“In any cultural context, deeply embedded values and attitudes can be difficult to change” (70), 4. Flashforward is used to jump forward in time and is very effective at keeping the reader/viewer engaged. We live in an era of growing global terrorism and were we targeted by terrorists we would need to respond. (final sentence gives personal response/preference), http://jamietuohy.com/2012/04/12/essential-words-for-the-comparative-question-jamie-tuohy/, Justice in King Lear – how to construct an answer…. Questions on the extent to which the issue is resolved: 1. Despite the disgusting lack of bravery shown by the community in support of Sive. These are words which form bridges, both within and between sentences. If anyone wants the full list of questions, organised by type, here they are: Questions which focus on key moments / dramatic or interesting moments in texts. Comparative essay structure | leavingcertenglish.net added by sarahgb13 — Comparative - Cultural Context Comparative - Literary genre (2020) Comparative - Theme or Issue read more in Sive, Mena and Thomasheen are corrupt and. However what distinguishes film from the other media is the ability of a director to use different camera angles and more elaborate sets/locations to tell a story. Follow the link below: or outraged? With that in mind, consciously embedding linking phrases in your writing (until they flow naturally), answering the question that’s asked (not the one you wish was asked because you’ve it prepared) and aiming to achieve depth in your comparisons are three further skills you need to develop. “The society we encounter in a text can be deeply disturbing for the reader/viewer” – Discuss. On a basic level, the texts tell their stories differently depending on whether they are a novel, play or film. “The comparative study of a theme or issue allows the reader to gain a variety of viewpoints on that theme or issue”, (a) Describe the viewpoint on your chosen theme in one text you have studied. We already have certain expectations of a text once we know what genre it falls into – if it’s a tragedy, we expect the vision to be dark/sad/depressing. = Make a comparison with key moment(s) from text 2, One significant difference between the texts (contrast/difference) is that the locals in Sive disapprove of this match (“In the village the public houses are full of the mockery of it”), yet are unwilling to do anything to stop it, whereas, in Casablanca, all of the refugees come together to stand up to Strasser and challenge his authority in the scene where they sing La Marseillese. Comparative Archives - Leaving Cert Notes and Sample Answers Macbeth quiz that tests what you know. Something to really seize the reader’s attention? Note that when we have the verb be in this structure, we can omit it. While we may study drama by reading its text, it is often easy to lose sight of the fact that playwrights intend for their work to be performed on stage and not simply read in a classroom. Questions on what you’ve learned from studying this theme (personal & universal insights), Questions on the extent to which this theme or issue is resolved, Questions that ask you to compare the cultural context in general & the values/attitudes which are evident in each society, Questions that ask you to discuss how you feel about these societies / studying these societies, Questions that ask you to discuss the impact of the society on the central characters, Questions that ask how the cultural context effects the unfolding of the plot, Questions that ask you to discuss ONE aspect of the cultural context (gender roles, social class). The healthier you eat, the better you feel. I found his indifference to his plight deeply unsettling. “Understanding the cultural context of a text allows you to see how values and attitudes are shaped”, (a) Discuss in relation to one text you have studied (30) (b) Compare the way the values and attitudes are shaped in two other texts you have studied. Introduction to Comparative Study -2014 Jane Eyre Study Guide - Including Theme, Relationships and Social Setting Link to website with great tips on approaching the comparative study essay Literary Genre - Imagery and Symbolism in Babylon, Juno and the Paycock and I'm Not Scared Literary Genre - Point of View in Babylon, Juno, I'm Not Scared (40), 6. “The main characters in texts are often in conflict with the world or culture they inhabit” (70), 2. Nor am I saying that words and ideas flow out of them like water from a tap. The opening scene of DAL is quite nostalgic as Michael looks back on his childhood in Donegal but it’s also pessimistic because he says things weren’t really what they seemed and he mentions Fr. An interview with Seán Conlan as part of a feature on teaching film in secondary school. 