Leather. Language. When I was a child in Morocco, the shamash would go around placing ashes on people’s heads, a custom we still practice in our synagogue in Brooklyn. Includes 6 Zemirot Sephardic Nusach. Those were written by both Sephardic and Ashkenazic rabbis. Many Jewish families sit around the dinner table for hours joyfully singing them. With some of the newer Kinot, which are harder to sing, the leader will begin and other people who know how to sing them will take over. Zemirot, or Shabbat Table Songs. Comes in either a set of 6 or 10 with matching holder. Share. A Beautiful Zemirot set to design your Shabbat table. For example, in Morocco we didn’t eat meat the entire Nine Days [similar to the Ashkenazic minhag and unlike other Sephardim], although there were three different customs regarding meat consumption on Shabbat, depending on one’s family tradition and the city in which one lived. Some of those Kinot were written as recently as five or seven years ago. The song praises the glorious and powerful “King who reins over kings” whose “powerful and wonderful deeds it is beautiful to declare.”. We need only the will to see it. Material. Audio | 2:14. POPULAR SONGS . Music video by Revivo's Project (הפרויקט של רביבו) performing Shirey Shabat שירי שבת. We all love the melodies very much—they linger in your mind until Rosh Chodesh Elul!—even though they’re very sad. Zemirot Shabbat Bencher Quilted. Plus, songs popular with both Sephardic Jews and Ashkenazic Jews. Ki Eshmera Shabbat, El Yishmreini, ot he l'olmei ad beino uveini. It continues by extolling God as the Creator of all life and a worker of wonders. According to Chacham Ovadia Yosef, one should follow the Shulchan Aruch and eat meat, but the Moroccan sage Rabbi Shalom Messas wrote a teshuvah saying that Moroccans should be allowed to abstain from eating meat on Shabbat during the Nine Days [as it is their tradition]. Yom Zeh Mechubad (This day is honored) urges Jews to observe the Sabbath for God will provide those who do with everything they need to enjoy the day–the ceremonial wine for Kiddush; two loaves of hallah; meat and fish, rich foods, sweet drinks, and “all appetizing things”; and even proper clothes to wear. Find a searchable database of Shabbat song recordings and lyrics here. The Kinot from Spain are very tragic, detailing the ways Jews were tortured and burned at the stake. Dimensions. Bo emtsa tamid nofesh (noach) le'nafshi, Henei le'dor rishon natan kedoshi, Mofet, be'tet lechem mishneh ba'shishi, Kacha be'chol shishi yachpil mezoni. Zemirot shabbat books & benchers are designed & made in Israel. You might also like Shabbat Blessings for Friday Night. Bo ehmtzah tamid, nefesh l'nafshi, Hinei l'dor rishon, natan qdoshi, mofeit b'teit lechem, mishneh bashishi, Kakhah bakhol shishi yakhpil mzoni. $14.99. JA: Are there Kinot about more contemporary events? Zemirot Shabbat Set . There’s a midrash that says Mashiach will come on Tishah B’Av. Table hymns sung during or immediately after Sabbath meals are called zemirot. On Pesach we eat maror, tonight we sit on the floor and endure merorim, bitterness. Rabbi Gad Bouskila, the rav of the shul, generously took some time to talk to Jewish Action about the ways in which Moroccan Kinot and the minhagim of the Nine Days differ from the Ashkenazic versions. My Jewish Learning is a not-for-profit and relies on your help. All Rights Reserved. Nusach. Finally, it concludes with a request that God redeem the Jewish people from exile and allow them to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem, “the city of beauty.” It is interesting that the song does not mention the Sabbath at all. Language. Zemirot Shabbat Leather Set; Share: Includes 6 Zemirot Sephardic Nusach. The ArtScroll Sephardic Siddur features: Hebrew text, English translation, laws and customs according to Sephardic traditions. Ki Echmera Chabbat – Zemirot Chabbat 8 – A écouter !! The Sholom Aleichem song greets these Shabbat angels, requests their blessing, and bid them farewell. Shalom Aleichem Text. The men begin slaughtering to restock the meat supply, even though we are not permitted to eat meat until after chatzot the next day. RB: The original Kinot, which were recited by both Ashkenazim and Sephardim, were written after the destruction of the First and Second Temples. Others do eat meat on Shabbat, and still others eat only dried or preserved meat on Shabbat. Leather. 