Ser Gregor stirbt allerdings nicht, sondern zieht sich das Schwert wieder hinaus, wodurch seine Rüstung abfällt. Während der Verhandlungen bleibt Gregor immer an Cerseis Seite. Ignoring his surroundings, he continues to knock the surprised Loras off his horse, and is on the verge of dishonorably killing him, when his brother Sandor intervenes, fighting him off to protect Loras. Furthermore, it appears that far from weakening him, the process Qyburn subjected Ser Gregor to has made him even stronger than he once was; when a faith militant attacks him and manages to pierce his armor, he doesn't even flinch or acknowledge it, instead he just literally tears the man's head off in retaliation. After Loras is sent to resolve the siege of Dragonstone, Qyburn tells Cersei that in case Loras dies, she will need to find another worthy for the Kingsguard. Whatever he is now, he is completely in service to Cersei (and Qyburn), and serves them in silence. [15], Ser Gregor Clegane dient Cersei Lennister als Leibwache. Gregor stands by Cersei as her plan to use him in a trial by combat crumbles. Pycelle schlägt Mohnblumensaft vor, als einzige Maßnahme. SerCastellan of Harrenhal (formerly)Knight of Clegane's Keep (formerly) Letzter Auftritt: Last seen Erster Auftritt: Als Daenerys Targaryen vor den Mauern der Stadt steht, um zu verhandeln, ist Gregor ebenfalls anwesend. Even before they set out to the Dragonpit, where the meeting is stated to be held, she makes preparations with Qyburn, Jaime and Clegane. Death He meant to kill Ser Hugh, though it isn't clear if this was an assassination to silence Hugh, or just Gregor enjoying the carnage (the revelation about Jon Arryn's death supports the latter option). TRANSCRIPT. Finally, Prince Oberyn Martell approaches Tyrion and volunteers to be his champion, as he wants to avenge his sister.[19]. Gregor's individuality and "intelligence" post transformation has been hinted at before, as when Jaime made a snide comment about him in a conversation with Qyburn, Gregor instantly turned his head to glare at Jaime, showing he wasn't completely devoid of sentience or independent actions. [7], Catelyn Stark takes Tyrion Lannister into custody on suspicion of the attempted assassination of her son Bran. Er sieht sich lieber als Ritter denn als Lord, ist groß gebaut und Gerüchten zufolge sogar der größte Mann in ganz Westeros. [23]. The Mountain That RidesThe MountainTywin Lannister's Mad Dog Ser Gregor erklärt, dass der die Bruderschaft verdächtige und er bereits 20 Männer deswegen gehängt habe. Tywin wirft ihm vor, zu weich zu werden, und befiehlt ihm, die umgebenden Dörfer und Bauernhöfe niederzubrennen. Tommen later commits suicide after hearing of Margaery Tyrell's death in the destruction of the Great Sept of Baelor. Letztendlich lässt Gregor ihn jedoch durch, als Cersei diesem zustimmt.[25]. [20], A moribund Gregor Clegane is being experimented on by Qyburn at his laboratory in the dungeons below the Red Keep. Gregor played by Conan Stevens in Season 1. Er trägt eine Rüstung, die ihn von Kopf bis Fuß einhüllt und nur seine geröteten Augen und die lila gewordene Haut darum offenbart. Sandor sticht Gregor mit dem Schwert in den Bauch, wird aber zurückgeschlagen und geht zu Boden. She seeks to cross the last three names off her list, but to do so, she must go into the Lion's Den. With a "might makes right" mentality, Gregor feels that his immense bulk and strength gives him impunity to behave as he does, as few would dare to challenge him. Tommen tries to get past but Gregor easily holds him back. Clegane fought with heavy armor and wielded a greatsword in one hand, but Oberyn outfought him with speed and a poisoned spear. Cersei fragt, ob er genauso stark werden würde wie vorher, woran Qyburn keinen Zweifel lässt. Oberyn eventually severs ​Clegane's hamstring, causing him to fall to his knees. Sprecher: As things turn to be, Tywin's new version of the death of Elia and her children does not stop Oberyn from fighting Gregor. Aufgrund von Eddards Verhaftung und Hinrichtung wird dieses Urteil nie vollstreckt. Killed by. Nachdem sich die Parteien gesetzt haben, begibt er sich zu Gregor und meint, dass er noch hässlicher sei als er. Gregor is also loyal to Qyburn and Cersei, following the experiments performed on him to prevent his death. Ab der vierten Staffel übernahm Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson die Rolle. As he does so, Qyburn informs Cersei that Clegane has taken a holy vow of silence to last until all of Tommen's enemies are dead and the evil has been driven from the realm.