2. Macbeth is one of William Shakespeare's most famous tragedies. (70). It belongs in the 100 marks Composition section, the single biggest chunk of the English exam.. What is the personal essay? Furthermore this is the will of the people. A quote? The following aspects all contribute to how the story is told: what literary genre do dancing at lughnasa, inside i’m dancing and how many miles to babylon come under respectively? In ‘Casablanca’ & ‘Sive’ corruption is a feature I found deeply disturbing in both societies. This one is pretty self-evident. In the beginning… then… ultimately…finally, Nonetheless, nevertheless, although, even though, however, Furthermore, in addition, above all, essentially, On the other hand… alternatively… besides, So you’ve got the guidelines. Cultural context looks at the society the characters live in – the unique world mirrored/created in the text. (a) Discuss the extent to which a theme or issue is resolved to your satisfaction in one text on your comparative course. When she decides they can’t go to the harvest dance the sisters are pissed off but Kate thinks it wouldn’t be right. (b) Compare the ways in which the cultural context is established by the authors of two other texts on your comparative course. What ideas have something in common, even something tenuous, that will enable you to segue from one to the next so that they seem like logical progressions akin to steps on a staircase to wisdom? This aura makes DAL in many ways similar to HMB (from the beginning of both texts the reader feels something bad is about to happen) but the atmosphere of fear and foreboding are much more pronounced in HMB. Inaccurate and vague details: “handicapped” instead of “cerebral palsy”, “can’t speak properly” instead of “has a speech impediment”, “he says things weren’t as they seemed” instead of including the quote “I had an awareness of a widening breech between what seemed to be and what was”, reference to the “priest” instead of the “padre”. How does the text end & what vision are we left with (positive or negative) as a result? It can also limit our freedom. Sentences go on – and on – and on. ... leavingcertenglish.net 2. It can help to think of the paragraphs in your essay as the seven dwarfs. One significant difference between these societies is that although the locals in Sive disapprove of this match (“In the village the public houses are full of the mockery of it”), they are unwilling to intervene, whereas, in Casablanca, all of the refugees stand together and challenge Strasser’s authority in the scene where they sing ‘La Marseilles’ to drown out the Nazis’ singing. I was shocked when Renault commented of Urgarte’s death “we haven’t decided if he commit suicide or if he died trying to escape”, thereby suggesting it would be easy for them to kill Laszlo too. So how, good reader, do you achieve this in your writing? (70). Despite the closeness of the family unit (Michael remembers his aunts dancing wildly to the music from the wireless) there is an aura of mystery and foreboding, an awareness “of a widening breach between what seemed to be and what was”. (a) Choose a theme from 1 text you have studied & say how it helped maintain your interest in the text. Ideas need to be linked to each other; paragraphs need to be sequenced logically and the reader needs to be eased in – and eased out – of the reading experience. “examiners were pleased when they saw candidates trust in their own personal response and demonstrate a willingness to challenge the ‘fixed meaning’ of texts. Despite the disgusting lack of bravery shown by the community in support of Sive, I think selfishly I’d prefer to live in this society as, In Casablanca pickpockets roam the streets and men are shot dead for daring to challenge those in authority. In Casablanca pickpockets roam the streets and men are shot dead for daring to challenge those in authority. Texts often begin at a later point and then look back at what happened in the past – sometimes this adds to the suspense. Clearly this is the will of the people. SparkNotes: Macbeth: Full Book Quiz You are, of course, free to add your own analysis and understanding of … Cultural Context 3. In one sequence Major Strasser and Renault try to intimidate Laszlo into co-operating. For now, I’ve re-organised the questions for theme or issue and cultural context into the following categories: Questions which focus on key moments / dramatic or interesting moments in texts. It has been … in the view of society it offers? how does the writer make us care about them and sympathise with them? Comparative Modes; Comparative essay structure; Linking phrases; Cracking the comparative Comparative crisps; Comparative 30/40 mark split; Sample comparative link; What the heck is GV&V? You may want to ask yourself if the text is positive or negative. “All of my comparative texts took me on a rollercoaster ride through the highs and lows experienced by the central characters. I’m trying to wrap my head around the mental checklist a student needs to have ticked off in their brain to feel confident that they can tackle whatever question comes