Oh Kirby is all out of powerups? Not that anyone in the gaming world has admitted that Chief is an immortal or anything. What's Kirby's durability compared to, say, Buu? Goku uses his Destructo disk which slows Mario down. The Master Sword alone is nothing to be trifled with and with being the manifestation of sealing evil, we think there's some power there. He could beat the JLA with all his feats. Has any DBZ character survived a black hole? It seems as though Kirby would probably be able to defeat Goku if you take a look at Kirby's feats. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. It's pretty much impossible for Kirby to die as far as I can see. He's been seen surviving a black hole and not just once. Also, something I forgot to add in our previous discussion (which you seemed to concede by refraining from continuing to respond): the universal feat behind Marx actually comes from many squiggles, which are galaxies, that are seen at the very beginning of the fight. For this entry to make perfect sense, you'd have to take into account that anything Mario touches while in star mode stops breathing. The cops from Crackdown, or agents, are on the strength level of Master Chief at least. Just because Kirby can't die by Goku's hand doesn't mean that Kirby could kill Goku. There's a pretty solid chance that even if Fox had his ship in prime form and condition, that Goku would be able to blast him out of the sky. Any anime entry. We're all waiting for her debut on the Nintendo Switch. Age:200 years old height:8 inch Kirby is the most powerful character in the history he can beat Goku,Saitama,Sonic,Mario and more Lincoln. Hell, this is the same Kirby that can knock a planet-destroying meteor 9999 light years away in a little under 12 seconds. This is about the comparison that Crackdown Agent can stand up to Goku. Goku. We're talking about living beings with brains. Because the answer isn't never. There were no galaxies shown in that Marx fight just some wavy colours. Page 2 of 3 < Prev 1 2 3 Next > Chibi kitsune. Hopefully, Goku doesn't read this and tries to come take all my stuff. When Sin shows up looking like a giant friendly whale, you know your city is about to get wrecked. Press J to jump to the feed. Maybe not, but he can easily beat him by exploiting a fatal flaw in Goku's fight history. Anyone who's played the zombie version in Call of Duty knows that after a while the zombies get so strong that you basically are running out of ammo just to wipe half of them out. Cartoon directed towards children with Pikachu being their main mascot. Kirby VS Majin Buu is the 40th episode of DEATH BATTLE!, featuring Kirby from the series of the same name and Majin Buu from the Dragon Ball series in a battle between powerful pink puffballs. Then it would be a draw. His physical strength feats are absurd. Here’s why: I’ve explained and stated many times now that Void Termina is the origin and ancestor of the entire Kirby-verse. Kirby. These villains (if are currently your allies) teamed up to help our pink friend defeat him. There literally is Dream manipulation and a dream world itself. Whether you think Dante would lose against Goku or not, are you even considering you being the one who controls Dante? That was until Infinity War had everyone wetting their pants and Fortnite decided to add a mode to the game where one lucky player could play as Thanos and demolish everyone else. We don't really know if Kirby can stand up to the might of Goku, but we'll toss some info your way. Let's say the levels continue until Goku perishes. Everyone knows that Kratos is the current favored video game character on the world stage right now. Kirby at one point was able to block the attacks of an evil dude who's life ending actually destroys an entire dimension. So she's made it to the list. His final form is that of a god. Goku right now is bare minimum universal most likely having multi-universal powers. He himself if infinite. Of all the stats in the games, Arceus has the highest total. Goku would just teleport out of space to some planet. They may also refer to photographs, drawings, trophies—any objects that can be seen as a past event in the present time. Yeah. Kirby even with massive wank is galaxy to multi galaxy in power. With 120 base stats for every single stat available. Kirby and Goku exchange punches several times deflecting each other's attacks until Kirby swings Goku into a tree and picks up his sword and lunges at Goku and two struggle of the sword but Kirby slashes Goku with the sword twice and knocks him into the ground Goku: Your powerful all … Cookies help us deliver our Services. Kirby scales directly to Void, who is functionally an omniversal scale godhead of pure chaos and infinite possibilities existing in every single reality simultaneously. Game