[24]. "Gesteht, Gesteht, Gesteht." Dargestellt von: Verstorben Gregor is seen slaughtering prisoners and Cersei compliments him on his form, agreeing that it doesn't matter who faces him. Ser Gregor suggests an infiltrator from the Brotherhood Without Banners was responsible and Lord Tywin dispatches him to pressure the smallfolk of the Riverlands into giving up the members of the Brotherhood. Arya Stark wanders the realm, leaving death in her wake, hunted by the Freys & Lannisters. The last time we saw Gregor Clegane -- better known as "The Mountain" -- he was falling to his death from the Red Keep, pushed through a crumbling wall in an act of suicide by his brother, Sandor "The Hound" Clegane. Er erkennt das Gift als Mantikorgift, wobei Qyburn es noch genauer auf den Totenkopfmantikor beschränkt. Following being poisoned by Oberyn's Manticore venom, Gregor is experimented on by Qyburn to keep him from death. Ser Gregor Clegane is head of House Clegane and a bannerman to House Lannister. Gregor ist weit bekannt wegen seiner enormen Größe von fast acht Fuß (2,40 m) und ist damit sogar noch größer als Hodor. Ich dachte immer, Ihr hättet eine Begabung für Gewalt. Ser Gregor Clegane ist das Oberhaupt des Hauses Clegane, ein Vasallenhaus des Hauses Lennisters aus den Westlanden, dem er treu dient. He is a giant of a man, standing well over seven feet in height (eight feet in the novels) and weighing over 500 pounds. While in the novels the murder of Rhaenys Targaryen is assigned to Ser Amory Lorch, another knight in the service of Tywin Lannister, the TV-series omitted this and Gregor is blamed for the death of Elia, Aegon and Rhaenys. Elia bekam zwei Kinder, eine To… He is a freakishly large man, over seven and … Gives extra food to captives if they ask him nicely. Frightened by the huge man, Pycelle cannot keep himself from passing gas. [28] When Lancel and several other members of the Faith Militant enter the Red Keep, Cersei, Qyburn, and Ser Gregor arrive to confront them. While Gregor is so strong that he can easily fight the strongest knights in Westeros, his greatest enthusiasm in wartime is for burning out the homes of peasants who cannot possibly fight back, and torturing their women and children to death. Gregor acts as Cersei's protector when she intervenes the Small Council. Ser Gregor takes part in the Hand's tourney.He slays Ser Hugh of the Vale in his second joust when his lance rides up and pierces the new-made knight's throat. [14], Nach dem Gang der Buße von Cersei Lennister präsentiert Qyburn ihr ein neues Mitglied der Königsgarde, bei dem es sich um Clegane handelt. Todesepisode: Sie werden jedoch von einem ganzen Trupp Lennister-Soldaten aufgehalten, und Cersei entscheidet sich dagegen, mit Gregors Hilfe an den Soldaten vorbeizukommen, was diese sichtlich erleichtert. Der Berg bringt Prinz Oberyn Martell in einem unachtsamen Moment zu Fall und tötet ihn schließlich durch seine enorme Kraft, indem er dessen Kopf mit bloßen Händen zerdrückt. Ser Gregor is present when Euron Greyjoy and Captain Harry Strickland announce the arrival of the Golden Company to Cersei. Gregor commands the torture at Harrenhal. [5] Tyrion Lennister erwähnt gegenüber … Damit beleidigte Aerys seine Hand, Lord Tywin Lennister, der seine Tochter Cersei vorgeschlagen hatte. Gregor's own father and sister died under dubious circumstances as well, and Sandor thinks that Gregor may have killed them as well. Known as "the Mountain That Rides", Gregor is one of Tywin Lannister's chief enforcers. Der Kampf zwischen der Viper und dem Berg wird anfangs von der Viper dominiert. [21] Queen Cersei visits Qyburn and asks him about the state of his work, while glancing at Gregor's covered body, and Qyburn assures her it is going very well, though there is still a way to go. Watch our take and find out how through the character, the show offers us a study of brutality and its impact on the world. [1], Gregor Clegane tritt im Kampf mit voller Rüstung und einem Zweihänder an, welchen er aufgrund seiner Kraft mühelos mit einer Hand schwingen konnte. Letztendlich drückt Gregor Sandor an die Wand und zerquetscht seine Augen. Then, Gregor suddenly spasms, and Qyburn gently shushes him and tells him to go easy. Status In ihrer Kindheit entdeckte Gregor, dass Sandor eines seiner Spielzeuge ohne Erlaubnis entwendet hatte, als Strafe drückte er das Gesicht seines kleinen Bruders in die glühenden Kohlen eines Kamins und fügte ihm damit entsetzliche Verbrennungen zu.[1]. In addition, Gregor does not appear to be very bright, relying solely on his physical instincts to get the job done without thinking of the long-term consequences, shown when he furiously bellows out for all to hear that he in fact did commit arguably his most infamous war crime while murdering Oberyn Martell, unaware that until then it was merely a rumor and will have severe consequences if the truth were to come out.

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