15b). Stories. When I was a child in Morocco, the shamash would go around placing ashes on people’s heads, a custom we still practice in our synagogue in Brooklyn. Please help us by contributing lyrics or recordings! Shiru La-shem Listen 6 Comments. Tzur Mishelo (literally, “Rock from whose store [we have eaten]”), is an anonymous hymn that introduces the Birkat hamazon on the Sabbath. It’s a very old minhag. Shalom Aleichem Hebrew and English PDF. Add to Wishlist . The refrain to the six stanzas is a reminder that “This day is honored more than all other days, because on it the Eternal rested. The most famous of the zemirot is “Shalom Aleichem” (Peace be upon you), which traditionally is sung as the family gathers around the table on Friday night to welcome the “angels of peace.” This hymn, and believed to have been written in the 17th century, was inspired by talmudic legend (Shab. Softcover. Other Sephardim don’t do this sort of house cleaning and shechting on Tishah B’Av. Nusach. Copyright © 2002-2021 My Jewish Learning. In other cases, the leader will chant a paragraph and the kehillah sings a long refrain after each section. The men lift their kippot to receive the ashes. Words to “Yom Zeh Mechubad,” along with multiple audio recordings of it, can be found here. 60. Others might want to wait and light with or for your guests. My mother used to prepare preserved meat for Shabbat, but when I came to America and it was difficult to obtain dried meat, my father told me I could be more lenient and use regular meat in the dafina, which is our version of cholent or hammin. Back in Morocco, some of the older members of the kehillah would come to shul wearing flax sacks under their tallit kattan, as a sign of mourning and a means of inflicting suffering. OUR PRICE: $2.80. Add to Cart. JA:  What happens on the day of Tishah B’Av? The refrain recalls the invitation to the Grace after meals, while the four stanzas summarize the contents of that prayer-praising God for providing food, giving thanks for the “good land” bequeathed to Israel, and asking God to have mercy on the Jewish people and restore the Temple and the kingdom of David. Rashum b'dat haEl, chok ehl sganav, bo l'rokh lechem, panim b'fanav, As soon as Tishah B’Av is over, we’re allowed to shower and shave. It is adapted for both Sephardic and Ashkenazic traditions. Thanks for Contacting Mekor Judaica. Pronounced: yuh-HOO-dah or yuh-hoo-DAH (oo as in boot), Origin: Hebrew, Judah, one of Joseph’s brothers in the Torah. Shabbat Prayers. Despite occasional eruptions of anti-Semitism, Jews built flourishing communities in Morocco and were relatively well-tolerated. Choose from our Judaica or floral range of zemirot shabbat & benchers (birkat hamazon) books with sheva brachot. Candle-Lighting Times. All Rights Reserved. Il témoigne pour la Tora divine, pour l'âme supplémentaire qui lui est attachée, et pour la joie qui l'emplit du début jusqu'à la fin. This book encompasses Birkat HaMazon (Grace after Meals), Zemirot Shabbat (Shabbat songs) and relevant Halachot, from the sources in the Talmud to the practical application of the Halachot in our times. $164.99. Shabbat songs: Vocals - Josh Boretsky Keyboards - Leib Yaakov Rigler Percussion - Yitzhak Attias Except for: * Vocals by Ryan Lindo, instruments by Avraham Gislason of Aish Toronto ** Vocals by Casey Chisick, instruments by Avraham Gislason and Cantor Aharon Ben-Soussan of Aish Toronto. Pronounced: zmee-ROTE, Origin: Hebrew, songs sung at the Shabbat table. This poem is sung in virtually all Jewish homes prior to the Shabbat evening meal. These medieval songs represent a unique blend of the holy and the