The war devastated the Cardassian state and greatly contributed to its eventual absorption into the Dominion, thus achieving what the Klingon invasion had claimed to prevent. The Romulans at their worst are sneaky, but on a grand level, the Cardassians and their damage is much more lasting. I think mainly, it comes down to the distinction between culture vs. nature. Thus the Romulans separated from the Vulcans a long time before the 4th century CE. In November, 2385, Baaril was able to turn Sullan S'Tokkr to the resistance side and an execution of his family was staged to take suspicion off the man. In fact, every ST major power is primarily an empire of some form or another. #star trek ds9 #ds9 #the dominion #cardassians #romulans #the die is cast More you might like. In a wish to help, the Federation offers what little they have left on red matter. When Rhia S'tokkr convinces him Sullan soon acts, but it is too late. With Spock of Vulcan in their midst, no less! Both seem to care about their families though. Posted on August 23, 2012 by cihorenstein. Cardassians seem to have a love for bureaucracy and bureaucratic processes whereas Romulans are much more concerned about function. It is later revealed that the main advocate of attacking the Dominion was a Changeling infiltrator. In 2372, reports emerged through the sealed borders of the Cardassian Union that the Cardassian Central Command had been overthrown by a popular uprising, restoring power to the civilian Detapa Council. The cardassians get in position to unleash their phaser fire on the romulans and ferengui, while a single warbird moves around the asteroids to fire at the rear of their formations. and passion compared to Romulan coldness (whom Garak describes as gray and dull), and Cardassians' occupations of worlds with exploitable resources, I'm not aware of the Romulans doing similar stuff. It's a Cardassian's duty to have a family and even in spite of Dukat's many dalliances outside of his marriage, he still very clearly reveres his son (and even his illegitimate, half-Bajoran daughter). Senatorial maneuvering, power plays, and so on are pretty common (Pardek, Neral, Sela, and the whole "Unification" mess come to mind, as well as the disintegration of the Senate wholesale in Nemesis). Cardassians are a little more like Romulans in decline. share. That's why we know more about them. When Jevriani rushed back to Romulus, he used the time to contact a young man by the name of Sullan S'Tokkr who has been a T'Kassus Patriot for some time. While both are loyal to their respective empires overall, the Romulans seem to be acting more from fear of repercussions compared to Cardassians who genuinely seem to act out of a passion for their empire. hardcorehansolo. Under that theory, the Cardassians are early Bajoran settlers. The Romulans have never been drawn into a war with the Federation. Ozara Venik and Duras Venik CP were on the planet when the attack happened but managed to survive. The history of the Vulcan and Romulan peoples was a subject of interest on both Vulcan and Romulus. The Battle of Cardassia was the final battle of the Dominion War, fought in late 2375. They seem like two of the same, the differences I listed seem only minor. Romulans are isolationist. ST_deep_space_9 Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Cardassias are more aggressive than Romulans, but they don’t play games and use counterpunch tactics. In 2387, the Hobus star was on the verge of supernova. They were native to the planet Cardassia Prime, capital world of the Cardassian Union. The messenger is lost, however, when he was kidnapped by mJames Munroe for mCydja Bern. Gambit indicates that 2000 year old ruins on Baradas III were built by the Debrune, who were a Romulan offshoot. From this quote, we can conclude that Romulans maintained more formal relations with Cardassians than with the Federation (with which Romulans haven't any contact between 2311 and 2364). The Romulans were biological cousins of Vulcans, descended from those who rejected Surak's reforms during the Time of Awakening. jvlianbashir. But then again, so many Romulan dignitaries died unexpectedly that year. By Nathan Comstock, Television Section Editor. Who would come out on top? The Romulans were a humanoid race from the planet Romulus. 6. They were all stopped, however, those on the Danuree were infected. And given the later date at which first contact was achieved between the Federation and the Cardassians, it would seem that they are a smaller power, perhaps more akin to the Breen or the Tholians, rather than the Klingons or the Romulans. (DS9 episodes: "Emissary", "Heart of Stone") Cardssian territory also bordered Romulan space, at … About the Ultimate Universe Mod: Created by Chris Jones Gaming. Family is prioritized above most everything, because it's direct perpetuation of the institutions of the state. The Romulans were biological cousins of Vulcans, as they were descended from those who rejected Surak's reforms during the Time of Awakening. They have appeared in most subsequent Star Trek releases, including The Animated Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise and Picard. In January, 2386 Deep Space 5 discovered that Rhiansuu Solis Minor N102 is showing oddities and may supernova. Vulcan culture is dominated by the legacy of Surak’s philsophy of emotional control and suppression. In my own humble opinion the Romulans are far more ruthless,diabolical,and evil than the Cardassians.The Romulans have a superior technology and are much more subtle compared to the more direct Cardassians;which makes them more dangerous,especially in the long term.The Romulans remind me more of the sinister Chinese Communists rather than the old Soviet Union.That would make the … Legate Damar soon after declared war on the Romulans (January, 4th week, 2385). Agreed. Marxism has no connection to fascism or Cardassians. Klingons glorify "honour" above all else, individual honour, then family (or house) honour, then state honour. Their society was strictly