The word, "Lord" is the most popular noun used in the Bible, occurring 7,365 times. Most Relevant Verses. And I am asking that you will replace fear with the confident assurance that you are always, I Love Psalms 2015-2018 copyright all rights reserved. God’s anger is real, but it is not central. It is the most repeated verse in all the Bible. What is the most REPEATED VERSE in the Bible? October 3, 2018. Article by Eric McLean. When and if that trust is broken through abuse and/or abandonment, we pray for your protection physically, and Your guardianship of our hearts and minds. Symmetry can be wonderful. Think of the intricacy of a snowflake, or the geometry of certain iconic buildings like the U.S. Capitol or London’s Buckingham Palace, or the rotational symmetry of a pine cone. What is this hope? When facing the fear of the unknown, turning to an all-knowing God is a good start to responding with clarity and direction. Dear Heavenly Father, I am on my knees asking for your help. Based on above definition, the most repeated phrase with two words is "these things". 2. He is not trigger-happy. Facebook. This is God’s pinned tweet. Masturbation - is it a sin according to the Bible? Seven Things. We’re on a mission to change that. Love abounds where anger doesn’t. Help us to reflect again, on you. 6: keep away from handshakes and hugs. Please watch over our families, friends and loved ones today when they step out the front door. Bless is to give and to be generous. Amen. The asymmetry of your face is one of the things that makes it so wonderfully and distinctively you. God’s judgment will not be forever (Lamentations 3:31); he will yet have compassion (Lamentations 3:32). 3. Send an angel to guide them home safely and avoid any harm they may face. Symmetry can be wonderful. A rainbow will shine and all be well again. Verse Concepts. Thank you Lord for your care and help for us to bless those who treat us ill. Help us Lord. He did this many times and finally gave up! We see it reiterated time and again throughout the whole Old Testament. Dear Lord,  Do not allow the evil one lurk at our door steps. Deliver, When facing the fear of the unknown, turning to an all-knowing God is a good start to responding with clarity and direction. This is the banner hanging over everything else God shows us about himself. Pray for courage for believers to share Jesus effectively through this time of crisis. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. I place my trust and dependence on you, today, Lord. Personal Blog. Nothing better expresses the heart of who he is. Exodus 6:10 2. It is love he possesses in boundless measure, not anger. And when I wake up you are still with me - Psalm 139:18 ⭐, Spend time in the word of God. All of them are glorious. The two do not occupy the same place in his affections. I pray all this in Jesus name, Am, God’s word is the foundation of our existence, and also the compass for our actions. Deliver us. His judgment is real, but it is not foundational. The shortest verse in the Old Testament is 1 Chronicles 1:25 The longest verse in the Old Testament is Esther 8:9 The shortest book in the Old Testament is Obadiah. The average of Words per verse in OT is 27.6 and in NT its 22.2.. For the longest word in Bible there are two candidates with 18 letters each; one is “Jonathelemrechokim” in Psalm 56 and 2nd is “Mahershalalhashbaz” in Isaiah 8:1 and 8:3. Thank you that your power is made perfect in our weakness. Dear Lord,  thank you for your concern and love upon us. What does the Bible say about women pastors? Leviticus 6:1 Exodus 25:1 6. Sam Allberry. They spend their time praying, loving each other and caring for the animals. I believe you want good, not harm for my life. ⭐ Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Chains Nets. You do your grace and love upon us. 2: Stay 6 feet away from people and 25 feet who are sick and 15 feet from those coughing and 25 feet sneezing. Genesis 36:41, 1 Chronicles 1:52 Matthew 8:20, Luke 9:58 2 Kings 19:5, Isaiah 37:5 2 Kings 19:2, Isaiah 37:2 1 Chronicles 16:10, Psalms 105:3 Ezra 2:53, Nehemiah 7:55 2 Samuel 22:46, Psalms 18:45 2 Kings 18:3, 2 Chronicles 29:2 1 Kings 12:11, 2 Chronicles 10:11 Empower us to seek help and counsel from You, and from others trained to help us remove ourselves from danger and harm. Number of verses that appear more than once: 235 (i.e. Drumroll… “Do not be afraid.” That’s right, “do not be afraid” appears in the NIV 70 times. Website. Sam Allberry is an apologist and writer for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries and a consulting editor for The Gospel Coalition, and is based in Nashville, TN. Also check out our top 20 most visited articles. Repetition… Repetition. It occurs in 279 verses. (Lamentations 3:31–32). It occurs 72 times in the Bible. They only heard the rain. Sign Up. This most repeated verse can be found in: 1. Yet I know you are in control. We confess all of the words we wish we could take back. God is casting off; God is causing grief; God is afflicting. The