secular, the serious and the playful, and allow family and friends to enhance the Sabbath experience. Includes many of the popular tunes and prayers from Friday night and Shabbat day davening in a typical synagogue. It’s similar to the zemirot of Shabbat—the Sephardic zemirot are comprised of basic easy words, while you often need a peirush for the Ashkenazic zemirot. Donate. — Sfat Emet (1847-1905, Poland) l i g h t Breakdown There’s no right or wrong way to approach ritual; there are simply options. During the Shabbat day meal, we once again sing zemirot -- traditional Shabbat songs. Pages. One hundred and fifty to two hundred years ago, communities in Morocco and Tunisia added Kinot of their own to describe tragedies that the Arabs perpetrated in their own communities—atrocities such as women being kidnapped, shuls being razed to the ground, and entire communities being expelled. My Jewish Learning is a not-for-profit and relies on your help. None of our melodies come from Arabic sources, which isn’t the case for other Sephardic groups. ©2021 Orthodox Union. Multimedia. . Does not qualify for free shipping. The most popular of these, Yom Zeh l’Yisrael (This day is for Israel), describes a mixture of spiritual and physical pleasure, a divine commandment coupled with bodily enjoyment that concludes with a vision of the messianic age when life will become one great Sabbath. Today, the Jewish population of Morocco is estimated to be under 3,000. This is an editable online database for zemirot (also spelled zmirot, zemiros, zmiros), liturgy, and other Jewish songs. Audio | 3:36. Add to Wishlist. Ki Eshm'rah Shabbat El Yishm'reini, Ot hi lol'mei Ad Beino uveini. Asur M'tso chefetz, Asot d'rachim, Gam mil'daber bo divrei ts'rachim, Divrei s'chora af (o) divrei m'lachim, ehgeheh b'torat el utchakmeini. RB: Everyone goes to shul and sits on the floor crying until chatzot—men, women and children. Hebrew. These table hymns, whose melodies were usually borrowed from folk songs, Jewish and non-Jewish alike, have remained popular to this day. Zemirot (Hebrew: זמירות‎) (singular: zemer) are Jewish hymns, usually sung in the Hebrew or Aramaic languages, but sometimes also in Yiddish or Ladino. . A blog about Sephardic culture, religion, history, all about Judaism, Anousim, Crypto-Jews, Marranos, Geulah, Galut, Prayers, Inspiration and advice (The Kinot recited by the Persian and Syrian Jews are shorter than ours; they didn’t add these Kinot because they didn’t experience the Spanish Expulsion. When I was a child in Morocco, the shamash would go around placing ashes on people’s heads, a custom we still practice in our synagogue in Brooklyn. Quite a bit later on, say 150 to 200 years ago, communities in Morocco and Tunisia added Kinot of their own to describe tragedies that the Arabs perpetrated in their own communities—atrocities such as women being kidnapped, shuls being razed to the ground, and entire communities being expelled. Below is information about some of the most popular Shabbat songs, followed by videos of them with the words in transliteration, so you can practice singing them. RB: For most Kinot, the shaliach tzibbur or chazzan chants the first paragraph, and then everyone else follows along. L'chu N'ran'na Listen 4 Comments. Cover. Y'did Nefesh Listen 28 Comments. *Logo Options. Bircat Hamazon, Zemirot. On Pesach we drink four cups of wine and make berachot, tonight we read Megillat Eichah . On Shabbat, the light within everyone and everything is revealed. JA: Are there stylistic differences between Ashkenazic and Sephardic Kinot? Ashkenaz, Edot Hamizrach (Sephardic) Type. Not being a champ at fasting, I usually opt to lay low at home in front of a computer, watching Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb’s streamed discourses on selected Kinot. Just touching them would make my skin itch! A la une - Vignette gauche , Musique , Vidéo , Zemirot On peut le résumer ainsi : Le jour du Chabbath est un signe de l'alliance entre Hachem et ceux qui observent la sainteté du jour. Learn the most popular songs associated with the day of rest. While there have been Jews in Morocco since ancient times, the majority arrived there following the Expulsion from Spain in 1492. zemirot, table songs, Hebrew, Shabbat, Sabbath dinner, singing . By Ronald L. Eisenberg. JA: How are the Kinot actually recited in shul? JA: Can you tell us about Moroccan minhagim for Tishah B’Av? The decorated first page of the Book of Eichah from late thirteenth-century Italy. . 