overs result in Kirby simply taking a nap. When sucked up, thing don't die. However, Superman can beat Goku in a pure hand fight. Sora gets pretty strong when you level him all the way up. Sephiroth fell into the lifestream and assimilated with Jenova cells that made him way more powerful than anything on the planet. Kirby is a match for majin Buu in the Buu saga. Earlier scans that I posted were stated by the narrator, not an actual NPC. Even though it appears he's aging rapidly. But we don't know how strong that actually is. He's NEVER able to be killed in his entire series. If you were to go with the idea that Kirby could absorb Goku's power and therefore his strength, don't you think Goku would have met his match? goku was a watcher then kirby kicks the whale and the sharkand it flies into goku kirby inhale the whale then spit it on goku, goku is so serious he transform into ultra instinct he beat up kirby with his kick and punch kirby collapes at the moon goku punches the moon into half kirby cries for help then the warp star comes for kirby kirby drive his warp star to goku Yes Kirby can be killed, but like most hero's directed for child audiences they never die and always find someway out of it. Thanos isn't really a classic video game character. Dante is the kind of guy that likes to wield a sword and pistol simultaneously with a bit of magic thrown in. The problem with video game characters like Bayonetta is that you can't make them too powerful, otherwise the game is too easy. 6 years ago. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Kratos DBZ Spawn Gaara. But how many of them throw fireballs at you and turn into a bat? Something not many Jedi or Sith are seen doing. If Goku for some reason turned evil and went around wiping out the world, Link would be able to stop him. This guy, Dante, is always on the list alongside Kratos as one of the more powerful beings in the video game world. But we aren't so sure that would happen. Related Questions. Otherwise, with the capabilities of scaling to Void Termina with the Star Allies Sparkler, he should be multiversal. Dreams do exist in a verse. Not ready for that battle yet. Goku weighs roughly 62kg, yeah seriously somehow Goku only weights 136 lbs even though he has the muscle mass to rivial Arnold Schwawnneger at his prime ..Anyways, accelerating at 1,758,782,420.266667m/s crossing 1,000,000,000 m in merely 1.75 Seconds, Goku would’ve burned up over 1.917855673140226e+29 Joules of energy per second or roughly 45 837 850 696 000 … Once her suit is set up and filled with all of the power-ups, Samus is possibly the strongest, most capable female video game character. Mario turns back into his normal form. Goku would win in everything. The prolific talent lent his voice to characters such as Cyclops, Goku and Miroku on various animated shows. BTW, we're talking about any iteration of Kirby or anime Goku, but manga doesn't count. You've given no feats whatsoever of Void being capable of destroying anything more than a planet, the furthest you got was taking words like threatening and endangering and again wanked it to Kingdom come. Here's another Final Fantasy bad guy that everyone in this website should know about. And Kirby was blocking the attack. Dracula would be on this list because he's super strong and in his various creative forms could probably stand to to to with Goku. Tanking a planet-destroying attack is not a substantial feat in the DBZ universe. #Respawn. I'm actually just trillion ants inside of a human suit who wants to live the good life. But other than the super awesome pyramid... helmet... and his giant sword, Pyramid Head may be a bit of a challenge for Goku, but not for long. You took the word possibilities and wanked it to no end, completely disregarded the fact it's not concrete and it's a hyperbole evidenced by the words, dreams ,memories and chaos which have nothing to do with the structure of the universe. And not just moles, Kirby can also die to many other basic animals that humans, or Goku alike, would never be able to die to. His helmet's cool too. She happens to be a favorite of many for that very reason. Now, most likely Goku would be able to wipe out wave after wave of zombies, but we don't think that Goku would be able to survive forever. It's odd he can survive planet busting attacks, but an apple can K.O. We've seen him take planet-sized explosions. We don't know. Kirby punches Lincoln in face Lincoln kicks Kirby Lincoln throws Kirby down Rules are 2-C and below only and speed is not equal. He fights all sorts of evil bad guys and ends up with loads of powers that would rival most gods of myth and legend. Galen becomes the guy you want on our team in a fight regardless of the evil that's within him. Like, I am not convinced he can be killed, and in a straight up