world is changing so fast. But surprisingly, none of them are repeated with all that much frequency. Dear Lord,  Do not allow the evil one lurk at our door steps. Exodus 13:1 3. They are too personal. The most repeated verse found in the Bible (KJV) is: "And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,". It is the most repeated verse in all the Bible. I pray Lord, please heal me and my family. Hebrews 10:26 ESV / 210 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. This faithful, steadfast, covenant love is what we find at the deepest core of God’s being. He is the author of. Its the foundation of the Christian religion and the book that millions of people claim to live by. 1 Kings 7:17. But while both God’s love and wrath are undeniable and necessary features of his dealings with us, they are not symmetrical. Exodus 16:11 5. You will find steadfast love and faithfulness. All these are certainly Biblical and applicable today. the most popular at the time, since they are also those cited most in the Qumran writings, Each part of the New Testament gives sufficient proof of knowing the LXX. I pray you give us strength to value and respect everyone. The first Bible verse in the Bible would be Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth." 6. What is central to God instead is his compassion and faithfulness. Guest Contributor. What does the Bible say about homosexuality? Then the grandpa said, the more I read the word of God, it cleanses all my sins a, Fight all your battles on your knees and you win every time. This most repeated verse can be found in: 1. But maybe God's most repeated command will surprise you. Exodus 16:11 5. The Most Repeated Verse in the Bible. You bind every relationship with love. Hope thus becomes the crux of the whole book, though not the final note of it — the final passages return to further expressions of lament. The average Words per verse in Bible are 25.2. It’s not easy most times but I pray you do your great work in us. We can stand firm and resist the enemy, but only by the power of God. Often the line that stands out in this passage is “You of little faith,” yet the most used command in all of Scripture is “fear not.” Starting with the Lord telling Abraham not to fear (Genesis 15:1, KJV) to Jesus’ words to John in the Revelation, “Fear not; I am the first and the last” (Revelation 1:17, KJV), God tells us to “fear not” more than any other command in the Bible. Everything else needs to be read in the light of this. 4: Do not stay in crowded areas. The longest book in the Old Testament is Psalms. 8: wipe your phones, Bluetooth, Fitbit, watches with alcohol wipe twice a day. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10 ❤ Across the world people are being faced with the greatest fear known to mankind—the prospect of our own mortality. But while such judgment is undeniable, it is not what lies deepest in God’s purposes for his people. He is not touchy and explosive. Article by . The Lord focuses on 2 or 3 witnesses… Gen 41:32 dreams doubled Deu 19:15 2 or 3 witness John 8:17 2 or 3 witness. Thank you for your good plan in my life. Many things are true about God. Christian citizenship expands far beyond the country on our passport. For example, the Ten Commandments are repeated in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5 because of their critical importance to the Israelites and their understanding of God's law. Hebrews 10:26 - For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, To learn which verses are most often higlighted, I chose the English Standard Version provided by Crossway Bibles since it’s the only free Bible available on Kindle. Thank you that you came to give new life, peace, hope, and joy. “And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their many words. Exodus 31:12 10. For many years, I assumed that God’s love and his wrath were equal and parallel outworkings of who he is. This is a list of the top 100 nouns occurring in the Bible, in order by frequency. Lord, we give you all praise and glory; You are marvelous wonderful. Once saved always saved? There is something about being related that earns our trust easier other relationships. Coronavirus Precautions:  1: Wash  your hands with soap 20 seconds. I used to know this story of a little boy age 6 who went to stay with His grandpa who lived close to a river side. / Is eternal security biblical? So whether you’re new to the Bible or you’re just looking to brush up on the most popular and frequently quoted verses that exist, here are 13 of people’s favorite Bible verses. I give Thee my entire self, Lord Jesus, I accept Thee as my Lord God and Savior. His grandpa asked Him do it 5 more times and come back. It occurs 72 times in the Bible. This is the banner hanging over everything else God shows us about himself. The most repeated verse found in the Bible (KJV) is: "And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,". Increase us and let us do your will. 100 Bible Verses about Repeated Sin. God is not slow to love; he’s slow to anger. The phrase "but if not" is in the King James Version of the Bible 4 times. After all, God is love (1 John 4:8) and God is light (1 John 1:5), and so I presumed each was the source of either God’s salvation or judgment. But it is not where his heart ultimately lies. The hope is that this judgment will not have the last word for God’s people: The Lord will not cast off forever, but, though he cause grief, he will have compassion according to the abundance of his steadfast love. ... Then the priests brought the ark of the covenant of the Lord to its place, into the inner sanctuary of the house, to the most holy place, under the wings of the cherubim. Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. The most repeated command in the Bible will probably surprise you: Be happy. Coronavirus, we cast you out in Jesus’ Name! The two are not parallel components of God’s work. And, most fundamentally, it is not what God is about (Lamentations 3:33). If you have 95 cents, you can repeat my experiment using the King Jimmy version and if you have six bucks, you can do it … Therefore, we can live with the confidence of righteousness and happily! He means to do it. Yet even though weve spent over 500 years trying to fathom it, many people still get what it says wrong. I love you Lord. 'Lord' is the most common word in the Bible. I pray Lord, please heal me and my family. Just working on repeated words and phrases in the Bible Repeated phrases in the Word of God speak of emphasis, finality, intensity and completion. I could even draw a chart that lined God’s love and wrath alongside each other, with biblical examples and verses for each. God the father took care of them as Noah was a man of faith and obeyed His word. 275. The good news is that God has given each of us a measure of faith to develop. Garder La Foi Romans 7 Jesus Second Coming Meditation Speaking In Tongues Saint Esprit God Will Provide Famous Books Names Of God. Several years ago, the corporate sponsorship of the London Eye transferred to a new company, which then painted one of the giant wheel’s capsules in the distinctive red of their branding. Send your angels concerning us and guard us from all unwanted things and protect us from all shadiness, sly evil ploy! 6:10), – Paul pleaded through prayer THREE times (2 Cor. Accessibility Help. Whatever the enemy plans for evil, You will turn into good for your children. Earth has four seasons: winter, spring, summer and fall. Thank you Jesus! But there are times when asymmetry is beautiful too. These three principles explain most of the repeated chunks of text throughout the Bible. When we pray, Satan flees. The Most Repeated Verse in the Bible. Think of the intricacy of a snowflake, or the geometry of certain iconic buildings like the U.S. Capitol or London’s Buckingham Palace, or the rotational symmetry of a pine cone. 9: Drink a lots of fluid - (Ginger, ho, Thank You for the comfort of family and friends. I was looking for the answer around this passage, but then I remember other stories in the Bible where the same thing was repeated until three times. We have to drive him to that.” Instead, “His spontaneous heart is to love us.”. He is the One who hears our prayers and rushes to our defense. – Daniel prayed THREE times a day (Dan. Do not be Afraid! What Lamentations, therefore, gives us is not a progression away from lament and into hope, but instead hope in the (literal) midst of lament — or, as the New Testament puts it, rejoicing in our sufferings (Romans 5:3). And certainly none of them come close to the repetition of the most popular command in the Bible. Exodus 40:1 11. Each word hyperlinks to all of the scriptures that contain that word. I believe in miracles and I know you have great and wonderful things in store for my life and my families. The rain will stop one day. Human faces are not symmetrical, and while that may seem like an imperfection, it is not. "It came to pass..." is the most repeated phrase in the Book of Mormon. Exodus 6:10 2. Jesus my King and forever you will be! In Jesus name, Amen. Heal me, change me, strengthen me in body, soul, and spirit. Most Popular Bible Verses in 1 Kings. 1. We see it reiterated time and again throughout the whole Old Testament. There are four primary directions: North, South, East, West. You are my rock, and I run to you today, believing that you will lift up my heavy arms, that you will fuel me for the tasks you've given me, and that your joy will completely consume the weakness of my life and make me strong again. Exodus 14:1 4. In contrast, his anger has to be worked up within him. The most repeated verse found in the Bible (KJV) is: "And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,". And just like ours, there is a distinctive beauty to it. Leviticus 4:1 12. It is not “from his heart.” God is doing it. The most repeated sections of the Old Testament by the New Testament are 1) Isaiah 53 the suffereing servant would somehow be rejected, suffer … Keep us in right standing with you. 3: keep sanitizers and napkins with you. I'm tired of feeble efforts. Every day the media relays tales of those who disregard law, devise evil, and destroy both people and property. 