up in the comparative. In the light of your understanding of the term the cultural context write an essay in which you compare the texts you have studied in your comparative course. Good writers value flow. IMAGERY AND SYMBOLISM – are there any ideas that keep cropping up over and over again? The question is fully engaged with throughout by the writer. (30), (b) Compare at least one valuable lesson or insight that you gained, from studying the same theme or issue (as discussed in (a) above), in two other texts on your comparative course. Also ask yourself how you feel as you read/watch the text. Make the world a better place? By ag23 Complete the sentences 51,041 Downloads . We are literally filling in the blanks between then and ‘now’ (the point where the story began). In this light, the performance of actors and indeed the production will be as critical as the text. In the light of your understanding of the term the cultural context write an essay in which you compare the texts you have studied in your comparative course. NOTE: Always check the list of texts to see which ones are prescribed for your year. Thus although I felt compelled to read on, I cannot say I ‘enjoyed’ watching him suffer. In Casablanca pickpockets roam the streets and men are shot dead for daring to challenge those in authority. (a) With reference to one of the texts you have studied in your comparative course, write a note on the ways in which the cultural context is established by the author. Like the fact that there are eight poets but some teachers study all eight with students; some do seven; some six (the minimum allowed); and some teachers strip it bare and do five poets, and sometimes less than the six poems by each poet that the syllabus says students should do?!?…. These characters react in the same way, both __________ because _____. In one sequence Major Strasser and Renault try to intimidate Laszlo. or cry? Circular S61/04 - Russian at Leaving Certificate 2006 and thereafter. (40 marks), 2. I’m not saying they don’t get writer’s block – they do! is that the locals in Sive disapprove of this match (“In the village the public houses are full of the mockery of it”), yet are unwilling to do anything to stop it, (point out a significant difference between the texts/societies). Every year the modes change, so if you’re sitting the LC in 2016, 2017 or later, make sure you check which modes apply to your year. Sentences are complex but highly controlled (writer uses brackets if adding something significant that would make the sentence unwieldy). (b) Compare the ways in which the cultural context is established by the authors of two other texts on your comparative course. You need to know how they work to create flow in your writing. For general vision & viewpoint you might ask yourself some of these questions: Alternatively you could just take a beginning, middle, end approach but you must at all times focus on whether the vision/feelings/atmosphere is positive or negative and how this impacts on the reader/viewers experience. In one sequence Major Strasser and Renault try to intimidate Laszlo into betraying the allied cause. Questions that ask you to discuss how you feel about these societies / studying these societies: 1. For theme or issue you might consider some of the following: Asking the same question of each text allows you to come up with the all important links (similarities & differences) but try not to over-simplify (more on this later). (30), (b) Compare how the roles and status allocated to males or females, or both, aided your understanding of the cultural context in two other texts on your comparative course. Michael sits on his own in Carrigmore home for the disabled and he can’t communicate because he is handicapped and can’t speak properly. Aoife's Notes - Junior Certificate Studied Drama. (point out a significant difference between the texts/societies), Despite the disgusting lack of bravery shown by the community in support of Sive, which I found both disturbing and upsetting, I think selfishly I’d prefer to live in this society as it is not as dangerous as Casablanca and you’re less likely to be putting your life at risk if you challenge those in authority. (a) Discuss in relation to one text you have studied (30) (b) Compare the way the values and attitudes are shaped in two other texts you have studied. Texts are interwoven; links are complex, recognising obvious similarities and differences but also going further to establish subtle distinctions. (a) With reference to one of the texts you have studied in your comparative course, write a note on the ways in which the cultural context is established by the author. Because we only get a partial glimpse of what lies in store for the character, we become very curious to fill in the gaps in our knowledge. The bottom line is this: using connectives for the sake of it or because some teacher in the Indo supplement told you to won’t work. “The cultural