6 Zemirot in a Beautiful Holder. Everything you need to know about kindling the Sabbath lights. Sign up to get the next issue in your inbox, as well as curated Jewish Action content between issues! Click images to enlarge & to see more detail . .” We all sing it together, and it’s very powerful. All over North Africa, the custom is that after chatzot the women start cleaning the house and changing the sheets. Shabbat Prayers. 5" x 5" Cover. . Ki Eshmera Shabbat, El Yishmreini, ot he l'olmei ad beino uveini. Learn the most popular songs associated with the day of rest. Are there recordings of the kinot? Many Moroccans do not eat meat for the duration of the Nine Days including Shabbat, because that is an old tradition we observe when in aveilut. . If they find the candles burning, the table set, and the bed covered with a spread, the good angel exclaims, ‘May it be God’s will that it also be so on the next Sabbath,’ and the evil angel is compelled to respond ‘amen.’ But if everything is disorderly and gloomy, the evil angel exclaims, ‘May it be God’s will that it also be so on the next Sabbath,’ and the good angel is forced to say ‘amen. The second verse refers to the additional soul that is given to each Jew on Friday evening and then taken away when the Sabbath ends (Taan. In addition, special zemirot were sung in honor of the departing Sabbath Queen as the day grew to a close. Rabbi Bouskila, who was born and raised in Casablanca, studied at a yeshivah in France before immigrating to the United States and completing semichah at Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, New Jersey. A few of them are shared by all Sephardim, but we Moroccans have beautiful melodies unique to us. There has been a lot of rabbinic discussion about whether one should abstain from meat on Shabbat during the Nine Days. Jewish Music . It’s similar to the zemirot of Shabbat—the Sephardic zemirot are comprised of basic easy words, while you often need a peirush for the Ashkenazic zemirot. לאור הביקוש הרב, העלינו רצף שירי שבת מתוך האלבום הכפול "לקראת שבת \ אסף נוה שלום" על מנת להנעים את ההכנות לשבת. It is based on the Talmudic statement promising that all Sabbath expenses would be restored: “The Holy One, Blessed be He, said unto Israel: ‘My children, borrow on My account and celebrate the holiness of the day and trust in Me, and I will repay'” (Betz. Learn the basic songs and prayers of the Shabbat services, so you can join and sing along with ease. Add to Wishlist. There’s one kinah—I’m not sure who the author is—that is very unique, [called] Madu’a b’leil Pesach. Zemirot. Readings. Shalom Aleichem Transliteration Shalom Aleichem English Shabbat. . Dimensions. Reprinted with permission from The JPS Guide to Jewish Traditions, published by the Jewish Publication Society. Shabbat Info. Zemirot Shabbat Leather Set. If I were to be more virtuous and take myself off to shul, however, I would have a different opportunity to expand my acquaintance with Kinot. One kinah, written by Rabbi Moshe Nahouri describes how the Spanish [oppressors] destroyed homes and properties, slaughtered the chachamim, starved the Jewish people and abused our young women. Required Fields *Nusach/Custom. This kinah takes the Four Questions of Pesach and transmutes them to Tishah B’Av. The Music of Shlomo Carlebach. SKU. Add to Cart. Most zemirot were composed by the kabbalists, who considered it proper to chant table hymns in honor of the spiritual guests visiting the Jewish home on Sabbath eve. 119b). Rabbi Yosi ben Yehuda taught: “Two ministering angels–one good, one evil–accompany every Jew from the synagogue to his home on the Sabbath eve. Required Fields *Select Color *Type *Nusach/Custom *Personalize? 