5. 5 min read. The shortest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 117. This the writer does not doubt. Jump to. But … Is it a sin? Bible verses related to Repeated Sin from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance - Sort By Book Order . The writer continues to be unflinching in acknowledging the pain of judgment. At its center, in the middle of the middle chapter, we find words of affirmation and hope. And because of what's happening, fear sometimes rises up in my heart—for me, for those I love, and for people everywhere. 3. It forms the context and framework for everything else God will reveal to us about himself. What does the Bible say about tattoos? But this is. Exodus 14:1 4. If you go to the bottom of God’s heart, the very core of his being, you will not find wrath. Email or Phone: Password: Forgot account? - Philippians 2:3, The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. There was an outcry: all of a sudden, the wheel had lost its symmetry. The asymmetry of God: For he does not afflict from his heart, or grieve the children of men. the number of list items below). Likewise, the Old Testament repeats large portions of entire books, including the books of Kings and Chronicles. Yet not all of them are fundamental. Press alt + / to open this menu. All of them are glorious. Everyday the grandpa sat down in the morning to read His Bible. 1. Lord, I want to mount up with wings li, Lord Jesus, I come before Thee, just as I am, I am sorry for my sins, I repent of my sins, please forgive me. Think of the intricacy of a snowflake, or the geometry of certain iconic buildings like the U.S. Capitol or London’s Buckingham Palace, or the rotational symmetry of a pine cone. It is very vital for our spiritual being. The Most Repeated Verse in the Bible. You are our refuge and my fortress, in You we confidently trust. Thank you Lord for your healing and comforting hand upon us. Please forgive us for giving too much time and attention to other things, for looking to other people before coming to you first. Yet not all of them are fundamental. As Ray Ortlund has put it, God “is not itching to bring down the hammer. Remember even though there is out there an ocean of viruses and life seems like a stormy ride, Our God is watching over us! In Thy Name, I forgive all others for what they have done against me. I love you. It is his love that has the engine running — always ready to go at a moment’s notice. For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, Romans 7:15-25 ESV / 190 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. ... Bible Verse of the Day. What is this hope founded on? We share a citizenship with those from every nation who call upon the name of Jesus. It looked neat and tidy, which is how I instinctively like my theology to be. God tells us more than anything else, in different ways, to “praise the Lord,” “do not be afraid,” “rejoice,” and “give thanks” — all of which are commands, in essence, to be happy. Anyone who grew up in the church, or with friends and family who did, is familiar to some extent with the Bible. This latest version was published in 2001 by evangelical scholars and is considered by theologians such as NT Wright to be more accurate than the NIV. Exodus 31:1 9. 7: keep your nails short and clean. Anyone intending to harm us or treat us abusively is never someone You intend us to linger with. He also gives us the ability to trust Him and surrender our lives to Him. You ready? Here is a list of 20 of these most commonly mis… His love and anger are not symmetrical, as God’s own words about himself show so clearly, words so foundational they resound and echo throughout the rest of the Old Testament: The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.” (Exodus 34:6). 12:8, 9), and he terrors by night or the arrows that fly by day, neither of this virus that is threatening the resources of this world. This is listed as the first verse in most versions of the Bible. Top 100 Bible Nouns. The nature of genuine saving faith isn’t mere mental assent, but receiving all that God is for us in Jesus Christ. There were no windows, no balconies, no terrraces, no internet, no phone, no TV, no Youtube, Facebook or Netflix. The little boy was frustrated. we can learn the word of God together❤️. Speak forth your abundance grace, prosperity and blessing upon me and my family. Women of God. Like the commander of a great army, you are in control, and you will go to any lengths to insure the safety of those under your wing of protection. It is his love that comes from the heart, and therein lies wonderful news and great comfort for his people. Come Lord Jesus, cover me with Thy Precious Blood, and fill me with Thy Holy Spirit, I love Thee Lord Jesus, I praise Thee Lord Jesus, I thank Thee Jesus, I shall follow Thee every day of my life. Exodus … There is a certain asymmetry to God too. / Can a Christian lose salvation? The Most Frequent Command in the Bible,Matthew Pryor - Study from the Bible and be encouraged to grow your faith! Sections of this page. 4. This most repeated verse can be found in: Pray wait and enjoy a coffee break with God, Short 5 minute session on the book of proverbs, How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! You can blame this on bad interpretation, teaching, or cultural bias, but the fact is many religious people dont know the meaning of the core verses they pass around. 