“When they arrived at her house with those things,” Myrna Simpson says, “those body belts, the tape – they weren’t looking to find a human being, because you do not do that to a fellow human being. Mrs Simpson and Graeme never speak about his mother’s death. Those within the legal profession questioned this course of action. (The decision to prosecute was actually made by the CPS following the APC’s own inquiry.) If you experience any errors with the form above Click Here to register! I couldn’t even get a proper place to live. Gardner, Harry J. E. Everett Evans Gardner, Jeffrey Gardner F(rancis) Fox (1911-) Gardner, Joy Joy Aumente Gardner, Kit Katherine Manning Garland Gardner, Lisa [Alicia Scott] Gardner, Miriam Marion Zimmer Bradley (1930-) Gardner, Noel Henry Kuttner (1914-1958) Gardner, Richard Richard Maurice Orth (1931-) Garfield, Brian (Francis Wynne) (1939-) Michael Robert Catania. On 28 July 1993 three officers from Britain’s Aliens Deportation Group (ADG) arrived at the north London flat of Joy Gardner to deport her. On 4th August 1993, a public meeting was held where a grieving but strong Myrna spoke alongside Bernie Grant MP. Joy came to the United Kingdom in 1987 to be reunited with her mother, as well as her half-brother, three uncles and two aunts who were also living in England at the time. And only God knows what else, She pleaded for justice for her daughter. You can quote me on that.”. Outside, two police cars pulled up. Reasons for this were explained by the Home Office Minister later on. There has never been any independent inquiry into Joy’s death. An interview with Greg Burke ... And the other is of: ‘Graeme the son of Joy Gardner. A second flight was booked in October 1992 but the Home Office claimed they ‘lost track’ of her. According to announcements in The Gazette, ASC was wound up not long afterwards. Bennet accused Condon of doing so on the advice of someone further up the chain of command in the Home Office. Two days later she was dead. Tories' London mayoral candidate criticised for comments that 'attack working class families'. (Under Section 97 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, such action would have enforced the PCA to make the report public.) Joy’s sister, Claudia, was adamant that the authorities purposely covered up that Joy’s death happened at the flat to prevent a public uproar. Copyright © 2020 4WardEverUK | Managed by First Stop Design / Family Web Pages Collective. To make it easier to follow, I’ve coded the officers as follows: Throughout most of this, little Graeme watched on. The initial post mortem concluded that Joy had died from ‘cerebral hypoxia‘ (lack of oxygen to the brain). DS Evans had been on loan from the Diplomatic Protection Squad and was tasked with taking care of Graeme. 15th February 1999, Death in police custody of Joy Gardner By this point she had 13ft of Elastoplast wrapped around her head. (Benjamin Zephaniah), Joy Gardner’s family sues police 3rd August 1993. Soon after, he took out two injunctions stopping her from going near his home, apparently quoting the reason as domestic abuse. When Commonwealth citizens were invited to the UK to live as British citizens in order to help rebuild the ‘Mother Country’ after World War II, Myrna Simpson was one of many who embraced the chance. … Graeme was born in London and now lives in Tottenham.’ This information is doubly important given that the subjects themselves don’t have a voice in which to identify themselves in these two silent films. In November 1993 Chris Wardle released the six-page report which confirmed that the government was banning the use of tape and gags. When Joy came in 1987 she wasn’t illegal, she was legal. ( Log Out /  The prosecution’s case was that manslaughter was alleged “as a result of an unlawful and dangerous act by the officers which caused the death of Joy Gardner”. Myrna received an unexpected visit from her son, David, that morning who told her that police had contacted him and said they needed to head over to the Whittington Hospital in London where Joy had been admitted into intensive care. Shawn Douglas Gardner. By May 2020, there had been 1275 applications to the. ( Log Out /  Myrna continues the story…. He suffered nightmares and flashbacks, he became fearful, agitated and angry. Background Joy Gardner. 