They would've been better off sending the 2 to the imaginary beach house together as a murderous couple. Never go full Anthony Perkins, Seth. Shocked by what he finds, instead of immediately calling the police, he tries to break open the combination bicycle lock that stands between Holly and her freedom as she slings him some b.s. Oh, the humanity. Press J to jump to the feed. Could a few mangy mutts effectively eradicate every last scrap of the poor late security guard? The strange, seemingly melancholic ending of 'Good Time' might seem confusing. Being the crafty evil genius Seth has become, he lets out a cough that will no doubt throw this security blood hound way off his trail and save his hide. And upon examining it, he discovers something that motivates him even further. This makes me think that Mr. Torrens is either purposely directing this way or he just doesn’t give a crap. On nine dollars an hour, Seth retorts. Holly steps outside to have a cigarette and to write in her journal and who should step outside only moments later but Seth. though, because if I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, the only thing better than a great movie, is a really bad one. But I'd like to say the difference between me and the folks producing trash like this is that I know better than to even try or, at the very least, I would hire a reputable hamster who can vouch for the preschoolers and the poor brain damaged fellow. This movie starts off with great intentions that quickly landslides the moment anyone on camera opens their mouth. Well that is until he turns his head so she can now see his face and asks if she liked the flowers, claiming that she looked like the White and Red roses kind of girl. Back at his apartment, Seth begins vigorously reading Holly's memoirs and finds this new literary peephole to be very enlightening. So now we know what he means when he says he wants to save her and if he can’t he might have to kill her. Ending / spoiler for Pet Sematary (1989), plus mistakes, quotes, trivia and more. Check out Apartment 143 if you think I’m lying. That was close one, wasn’t it kids? And if a bad movie is something you relish as well then by all means see this movie because it will not let you down, otherwise this is one to avoid at all costs and should not be viewed by pregnant woman or children with high I.Q.’s. But really it's a continuation of the film's intentions and thematic focus. Seth, the terminally shy guy, who's been pissed on by everyone he's ever met, including the animal shelters house Veterinarian, who even chastises poor Seth for not stepping up to adopt a German Shepard that is about to be put down. Spike Lee Receives American Cinematheque Award, America Has to Come to a Reckoning: Director Sam Pollard on MLK/FBI, The TV Homages of WandaVision are an Amusing, Unfulfilling Distraction. So let’s move past the style and focus on those components. Once again with the help of the great and powerful, Sleuth, he begins to scour the internet looking for welding equipment and components which he is suddenly able to afford on his $9.00 an hour salary. We think he is about to meet a horrifying end as Holly approaches the unsuspecting dumb ass from behind with something in her had. The film premiered at South by Southwest on March 11, 2016 and was released to theaters on December 2, 2016 by Orion Pictures and Samuel Goldwyn Films But it would seem that Seth is a natural when it comes to joining of metals. Now our security guard is as big as a house and if he had just imagined the lock as something like a Twizzler he probably could have freed her with one bite but instead is overtaken when Seth bashes him over the head with a flashlight and stabs him a few times with a pen knife that barley breaks the skin and only infuriates the security guard who throws Seth across the room. Actually, you’ll be able to guess quite a bit of it if you choose to see this picture. This guy, who really can’t act, basically calls him a coward looser for not having the stones to uproot his life, find a new apartment that allows and could accommodate a huge German Shepard on poor, poor pitiful Seth’s meager hourly rate. Pet, has taking me on a roller coaster of emotions that swell from WTF to My god they can’t be serious. Your sense of humor is the best Lolol. The ending of ‘Promising Young Woman’ is a destabilizing shock to audiences. I found it quite enjoyable, myself. While Lithgow and 11-year-old Jeté Laurence were shooting their scene exploring the remains of the Pet Sematary, her … At home, she is greeted by her tatted up obnoxious roommate, Claire, who’s only concern for Holly is urging her to forgive her Ex-boyfriend, Eric, for his cheating ways and moving on with her life. Glenn Kenny was the chief film critic of Premiere magazine for almost half of its existence. Our female lead, Holly, is a former high school hottie that Seth runs into on a bus one afternoon. But these two don’t shine alone because the rest of the cast is just as bad. Now, both having secretes, a sort of love/hate thing begins to bloom between the two. Perhaps a gun? I think I enjoyed reading this more than watching it. Before we get started here, do I really have to say that the following will contain spoilers for this wonderful atrocity of a movie called: PET? Eric looks a little confused by this, but I think that's just how he normally looks. In the fracas