1 Kings. There is also a word for this … ploce. I renounce Satan, the evil spirits and all their works. The warm embrace of a mother and father, siblings, and husband, wife...extended family. The longest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 119. "The books cited most in the New Testament are Psalms, Isaiah, Exodus and Deut, i.e. Then His grandpa sat him on his lap asked him to look at the basket and voila all the coaled black dirt of the basket left and there sat a beautiful brown basket. Send your angels concerning us and guard us from all unwanted things and protect us from all shadiness, sly evil ploy! It would look neat, but in a way that shows you faces are not meant to look neat. Love and wrath are not perfectly balanced on some divine fulcrum: God leans heavily and unmistakably on one more than the other. Symmetry can be wonderful. Leviticus 5:14 13. Many things are true about God. It just didn’t look the same. - Psalm 133:1, Expect a Miracle : "All things are possible with God" - Matthew 19:26, Hi friends, we are very excited you are here. I don't want to stay grounded, crippled by limitations and failed attempts. They do not spring from the same central part of God’s being with equal force. Some other meaningful phrases with two words found in the Bible (KJV) are: - Jesus Christ (187 verses) - Right hand (161 verses) - High places (90 verses) - Holy Ghost (89 verses) - One another (50 verses) Related question: Exodus 13:1 3. Pastors and Bible researchers may find this data to contain valuable insight. But this is. Bless us to treat others the way you love. God is slow to anger. The boy ran and got some water from the river but by the time He reaches home the water slipped through the holes. It is in 4 verses. Another number repeated in the Bible is four, which is the number of creation. In the book of Lamentations, we are given an exquisite and agonizing reflection on the judgment of God in decimating the Old Testament nation of Israel. If you were able to make one half of your face the mirror image of the other, it would look symmetrical, but it wouldn’t look right. If you disregard words that are articles, conjunctions and prepositions such as "the", "and", "a" etc, the most common is "Lord". See more of Godly Woman Daily on Facebook. (Lamentations 3:33). Practice your fist and elbows. The combination of “Bible” and “command” usually has some solemn connotations. Because of Adam and Eve’s mistake in the garden, our sinful nature can lead us down paths that we know are wrong, and into mistakes that we had no intention of making. The book is deeply raw and yet meticulously structured, taking the form of long acrostics. Help us to pass the same compassion on to others who w, 40 days, 40 nights in the Ark, Noah's family was confined in a boat. Always use your elbow when coughing but even better is to carry a napkin around. He did so. It is found over 1300 times! Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” ⭐, Dear Lord,  Help us to keep our focus first on you this season. Exodus 30:17 8. Yet because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we are forgiven over and over again when we confess to You in our Savior’s name. ALL. Symmetry doesn’t work. The little boy curious asked ‘why He have to read it everyday?’ The Grandpa got up and picked a black dirty basket from the fireplace with so much holes in it asked the boy to go fetch water from the riverside and fill a big tub. It occurs 72 times in the Bible. If we act according to God’s word, do everything before God and are responsible for each item of work, God will be with us and show us the way to practice. Be faithful to Him and wait patiently. 5: Wear a mask while travelling. If any of these were distorted and the symmetry lost, the aesthetic appeal would immediately go as well. Exodus 25:1 6. Exodus 30:11 7. All shadiness, sly evil ploy used in the Old Testament is Psalms most. 100 nouns occurring in the church, or with friends and loved ones today when they out. And got some water from the heart, and to kill, and joy 500 years trying to fathom,. The banner hanging over everything else needs to be read in the Bible is Psalm 117 has given of. There was an outcry: all of the repeated chunks of text throughout the Bible concerning. Has given each of us a measure of faith to develop read in the morning read... My trust and dependence on you, today, Lord Jesus, i all! 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most repeated verse in the bible 2021