fight, he’d just eventually eat you. We have to believe that full strength Goku is hard for anyone to defeat, but we've never seen Goku in this realm before. Kirby is a veteran starter character in Super Smash Flash 2. We don't know the extent of God mode in video games. Gameplay feats don't count on this sub and I'm gonna need scans for what you claimed above it. Eventually, could Kirby overpower Goku? So that makes Thanos available for this article. The only way to really beat Lavos is by traveling through time. Let us know if we forgot anyone. Mario breaks the ice in his super form. That's dedication. If we’re being lenient, he’s at multi-universal. Why give him so much outside help. Follow 32467. We're talking dark demon magic. No one in the Kirby verse has any feats or proper statements that put any character above planetary. Can Kirby beat Goku? Your comment was removed for being less than 6 words; breaking Comment Rule 1: Comments that are a few words and contribute no actual discussion ('lol' or '___ stomps'). Ultimate on the Nintendo Switch, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Can your main beat Goku in a canon fight?" Can Kirby beat goku? Kirby solos. After a while, he gets to be incredibly powerful and he even dual wields lightsabers. Mostly regarding to his durability. If were going by this logic, wouldn't the Z fighters all show up to help Goku fight vs Superman? For Super Smash Bros. Wear him down over a long period of time? After all, Master Chief has been designated as hyper lethal. Gaming karma is a real thing. xaviir20 Nov 5, 2019. I knew someone would bring this up. paulachu Jan 19, 2020. So on this list are a bunch of street-wise fools who we think can stand up to Goku because they've either defeated gods in their own worlds, or became gods themselves. And no it's not because he carries around a massive sword that he uses to execute fools with. If this was an actual character claiming the power via words, then that’s a different story. Just curious to see how many lower tier characters can beat Xeno Goku. Maybe Akuma could withstand the full force of Goku, but we're having some serious doubts as to how easy it will be to destroy Goku completely. We don't really know if Kirby can stand up to the might of Goku, but we'll toss some info your way. That's serious power even before swallowing and absorbing Goku. I also didn't see any plot or conceptual manipulation on his page. Lavos is an alien parasite otherwise known as the destroyer of all life. Video: Kirby Morrow who provided voices of Cyclops, Goku and Miroku along with many others dies at age 47 Kirby Morrow voices Goku in the Canadian version of the hit anime 'Dragon Ball Z.' If Goku shows his combat smarts he can just MAFUBAAAA Kirby into being sealed forever. And Goku would have a good time fighting, but would Galen last? He's a fighter pilot who's had his legs replaced with metal prosthetics so that when flying the blood doesn't rush to his legs. Arceus is a pretty tough monster. No biggie. Also, he's partly in the same realm since Akira Toriyama created them both. Goku at what stage? Goku isn't taking this outside of serious downplay of Kirby. He could beat Superman cause he’s just some guy and probably wasn’t the strongest person on krypton I mean can you imagine their olympics or the people they consider To be athletes, Goku is different cause he’s considered to be one of the greatest fighters in the universe and now multiverse Reply. Thank you! His life ending can destroy a dimension. Kirby is no slouch when it comes to strength either. But they were. With this in mind, it’s pretty clear he’s superior to Soul of Sectonia, who absorbed the four Miracle Fruits, where Kirby can transform into Big Bang Kirby from their origins, which determines that he’s even higher in that form. But that's just not fair to all the video games we've played growing up. In the game, you can't even attack the kids without putting a mod into the game to change the rules. If Jak has the anger and ammo, he might put up a decent fight. Depends on the particular DB era, maybe not officially, but Archie Sonic could fight him, if Kirby can copy him, Kirby can win. Cloud. He's super hard to defeat and he looks really really cool. It’s been stated several times that this corrupted monster is Kirby’s strongest foe yet, and they aren’t biased here. I suppose that this is only half the argument. We've seen him take planet-sized explosions. Samus at full strength has so much gear that is beyond most characters in the video game world's power level. Therefore, these statements are proven accurate by narrative elements. His feats include punching a planet in half, hitting a baseball with a bat lightyears away, and punching a god from the moon into a planet, destroying that planet in a fiery explosion. Forum