regimented and militaristic with publically broadcast trials in which the accused was always presumed guilty. For the mirror universe counterpart, see Cardassian Union (mirror). Look at the crazy stories from TOS in the 60s and the backstories of the many races. If Romulan society is senatorial Rome unshackled, Cardassian society is almost a Marxist fascist utopia gone berserk, to the point that the individual is completely supplicant to the state. The exchanging of disruptor/phaser fire in the centre of the battlefield severely damages the flagship warbird, which ends up being destroyed shortly after. I've been thinking about these two races and how similar they are, I've only managed to find a couple of differences. The Cardassians also appeared in the sixth season episode "The Chase", written by Joe Menosky and Ronald D. Moore and screened in April 1993. We then realised that we had added up the cardassians' remaining hull points wrong, and that they actually had to take a Morale Check on the turn before, already, but that didn't impact the result of the battle anyway. report. Jevriani began a conspiracy involving Praetor Sorlak by employing the same scientists who created the ThermoPox Virus during the first war. In retaliation the Romulans started attacking ships near the border, one of which was carrying Siyal Indus and she died from the thermopox virus in September, 2385. Wishing to have more help and realizing how close this was, they send fAarix Damar to the mirror universe to get support from Onel Brosan CP. And on top of that the romulans are far more arrogant. Events leading up to the second Romulan-Cardassian war began in with a man named Na'lev Jevriani who was a Senator on Romulus. save. And it … Dayin Letho, now on Romulus, took over the identity of Vriha K'Prel and waited on killing Pardek after the realization that Jevriani is pulling the strings and the Pardek is somewhat hesitant to continue to use extreme methods. On Star Trek, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Who would you rather go to war with, Klingons, Romulans or Cardassians?" They first appeared in the series Star Trek. Cardassians also seem to show greater care for family values and children than Romulans, for instance I'm reminded of Gul Madred's affection towards his daughter, as well as Gul Dukat swearing on his children's lives he had no idea Central Command was smuggling weapons to Cardassian colonists in the DMZ, and Dukat mentioning his son's birthday to Sisko and his son in the speech he gave when Cardassia entered the Dominion. The Federation vs. their history of recurring isolationism). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Sort by. They are a greater threat to the Federation in a war. The federation though one of the largest conglomerates of races human, Vulcan, andorian and … Debate has arisen lately regarding the next of Star Trek Online's playable factions. By contrast the Federation used a much sneakier and more successful method, infecting Odo with a virus that he transmitted to the Great Link. Both governments at their respective heights, who takes this? Posted by 3 months ago. When the plan fell through, Jevriani then devised a way to steal information from the Federation regarding Red Matter. Once in possession Sullan was in charge of manufacturing and mining for the core ingredients. See more posts like this on Tumblr. Did the romulans and cardassians really think the dominion homeworld would be unprotected? Cardassians always seemed to engage in dangerous mind games with their enemies and even with friends and family. Using bought information from the Syndicate, Jevriani was able to access a switch within the brains of Angosian officers around the Federation. Those who can juggle both -- like Dukat -- excel. Romulans vs Cardassians. The Cardassians hold out, however, due to the success of the replicating mines. Cardassians are expansionist. (Full disclosure: Huge fan of Cardassians and Romulans both.). Self replicating mines were deployed all over the Cardassian Union making further attack very difficult. We don't see quite the same mindset in the Romulans, who appear to be much more invested in subterfuge and political maneuvering than statism. This failure weakened the Cardassians and Romulans and paved the way for Dominion intrusion into the Alpha Quadrant. The military adviser to Shinzon, a megalomaniac younger clone of Picard using DNA stolen by Romulan spies, Donatra was… History is written by the victors." They embraced a power-hungry philosophy centred on military aggression and imperialism, they have been behind the scenes in many of Star Trek's more prominent conflicts and their animosity with the Federation has lasted generat… Duty to the state is the absolute highest pursuit, to the point that trials are literally about the accused acknowledging and apologizing for the damage done to the state and its people. Where Cardassians have been friends, allies, enemies, and everything in between, the Romulans rarely ever interact with the main characters as more than adversaries or, at best, wary allies. Working towards their ultimate goal Praetor Sorlak was assassinated in September 2384 with help from D'Nal Ai'odann. They were kind of silly. That is to say; they don't take the UFP's beliefs at face value. Most Klingons would agree they were, but then history is written by the victors. A week later, five Romulans made to look like Legate Damar, used codes from a Cardassian traitor to get on board the Maevelle, the Danuree, the Tasok, Empok Nor and Kron. Efficiency is what counts in the end. Sullan S'tokkr refuses to turn despite the attempts of Captain Jo'rek. To add to what the others have posted, the Romulans are more paranoid and isolationist than the Cardassians imo. Story-Wise, the challenge with a former Obsidian Order agent in the Romulan Republic might be the age. Establishing themselves on the new world the exiles became Romulans. 