93100123766. Nevertheless, those who left still cling faithfully to their beloved, colorful traditions and customs, many of which were practiced in the Castilian and Andalusian regions of Spain in the Middle Ages. Another by Rabbi Baruch Toledano compares the disasters in Spain to the disasters during the Churban Beit Hamikdash. The establishment of the State of Israel, however, led to overt tensions that caused the majority to flee to havens such as Israel, France and North America. 27b). Shabbat Recipes. Audio | 3:14 . RB: Our Kinot today are divided into Kinot Hagedolot—Kinot that speak of the events during the Churban and are written in larger type—and Kinot Haketanot, which are written in smaller type and speak of the events of the Spanish Inquisition and Expulsion, and even more recent events. $89.99. Illustration: British Library, London, UK / © British Library Board. Zemirot | Mekor Judaica. We use cookies to improve your experience on our site and bring you ads that might interest you. (I always feel a little guilty, on this day of intense mourning, for getting so much pleasure from his fascinating talks.). Another major liturgic poet belonging to the Safed circle of mystics was Damascus-born Israel Najara, who wrote 650 hymns, the best known of which is Yah Ribon Olam (God, Master of the universe). Barbara Bensoussan has worked as a university instructor and a social worker and currently writes for Jewish newspapers and magazines. The Sephardic poets cared more about creating Kinot that rhymed and that included easily understood descriptions of events that would cause people to mourn, like mothers being tormented and dragged away by the enemy in front of their children. It asks, “Why is this night different from all other nights? Courtesy of Leon Betensky/Diarna Geo-Museum of North African and Middle Eastern Jewish Life. SKU. I … The Ashkenazic poets employed complicated vocabulary and poetic terms that sometimes require explanation. Find a searchable database of Shabbat song recordings and lyrics here. My Moroccan-born husband frequently prays at Netivot Israel Congregation, Brooklyn’s flagship Moroccan synagogue, where the Kinot are different and rather more tuneful than their Ashkenazic counterparts. I will use your premium logos . Would love your thoughts, please comment. Thank you. Composta por Rabi Avraham Iben Ezra (Sec XII) um dos grandes comentaristas da Torá. For orders in Israel, the charge will be in Shekels. By the 16th century, the singing of zemirot at Sabbath meals had become a widespread custom. Shabbat Candles. The first Machzor Sepharad for Tishah B’Av included Eichah and the Kinot about the destruction of both Temples. Rabbi Gad Bouskila: There are both similarities and differences. . Select options Audio | 3:25. It also included Kinot written by the rabbis of Spain and Portugal about a century before the Expulsion from Spain. Among those authors whose zemirot are still sung in Jewish homes was Isaac Luria, the master kabbalist, who composed table hymns for each of the three Sabbath meals. As a host, you might have already lit Shabbat candles before your friends arrive. (C) 2013 Singold After 1492, about 100 Kinot were composed describing the atrocities of the Spanish Inquisition and the Expulsion from Spain, and they were added to the machzor. Jews and Ashkenazic Jews Four Questions of Pesach and transmutes them to Tishah B ’ Av more detail family friends... And Shabbat day davening in a typical synagogue hours joyfully singing them currently writes for Jewish and! All Jewish homes prior to the disasters in Spain to the disasters during the table! Yishm'Reini, ot hi lol'mei ad beino uveini disasters during the Churban Beit Hamikdash in... That might interest you you might also like Shabbat Blessings for Friday night and Shabbat day davening in a synagogue... 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