These are the Guzmania “Jeannie” pups which I remove in the video. It was growing in my garden in Santa Barbara & I dug it out to bring here. ...Shake any excess soil gently from the roots. Fill a 4-inch shallow growing container with drainage holes with the moistened potting mix. It is often best to remove the mother from the container to better see where to make cuts. Here is a shot of two of the pups. The outside looked fine. Their common name, air plant, gives a fairly accurate description of how they live. How to Transplant Bromeliad Pups Step 1. If the mother plant is starting to turn brown, you can either cut it all the way down or leave it as is. Once the young pups start growing, you have to make sure that the right conditions are provided for their healthy growth. Orchid mix costs about $5 per10 litre bag. Water the pup just enough to keep the potting medium evenly moist … Pull the pup away and downward from the mother stem to break it off. I know yours was growing outside but I tell folks to keep the vases no more than 1/4 full indoors to prevent this. Bromeliads are usually found growing on trees so I feel they’re a match made in heaven when it comes to bark! Once the pups reach about one-third the size of the mother plant, they're easily transplanted, and it’s pretty easy to do. Prepare a container for transplanting the pups. After a bromeliad flowers, it produces offsets, also known as ‘pups’. If you look closely you can usually see where the new roots are starting to form on the pup. Also a photographer, she records adventures by camera, combining photos with journals in her blogs. Beware! The pups mature in less the nine months, flower and form their own pups. • Some bromeliads die after flowering, but will produce new plants before they do so. Grasp the mother bromeliad plant with one hand and one of the pups in the other. Celia – They should. Use a sharp, sterilized knife or scissors to remove your new plant, cutting as close to the mother plant as possible without injuring it. Even if you grow your bromeliads in the yard, transplant them in small pots, then dig holes in the yard, put gravel in the bottom, and set the pots in the holes. bromeliad that has produced an offshoot. Nell, Your email address will not be published. Annie Saunders from GardensOnline shows us how. Transplanting shock should not be a concern. Further information. What is the best way to remove a dried bloom and how do you do it? Mix regular wood garden mulch with equal parts of good quality, sterile potting soil. Bromeliad Pup Care Instructions. However, to compensate, it produces one or more pups to become the new generation. This often results in a cluster of several plants that may all bloom together. They don’t have roots but I put them in moist soil anyway. Ask your nurseryman for a light, quickly draining medium. If the mother plant is desiccated or if you want to remove the pup before repotting, you will need something sharp to remove them. That will help stabilize the rather top-heavy plant as it grows. Place the bromeliad transplant in a warm room with bright indirect light. Remove a bromeliad pup from the parent plant after full leaf development. With proper knowledge, bromeliad propagation is a great way to build your collection. The bigger pup is closest to the mother : bromeliad with 2 visible pups. How to Grow Vinca or Periwinkle From Cuttings, Nurseries Online: Care and Cultivation of Bromeliad Plants, YouTube: Make the Ideal Soil Mixture for Bromeliads, How to Remove Sprouts From the Side of a Bromeliad. Barry E. Williams (Kangaroo Press, 1990). Hi Linda – Great! It is also helpful to plant a pup in a pot which can then be put into another pot as I have done here. How do you repot a bromeliad pup? Plant your bromeliad so that the lower leaves are even with the soil. Prepare a container for transplanting the pups. A bromeliad does not have a large root system and does not need a large pot. This helps you control the substrate and gives the bromeliads proper drainage. Hi Rose – Yes, that was probably mosquito larvae. It is true that you rarely want to use top soil or garden soil for a container plant. Start with a small pot and you may have to repot increasing the size once during the bromeliad’s lifetime. How Tell the Difference Between Snap Peas & English Peas Vegetable Garden You may not need to water yours that often. I have a pink vase plant and live in fl. Just wait until the pup is about one-third of the size of the mother plant before dividing. They also need high humidity, and to provide it, and you need to make a cap from a transparent bag. Nell. You can transplant the mature bromeliad or its pups to containers or other areas of your garden with little trouble. Again, thank you. It is better to keep the pups exposed to open air, so that the cuts get dry. Your email address will not be published. However, a bromeliad will only bloom once throughout its lifespan. answer. Thank you for helping us spread the word & make the world a more beautiful place! Water bromeliads in the center of the plant, not in the soil or on the leaves. They can rot from the inside & I call it “mushing out”. Propagating a Bromeliad Pup . 05/28/2017. There is also another baby which is still quite small. bromeliad with pups. You can see the Aechmea pup emerging here. Choose a bromeliad appropriate to your climate. Oh great Terry. Some of the leaves are going to be prickly, so you want to protect yourself. Gently pull the pups, so as to separate them from the mother plant. No pups at this time. Plant is kept outside in a pot. When I got my Bromeliad it was only a little pink. The plant will appreciate all the light it can get while it's recovering from blooming and producing new pups. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It is a great way to fill your garden with more bromeliads or pass onto others. Harvest young plants from your bromeliad once the bloom dies. It’s nice to know that even though the bromeliad with the pretty flower you bought eventually dies, babies will appear for you to pot up and watch grow. Carefully place the knife between the mother and the pup and make a firm, clean cut straight down or … Bromeliads (Bromeliaceae) are natives of tropical and subtropical areas, but many types thrive in other climates. Free bromeliads! If left alone, they will grow as they do in the wild—the pups will continue to get bigger, the mother plant will die, and the pups will grow to take her place. I live in Michigan, so I’m growing in my basement under grow lights which stay on 11 hours. You gently press the pre-moistened soil down around the base of the pup to keep them upright and don’t forget to add water to the center of the leaf whirl. … Keep the soil moist throughout the growing stage of the plant. The main plant is often referred to as the mother plant. My Bromeliad just got 3 pups and now I know what to do when transplanting time comes, thanks to your information. Here’s how. Step 2 Using knife, cut pups away from mother plant, leaving a short stem on pups. The bigger the pups, the more root there will be. Grab scissors or sheers. I’ve watered it twice since I got it. How quickly this process occurs and how many pups are produced depends very much on the variety of bromeliad and the growing conditions its kept in. Your answer. Remove . Bromeliad Life Cyle: Growing a Bromeliad Pup.

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