context can have a significant influence on the behaviour of the central character(s) in a text”, 3. It will also denote the conventions of certain types of stories – science fiction, thriller, romance, horror. How? The play is noticeably short by Shakespeare's standards and is believed to have been written in 1606. Posted in Comparative, Leaving Cert Paper 2, This article first appeared in the Irish Independent Written Word supplement on Monday January 2th 2015. Comparative essay structure | leavingcertenglish.net Stock learned off answers are not being rewarded - and rightfully so! Genre – differences between novel/play/film, Literary devices specific to that mode of storytelling. Comparatives and Superlatives. In this light, the performance of actors and indeed the production will be as critical as the text. Secondly, you need a thread which ties everything together. (30) (b) In a second article compare the cultural contexts of the other two worlds with each other. It is the story of a Scottish lord's rise to power and the terrible bloodshed that follows. 1. And when the journey’s over and the essay is nearly done, how will you loop back to your starting point yet add a depth that did not exist when the reader stepped out bravely on this journey with you? In a play, the story is told through dialogue and stage directions. on. Perfect prep for Macbeth quizzes and tests you might have in school. Texts dealt with separately with superficial links barely established “similarly” “also”. (40), Tagged comparative, cultural context, leaving cert, questions, theme or issue, Here’s another list of linking phrases: http://jamietuohy.com/2012/04/12/essential-words-for-the-comparative-question-jamie-tuohy/, Tagged comparative, comparisons, leaving cert english, linking phrases. as it is not as dangerous as Casablanca and you’re less likely to be putting your life at risk if you challenge those in authority. “A reader’s view of a theme or issue can be either changed or reinforced through interaction with texts.”, 3. Question is thrown in at the beginning and end of the paragraph but no effort is made to actually engage with the question. This entry was posted in Comparative and tagged certificate, comparative, cultural context, english, leaving, literary genre. Would 3-4 be enough or would you want to cover all of the aspects. When it doesn’t, they cut it loose and, like Frozen, they just ‘let it go’. Comments and practical hints included throughout this book aim to help students to prepare for the Leaving Certificate English exam at Higher Level. Complete the following sentences using an adjective in the appropriate degree of comparison. For the novel, this involves the use of descriptive prose with a narrator(s) unfolding the plot for us. Examiners complained that students had pre-prepared answers which they refused to adapt to the question asked. If you’re looking for tips, advice, notes or answers to you questions, you’ll probably find them on this website. Literary genre deals with how a story is told. Questions that ask you to compare the cultural context in general & the values/attitudes in each society: 1. “Studying a theme or issue enables a reader to form both personal and universal reflections on that theme or issue” Discuss in relation to two or more texts. The Leaving Cert Higher Level English Comparative is worth 70 marks: that’s a big chunk of the English Paper 2 (200 marks in total).Lots of students find it very difficult to get their heads arounds the Comparative. (4. In English we use several different structures to compare people and things. Questions that focus on ONE aspect of the cultural context: 1. Literary genre refers to the genre (play, film, novel respectively in the case you mentioned) but also to the techniques the writer/director uses to tell the story. Feel free to access all of the archival material – you’ll find a full list in the index.. To read more about why I’m no longer blogging, see my final post, A Long Slow Goodbye. How does this theme affect the central character/characters? “The dramatic presentation of a theme or issue can add greatly to the impact of narrative texts”, 4. Yet there are also interesting similarities between HMB and IID , for example the complete lack of family support and in some ways this makes DAL the most positive of the three – no matter what their difficulties at least the Mundy sisters have each other. ( b ) compare the viewpoint on the extent to which a theme issue! Hints included throughout this book aim to help students to prepare for the engaged... Is very effective at keeping the reader/viewer engaged: //jamietuohy.com/2012/04/12/essential-words-for-the-comparative-question-jamie-tuohy/, Justice in King Lear – to. Answers fats, is n't it language of critical analysis is used to create flow in essay! Your teacher insisted you create matter to these characters and our level sympathy. 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