accompanying the beating, Holly loses her diary, which Seth absconds with. Probably not the case either. So, a few slurred f-bombs from our pet and some terrible dialogue later, Seth tells Holly he is going to save her. How I wanted that poor dog to rip the Doctors face from his skull so he would not be able to speak another line of dialogue, for Seth’s sake, our sake and most importantly, the dogs. I just can't believe you thought the acting was good. Is he dead? Meanwhile, things are starting to fall apart for poor Seth. Perhaps Monaghan’s performance has been hindered in an attempt to hide his native accent with one that wouldn’t fit anywhere in the continental U.S.? Any observations about men taking advantage of women (and vice versa) are surface-level. Alone, tired and frustrated, Holly takes out her anger by destroying a rat that was simply welcoming her to the neighborhood with the heel of her foot. The scene seemed quite excessive for such a lacy personality like Holly's, but let face it, everything beyond the title cards in this movie seems a little excessive. Pet Sematary Ending Explained Gage in 1989 and Ellie in 2019 (Image: Paramount Pictures) The story that follows remains similar to the book, the … When I think of crazy, a few names pop into my head. The ending of Netflix's new Korean movie, The Call, left many viewers perplexed. The only real ending is him getting pulsed and joining the flock. 5/10. He kills the two of the kidnapped girls but spares the third one when he discovers marks of sexual abuse on her body. Once he arrives, package in hand, he tries to sneak past the animal shelters around the clock, narcoleptic, security guard who is as inept as he is large. R/HORROR, known as Dreadit by our subscribers is the premier horror entertainment community on Reddit. Let's explain a few. that is supposed to accentuate her manipulative manor. Pet is an American-Spanish psychological thriller film written by Jeremy Slater, directed by Carles Torrens, and starring Dominic Monaghan, Ksenia Solo, Jennette McCurdy, and Nathan Parsons. He approaches her, mumbles a few words of introduction and after this awkward exchange, it’s made clear that Holly has no idea that Seth existed back then, has no interest in the slightest now and as the movie limps forward, she barley remembers him every time he shows up to stalk her. I sometimes I write like I talk and I'm from Jersey so that's a problem right there. He’s kind, caring and loves the animals a lot; when he has to assist in the destruction of a German Shepherd of whom he’s fond, the vet actually presses him about adopting the dog. After learning the location of the diner Holly waitresses at, Seth goes for round two where once again Holly has no idea who this guy is and the whole scene plays out very disturbing with Seth trying to overcompensate his shyness with rude confidence. It really can't be overstated just how impressive The Descent proved to be, standing as arguably one of the best horror films of its decade, and achieving both critical and commercial success. Seth is in some hot water now and Holly makes sure he knows that without her help he is going to be in own cage very soon. I actually thought it was pretty good. Read his answers to our Movie Love Questionnaire here. This, of course would be our damsel in distress coming out of her own slumber. Still. He begins begins building a cage of immense proportions that he plans to keep in an unused area of the Animal Shelters that he had earlier scouted. for strong bloody violence, some grisly images, language and brief sexuality. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Thank you for the comment, though. However, The Babadook 's ending has sparked a fair amount of discussion from fans and critics alike when … To put her mind at ease, because that’s that kind of guy Seth is, he tells her not to worry about the needle he is about ram into her because he tried it on himself first. What is it? Don’t do that. … And that truth can be found in … Seth had now come full circle going from creepy pushover, to expert welder, to Diabolical genius, all the way to a mind-numbing moron and lets her out where she repays his hospitality and affection by slashing his throat. Ending Explained is a recurring series in which we explore the finales, secrets, and themes of interesting movies and shows, both new and old. So, while out procuring her meal, our security guard fools us all and actually gets up from his desk and witnesses Seth emerging from an “Off Limits” area of the Shelter. In the final scene of the movie, we follow Holly to some storage facility, where we find Seth, locked in his own cage, looking like one of the undead who hasn’t had his proper meal of blood for quite some time. Seth gets so excited he goes full Anthony Perkins. Grab your bibles, folks, this could get religious. Monaghan plays Seth, an assistant at an animal shelter. When I think of transparency and disbelief, Monaghan and Solo are in the top ten. What’s going on here? During his incredibly inappropriate pursuit of Holly, during which he fritters away most of the sympathy a viewer might be able to muster for him, Seth makes a particularly bad move and ends up taking a punch to the face, which he laughs at, because chasing Holly has unhinged him just that badly. (Maybe he has a really good credit score.) It would seem that he has survived and is now Holly’s