP address is gathered in order to enhance your online experience. I like Erlang because it's concurrency, syntax (it's a little bit ugly, I know) and functional programming. A lot of folks feel that this kind of easy syntax makes programmers weak and squishy, but I disagree. Java … This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I love haskell too. // This will do a TON of I/O. It’s easy to search, refactor and read code using IDEs. Whatever left is covered by open source libraries like Apache Commons, Google Guava, and others. I was able to write games and helpful scripts with very little programming experience. Also See: Best Websites to Learn Programming, It will stay here for our grandchildren even in the dawn of AI. Good old C is still the obvious choice for low-level code. Then if that runs out of steam I'll probably use Golang as I hate it's standard library HTTP client the least, or NodeJS because of experience. Go favor simple. Fast execution -> Rust The following principles were used: just the language name, e.g. It has beautiful syntax, features, performance. It still comes out as the fastest** language and can teach you low-level details. We're a place where coders share, stay up-to-date and grow their careers. ===== ===== (In the following, "Lisp" refers to ANSI Common Lisp) This article is a collection of facts anyone interested in Lisp should know about.-----FACT 1: The fastest Lisp implementations are slow I have a few preferences depending on the task at hand: Haskell is awesome, but hard. I will mention a few issues in passing, though: If you use Go packages which don’t offer a stable API, you might want to use a … I would consider a strong programmer somebody who can think through a problem while doing something else, figure out a solution, then simply sit down and type it out and watch it build and work correctly rather than trying to remember what that curly brace is supposed to go. 4. The libraries are so vast and diverse, letting lot of possibilities a reality. Java is the one I was trained in in school, so it'll always have a soft spot, and I like the "belt and suspenders" feel of its type safety and syntax sometimes ... especially when I think I might mess up. It's not my go to though. Did you know there's a 2008 version? So, I tend to use Java for work related things, web development and serious projects and TypeScript for quick projects, prototyping, etc. The ability for these two to work in correlation together is incredibly easy to work with and use. This is also what makes it so easy for Eclipse to do code completion and refactoring. java sucks by jwz. It benefits from its strong typing system, rules for variable and import declaration, complete scoping rules, and standard code style. Java is an object-oriented programming language that supports all principles like Data Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Overloading, Overriding, and Inheritance. This alone is enough to make Python my go-to language. They were just developed at different companies. I like to be able to debug from a physical perspective. Biz & IT — “My favorite programming language:” Google’s Go has some coders raving Go is fast, powerful, and "beautiful," developer says. Even though this may not be where it shines the most, I like the fact that you can write programs that make use of multi-threading and concurrency (even if everyone thinks you can't do that in JS). It could be lovely for Rubyists, but It's still not familiar for me. But if you're careless, then Fortran ties your hands more. The Erlang's syntax is so good for the functional programming in my opinion but many people hate its syntax, I still don't know why.. I will mention a few issues in passing, though: If you use Go packages which don’t offer a stable API, you might want to use a … I've used sockets in python and Java, so I'll try to answer socket questions. Am a go programmer too, at first I love C/C++. Same here, mostly any of these three or c#, when it comes to programming. Years later, I was surprised how Erlang's syntax was similar to Prolog's one. It's not necessarily my favorite language but I've gotten comfortable with it because I use it so often now. Python is not my favorite language, but it is the language I'm using at work. One size never fits all and I have a lot of trouble not trying to solve a problem with python that would be better suited to Go or Rust or Haskell. I started learning programming with C++ (go-to language for the first 3-4 years in uni), then there was Java, PHP, a bit of Python, a bit of Ruby on Rails... are solvable with Perl. Simple is better than complex. But I would love to see something that was written in Java, not only re-written into modern C#, but in the .NET Core repackaging of The .NET Framework. But if you've come from a C language to a high level scripting language like Python, Julia, Go, or Ruby and you can look me in the eye and tell me that the above C# example didn't make your sphincter tighten a little bit, then you are a dirty dirty liar .

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