1 August 2018, The death of Joy Gardner Anthony Bryan has still only received part of the compensation he is entitled to. why? She died whilst in the West Indian Centre at Wood Green in north London sat impassively at the front, while the death of Joy Gardner her daughter was discussed and condemned … 13 feet of tape and bound her There’s no place in the 21st century for racism and bigotry, and the overt racism displayed by the current government should be called out for what it is. Our own Prime Minister is quoted as using terms such as ‘piccaninnies’, ‘watermelon smiles’ and ‘letterboxes’ yet it’s simply brushed aside, and he appears on programmes like This Morning pretending he’s a bumbling buffoon whilst Phil and Holly giggle at him and take a selfie, instead of calling him out on his appallingly track record. Simpson subsequently became a British citizen. That was until George Floyd’s death. The BLM movement has finally brought racism back to the forefront of the world’s conscience. Djemal Dervish opened his post at 9:30am. More concerns followed in subsequent trials, and in 2001 a disciplinary tribunal heard that her work: “consistently fell substantially short” of expected standards and there were “substantive deficiencies” in “her technical approach and medical knowledge. Joy Gardner and her heart resumed beating at, Joy reached hospital and was immediately connected to a ventilator. Joy’s family announced their disappointment over the verdict, with Myrna still consistent in her promise that she would continue in her fight to get justice for her eldest daughter. 1995, When deportation means death The first stated: The Secretary of State has reconsidered the case in light of your representations but is not prepared to rescind the deportation order or allow Mrs Gardner to remain any longer. George Floyd was a human being and nobody had no right to take his life. The Police Complaints Commission investigation file remains a secret. KEITH VAZ DOES NEARLY EVERYTHING – EVEN SELLS WASHING MACHINES! It’s just one of many but highlights a lack of accountability that runs right to the very top and has been allowed to continue for decades. Following the birth of her son, Joy applied to the Home Office for an extension to her visa, but this was denied. It was early morning when five men and women burst into 5-year-old Graeme Burke’s home. My first vote was in this country, and here is where I made my home and family. They focused on the specific methods of restraint used by the police on Joy but reportedly did not inquire into the specific role of the Immigration Officer involved in the case. He said that the tape was wrapped around her head seven times. Get on with rehousing and compensating all those who lost their homes and belongings at, Speed up the compensation process for all those caught up in your government’s repugnant. By the time Dervish had opened the letters of notification at 9:30am, Joy was effectively already dead. Sign up today for FREE to receive our 4WardEverUK quick news alerts and monthly e-newsletter via email. Not colour, just the human being in front of them. One of the officers, DS Chris Newman, was eventually cleared of neglect-of-duty charges in connection with his supervision of the three police officers who attempted to arrest Joy Gardner. ” and said it took all her strength just to hold her arm. I would send money and visit her every year. Said the Empire that brought her. Wardle defended the decison as ‘standard practice’ stating that the letters were sent to coincide with the raid to prevent any further appeals and so raids could be undertaken without warning. hope after years of despair Joy went to study at St George’s College in Kingston and then she worked at a parish council in Jamaica. UNSOLVED CRIMES: The murder of CHRISTOPHER STANLEY, 1992, OPERATION WINTHORPE: ST PAUL’S SCHOOL/COLET SCHOOL, BARNES, GEORGE BARSBY & OTHER GRAFTON CLOSE NEIGHBOURS, OPERATION RUFFLE: John Hemming confirms he is man accused of raping 6yr old Esther Baker. I have been looking for my family roots … The other two management officers never faced charges as they had already left the police on early retirement (no explanation was ever forthcoming about why that was allowed to happen, which is something Jane Coker highlighted in Justice for Joy.) Apologise for your own track record of racism. In September 1990, she married Joseph Gardner. In Sep­tem­ber 1990 she mar­ried Briton Joh… Joy Gardner was born Joy Burke in Long Bay Beach, Jamaica, in May 1953. Myrna drew parallels between the belt with it’s chains to the shackles and treatment of slaves. Mrs Gardner, 40, died in 1993 after a struggle with police who arrived at her flat in Crouch End, north London, to serve a deportation order on her. Joy Angelia Burke was born in Jamaica on 29th May 1953. ( Log Out /  Such a swelling would lead to cardiac arrest and the deprivation of oxygen.”. The family enlisted the help of Jane Coker, an immigration lawyer, who put it simply: “…in terms of when she died, it was clearly the actions of the police that caused her [Joy] to die, and whether that happened at the flat, the next day, or three days later, is not really relevant.”