source of strength in this world and oddly enough Seth seems OK with all of this because love is a strong bond and it seems to be all he really needs as we watch faun upon holly like a loved starved zombie. I suppose that “Pet,” for me at least, completes a trifecta of sorts. Now the story has been penned by, Jeremy Slater, one of the authors of 2015’s complete and absolutely unnecessary, as well as, inferior remake of the Fantastic Four. Of course, she isn’t. Completely reasonable because everyone knows that Los Angeles is a relatively small community. It seemed so transparent to me especially Seth. He also has skills in the kidnapping department as well for he breaks into Holly’s apartment with the ease of cat burglar and quickly subdues her. I believe Seth sums it all up nicely somewhere in the weak third act, “This is totally #uck@#!”. Just kidding. He probably got pulsed immediately after he … He does this with the help of the fictitious search engine, SLEUTH. She’s very attractive and obviously way out of Seth’s league, but that is not going to stop Seth from giving it the old college try. But because we have these weird shots of rabbits taking over the screen, we focus more on the style than the actual components of the scene. We see several instances of her offing Los Angelinos for no apparent reason, my favorite being her setting a man on fire, all as Seth watches from the distance doing nothing at all. For more than a decade /R/HORROR has been's gateway to all things Horror: from movies & TV, to books & games. In the wake of this disappointment, Seth goes home and begins searching for any and all information online about his new love interest. Easiest explanation is that the two good endings - John Cusack saves the world with explosives, or he and his son leave the scene unharmed - were in Cusack's head. Seth is your archetypal creepy, looser who’s working in a Los Angeles animal shelter. What on earth has happened to Seth? Now our female lead/pet, Ksenia Solo, who I believe has been in a number of television productions also phones this one in. His building doesn’t take pets, Seth responds. After all, he loves her, and love does make us do the strangest things. Soon Seth is Googling like mad (the website he uses is a fake one called “Sleuth,” and good on Google for making their name hard to use in trashy movies like this one), visiting Holly’s place of work, and asking a surly and burly coworker, Nate (Da'Vone McDonald), how to talk to girls. This ending could easily be shot in a regular, more straightforward way and make the exact same point. The movie is also replete with nasty shock effects (captivity really does a number on Holly’s manicure, for one thing) and stupendously banal dialogue: “Look, I’m not some psycho, okay?”; “You just have it all figured out, don’t you?”; and of course the inevitable “You don’t get it, do you?” The movie, directed with unbecoming relish by Carles Torrens from a script by Jeremy Slater (who wrote the disastrous 2015 “Fantastic Four,” which maybe made him bitter) sputters and pants its way to a kind of twist, one that’s genuinely misogynist on the one hand but also too cretinous to be authentically repellent. 2019’s Pet Sematary is a radical departure from that order of events, doubling down on an even more bleak ending. The film plays out very much like a traditional supernatural haunting movie, where mother and son must work together to overcome an evil entity in their midst. But thankfully that was his one and only show stopping scene. In the final scene of the movie, we follow Holly to some storage facility, where we find Seth, locked in his own cage, looking like one of the undead who hasn’t had his proper meal of blood for quite some time. This is one of the reasons I posted here so I can get feedback from strangers. Sorry you enjoyed the movie. But things begin to boil for our Hobbit friend when a made for T.V. He’s the kind of guy that couldn't score in whore-house with bag of hundred dollar bills and he knows this fact well and so does everyone around him. We now find Holy back at her apartment as if nothing has happened with, Eric, the muse who started Holly down her murderous path. But the blood lust doesn’t end here. The Creeds follow the same template as in the 1983 book and 1989 film. Terrible acting, bad direction, and a script that barley had potential, all makes for my most beloved thing in this world: A very Bad movie. He puts the cage in a super-restricted area of the shelter, kidnaps Holly, and, when she awakes in her underwear and in a cage, he tells her that he’s going to “save” her. Including the actual nature of the relationship between Holly and her sassy-‘n-tatted roomie Claire (Jennette McCurdy). Pretty perfect so far, Right? Even the major spoiler that was revealed in the trailers didn't ruin certain creative liberties taken in the film's final act. This is where they say the plot thickens. Seth by this point is transforming from timid and harmless to obsessed and intimidating and is ever so closer to to the full-fledged stalker he is trying so hard to be. In the scene where Louis goes to dig up Gage's body, the grave is covered with dozens of white flowers. In the scuffle, Holly has dropped the journal we’ve seen her writing in many times and Seth scoops it up off the floor along with himself and absconds with it. 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