Posts. So that basically means that Goku would have to input computer mods into his own universe to change the ability to be able to fight these NPCs. You are indeed where you belong. So hakai wouldn’t work. Kefka is the most successful boss in any video game I can think of. Unless of course, Goku is somehow way more powerful than the power of a star (sun) which he very well may be. And they just keep coming. Be that as it may, I'm just pointing out that both can probably solo these two. You all know the main man Kefka who ruins the world and becomes the God of Magic, right? Here are our picks. Like every good cosmic horror, I don’t think Kirby can be defeated in the conventional sense. Kirby. Ruining the world of balance and making himself the proprietor of all magic in the world. Chao is a humangirl who wears a red robe with yellow linings. Summary. Thanos would beat Goku because when I wrote about who could beat Thanos, Goku was at the top of the list. Of all the characters in all the video games, this final entry might be the most savage and most ruthless of them all. Take the Mario or Nightmare on Elm Street series as an example. Try to give at least one reason why you think a person/thing wins a battle or challenge. He would actually challenge Goku to a fight if he had the chance. I hope you're not talking about DBS. If you'd like to elaborate on your original comment to improve it, reply to this comment with your edited version and I will determine if the new comment is acceptable. With his ability to turn into shadow and torment anyone he's up against, there isn't much that Goku can do to beat him. One of the best things about the Dragon Ball franchise is the different types of energy blasts every single character is able to generate by concentrating their respective energies, with the Kamehameha from Goku becoming a cult classic among the fans. Manga Goku’s Hakai literally erases Kirby from existence. If you love to imagine the planet-exploding battles of the fictional gods who will never be, taking pointless knowledge gathered from a life spent reading and gaming and swinging it like a gladiator's sword in discussions on reddit... then welcome home, my friend. So if Goku were to show up, would he be able to defeat you in this powered-up state? So it might be worth it for Goku to wipe him out and not hold back. If you were to take all of the powers given to Link at the end of all the games he's involved in and then offer him his most powerful attacks, armor, and weapons alongside that, we think Link's going to win the battle. Not just one, but multiple of those little shits. And Kirby was blocking the attack. Asked by Ignacio Green. Powers and Stats. People who've experienced lag know exactly what we're talking about. This is easily the worst Kirby wank I've ever seen. Be the first to answer! Answer. Maybe Goku in a bad mood would dominate this fight, but there's no way that Crackdown Agent isn't making Goku power up to Super Saiyan. is it likely he beats goku? Pyramid Head has two things going for him. Mario only needs to touch Goku once while in Star mode and that's the last of the Super Saiyan. And he’s still around that level while in Big Bang form if he doesn’t have it in his disposal. Arceus is a God like Pokemon, and only characters on god level deserve to be on this list. He has feats for doing that in a jam with Cell. Goku is one of the strongest characters on television, but there are a lot of video game characters who could give him a run for his money. Or atleast Vegeta for a fusion? Maybe even stronger, but definitely not more dangerous. He's a sick smooth cat that some would call the Makeup King of Crushing Dreams. After all, we've seen how some of them are portrayed in comics. He may be on par with the Greek and Norse Gods. We're not talking about blades of grass and bacteria either. Not only that, but one must take into account that Master Chief can respawn. We're just saying that's one of his powers in the game. If we are talking about young Goku, he was able to beat and eat a very large fish at a very young age using his tail fishing technique. If not stopped by the Star Allies Sparkler gang, then he would’ve eventually destroyed parallel dimensions; with a space-time continuum, many stars and galaxies, the Black Mirror multiverse (which certainly is due to the factor of the dimensional rift that Parallel Susie got stuck in and King-D Mind getting sealed in a far-off dimension, implying that there are many other dimensions that exist there before the one he got trapped in—all facts here leading to the conclusion that the connected dimension and the Black Mirror form a multiverse), and everything else. Only needs to touch Goku once while in Big Bang form if he had the.. 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