. The police were accused of ‘stalling’ and Myrna questioned what justice could be gained when the police were effectively investigating themselves. He begins his video with the following statement: I have a specific request to Mr Johnson  – prove you do care in four simple steps: I will leave the final words to two different artists…, They put a leather belt around her On 28th July 1993, an immigration officer and five police officers turned up on her doorstep. On 3rd August 1993, Sir Paul Condon, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, held a press conference in which he expressed his “sadness and profound regret” over Joy’s death. Thompson’s silent films address racism and violence in close-ups of the faces of Black people with links to incidents of brutal death, including Graeme Burke, son of Joy Gardner, who died when police tried to deport her during a dawn raid in London in 1993, and Diamond Reynolds, whose boyfriend, Philando Castile, was shot dead by a police officer in Minnesota in 2016. Find Joy Gardner online. In 1993 he wrote asking the Home Office to reconsider the Deportation Order on compassionate grounds on the basis she was studying for a degree, her family were here and she had a son who was born in the UK and had no affinity with Jamaica at all. When the police burst into their flat in Hornsey, north London in July 1993 he was five years old. There has always been controversy about the actual date of Joy’s death. When interviewed by The Observer in August 1993, he said: “I don’t hate Bernie Grant because he is black. The annual United Friends and Families Campaign march is on 28th October 2017 – 12pm, Trafalgar Square. She grew up in Long Bay, Portland, and every Sunday, without fail, went to church with her grandmother. Unfortunately the Joy Gardner case, the whole deportation process and the role played by officials has never been fully and impartially investigated. Cemetery of Uniforms and Liveries (2016) depicts Brandon Groce (grandson of Cherry Groce, whose shooting by police in 1985 sparked the Brixton riots) and Graeme Burke (son of Joy Gardner, who died of injuries sustained as UK immigration officers bound and gagged her to deport her to Jamaica, in 1993). The hostile attitude that contributed to my daughter’s death must be put in the context of the current Windrush scandal. All further Metropolitan Police involvement in deportation cases was to be halted pending a joint review by the Home Office and the Metropolitan Police into removal procedures in deportation cases. Although her mother had officially become a UK citizen, the breakdown of her marriage coupled with a change in the Immigration Act, 1981 meant that Joy had effectively lost her rights to be in the UK. Tim brought joy to many over the course of his career and worked alongside the likes of John Cleese, as well as his The … The immigration service denied that Elizabeth was gagged. Most of us have seen the 9mins of footage of George Floyd slowly being asphyxiated to death at the hands of the police in America, and we’ve seen the world rise up and say enough is enough. At least 13 died before the Home Office acknowledged their mistake. I’m not excusing Joy’s aggressive behaviour, but what must be remembered is that when the raid happened, Joy was awaiting a response to her appeal. Joy became extremely agitated, removed her T-shirt and began to shout that she would rather kill herself than go back to Jamaica. They were acquitted after telling a jury that Joy Gardner was the most violent woman they had ever dealt with and that the treatment she received was standard practice. He never saw her alive again. Sadly for Joy, her death was prior to camera phones and social media. The docu-drama, Sitting in Limbo, highlighted how appallingly the Home Office still handles deportation to this day, and gave the shocking statistics on the Windrush scandal alone between 2012 and 2017: On 9th June 2020, Boris Johnson released a video about the Black Lives Matter protests and demonstrations sweeping across the country (and world) at this time. “It hurts so much. They sat on her body, they bound her hands to her side with a leather belt and manacles, they strapped her legs together and wound yards of surgical tape round her head. On 21st November 1994 the three officers appeared at Bow Street. It was because of the subsequent BLM movement that I discovered the story of Joy Gardner and decided to cover the story. Graeme Burke is the son of Joy Gardner, the 40-year-old Jamaican woman who died when police officers came to deport her. I hate him because he is a cunt. The Guardian 7th March 1999 Accompanying them was also an official from the Home Office with the deportation order which allowed them to seize an unknowing Joy and her young son and put them on a plane to Jamaica from Heathrow Airport at 3pm that afternoon. “At first he wouldn’t believe that Joy was dead,” his grandmother recalls, quietly. The job was also outsourced to an unregulated private company in Eastbourne – Airline Security Consultants Ltd (ASC) – who were effectively expected to police themselves. Joy Gardner, Death Twenty Years Ago, Deportation, Police, Immigration, Linda Evans, Colin Whitby, John Burrell, Nellie Sterling Twenty years ago - on 28th July 1993 – Joy Gardner and her five-year-old son Graeme were startled by an early morning police raid on their north London home. He had received two almost identical letters from the Home Office (dated 26th and 27th July 1993) in regards to Joy’s case. It was very apparent that the court and the newspapers were strangely quiet on the subject of the Home Office procedures and the role played by immigration officials, despite the Immigration Service being the one that enforces a deportation order, with police in attendance solely so that they may force entry. Since his arrival in London in 2016, Thompson’s interest has also turned to state violence in Britain, leading him to produce Cemetery of Uniforms and Liveries (2016), two silent portraits of Brandon Groce and Graeme Gardner, the grandson, and son, respectively of Cherry Groce and Joy Gardner. ... Graeme, was born in Britain. He took responsibility for applying the gag, but was adamant it did not obstruct Joy’s airways – something Evans backed up. They denied the charges but after three days, the judge concluded that there was enough evidence for them to face trial at the Old Bailey. How UK taxpayers can avoid falling into the child benefit trap. Joy allegedly refused the authorities initial entry into her home stating that she wanted to telephone her solicitor. Once Sir Paul Condon disbanded the ADG division, it effectively sent the job of deportations directly into the hands of private companies like ASC – companies that were not subject to proper regulations – thus leaving deportees at their mercy and in an even worse position that before. Some of their names are fairly widely known - Joy Gardner in 1993, Sean Rigg in 2008, Habib (Paps) Ullah in (2008), Jimmy Mubenga in 2010 and Mark Duggan in 2011. In more recent years, overt incidents have increased due to a return of the far right views of a Conservative government and outright loons like the odious Nigel Farage being given platforms on a national radio station, LBC, to air his repugnant views. It was early morning when five men and women burst into 5-year-old Graeme Burke’s home. In September 1990, Joy married Joseph Gardner, a British citizen. (See ‘Politics and Press’ below). The results of their separate post mortem was not made public. She initially left her children with her mother in Jamaica until she earned enough money to bring her daughter over. Her mother, Myrna Simpson, emigrated to the United Kingdom from Jamaica – then still a British colony – in 1961, with the intention of sending for her child once she had achieved some financial stability, a common and accepted practice at the time. Dionne Gardner Dismuke – Senior Designer. On Wednesday, 28 July 1993, police and immigration officers went to my daughter Joy Gardner’s at in Hornsey, London and broke down the door. This request was refused by the Home Office on the basis that it considered the PCA to be impartial, efficient and thorough in itself. The trial began on 15th May 1995. Taylor James Cunich. Mrs Simpson said: “Graeme used to blame himself, you know, that he wasn’t strong enough to save his mother. Neil Edward Welch. Despite repeated demands from her family, campaigners and Amnesty International, there has been no inquest and no public inquiry into her death. They relied on the testimony of four pathologists and neuropathologists to prove that Joy Gardner had died as a result of brain damage caused by asphyxiation. Prior to … Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Images, Youtube and more on IDCrawl - the leading free people search engine. In 1961, Myrna travelled from her home in Jamaica to settle in London as a British citizen in order to provide a better life for herself and her children. The Home Office would have none of it. Sterling said Gardner planned to sell the cakes and chicken at a Stoke Newington street festival near to Ms … for tape. Myrna was confused at what on earth had happened to her daughter but all thoughts suddenly left her head when she was told by a doctor that Joy’s brain was swollen and her prognosis was very poor and there was no hope of Joy surviving. 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