5 years ago. Average citizens are not given much, if any, say in … On Star Trek, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Who would you rather go to war with, Klingons, Romulans or Cardassians?" For example, the Obsidian Order seems to be much more intrusive and omnipresent than the Tal Shiar. The Klingons were already at war with the Federation so it was like a war triangle. Norad was held on a moon base known as Pal Velorum. Another, by the name of Cirroc, was stationed on a Federation penal colony known as Fable II: there, Cirroc discovered and leaked information that Khoal Pardek was still alive. When the Alliance was finished, the … The Romulans passed and the cardassians failed, which means they leave the field and the romulans claim the victory. Since the series' premiere in 1966, Gene Roddenberry and his colleagues have brought us lots of memorable recurring antagonists. The two sides would see a relative cease-fire for the next eight years. Jevriani was taken into custody and tortured by Dayin Letho-Evek before being executed, officially bringing the war to the end on March 15th, 2386. During the conference Questa Damar CP, and Dayin Letho-Evek represented the Cardassian side; Christopher Greenwood CP was a mediator from the Federation and Na'lev Jevriani with Praetor Pardek from Romulus. The Romulans are biological cousins of Vulcans, as they are descended from those who rejected Surak's reforms during the Time of … CloneTheHero posted... romulans theyve always seemed pretty wimpy. 29 comments. In the 4th century CE Vulcans "who marched under the raptor's wing" left Vulcan in a group of colony ships. Cardassians are gray skinned humanoids. The Romulans vs The Cardassians. From Memory Alpha, the Free Star Trek Reference. A Changeling impersonates Federation Ambassador Krajensky and informs newly promoted Captain Sisko that there was a coup on Tzenketh. Unwilling to turn back, they prepared to launch a three-prong attack on the Dominion's defenses, Federation vessels would attack the platforms, the Romulans and the Cardassians would hit the Jem'Hadar forces while the Klingons would take on the Breen – an attack that was projected to cost up to 40% of their remaining forces, without even accounting for the following ground assault. Worf was right when he said they had no honor (Cardassians) Romulus was (apropos) based on ancient Rome. Likewise, from the viewpoint of the Federation, the Klingon tactic of luring in the enemy with a distress signal and waiting in ambush didn't seem very "honourable" but as Worf says "In war there is nothing more honourable than victory", implying that many Klingons will stoop to any measures as long as they come out on top. The Romulan resistance has also helped in secretly attacking Empok Nor to gain the favour of the Kazon's. He is discovered as the mole and stabbed by Jevriani. Aarix Damar from the future was brought over from the gravity anomaly and remained under the alias 'Bahsil Zayas.' This was going to … This is an edited version of something I posted earlier this week in another thread which I think addresses your question pretty directly: There are some general similarities between the two, yes, but not as much as you'd think. share. Unknown to the Federation, this switch, used as a fail safe, was used against them. long enough to have offshoot cultures. The Romulans and the Cardassians are empires and they like to spin a great deal of "we're doing this for your own good" bullshit to their conquered people. Officially beginning in November of 2379, the first Romulan-Cardassian War lasted until June 2381. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In August of 2385, an offensive attack was conducted against the Romulans. Jevriani used this information to attack Fable II and in June of 2384 broke Khoal out of the prison, along with several other Syndicate Captains. Vulcans Romulans Klingons As you can see, Klingons are very different from the other two. They are probably about as close as humans and neanderthals, so genetically compatible. A brief assassination attempt is played out when a guard, proposition by Kehal S'Harien CP, nearly killed Pardek but the Praetor is saved by Tucker Dorr. In this episode, it is revealed that humans and Cardassians—as well as the Klingons and Romulans—are all descended from an ancient species who seeded many planets with life. Kehal has many contacts and a vested interest in Romulan politics and using D'Nal Ai'odann and Rhiana i'Mhiessan (a daughter of a friend) to spy, Kehal continued to get information. Jo'rek temporarily assumed leadership of Romulus before officially becoming Praetor. They want to put on a show for everyone. save. Self replicating mines were deployed all over the Cardassian Union making further attack very difficult. 9 comments. The Romulans have/had an entire subspecies of their people dedicated to the extraction of mineral resources off of Remus. 1 Divergence with Vulcan 2 22nd century efforts 3 24th century efforts 4 Romulan-Vulcan cooperation 5 Appendices 5.1 Apocrypha 5.2 External link The Vulcans were once an extremely violent and emotional people, waging almost constant warfare on each other. 0 comments. With eight warships they were able to destroy the surface of the planet only as drilling was interrupted. Probably the most despicable acts of imperialism came from the Spanish and their soldiers. On the other hand, both races are xenophobic, patriotic, have military-ruled empires with very efficient intelligence agencies (the Tal Shiar and the Obsidian Order). Romulans keep up their alliances with the Breen and the Syndicate; while Cardassian attempts to lure in the Kazon and the Klingons with the help of Commander Greenwood. Even more so than Klingons or Romulans, Cardassians are the most notorious for their ruthlessness. The Cardassians and Romulans went in with a relatively brute force approach, attempting orbital bombardment, which completely failed and turned out to be a Dominion trap. Other half is more Centauri than Klingon. 86% Upvoted. As for what the Cardassians and the Romulans thought of each other: it's not clear to me how seriously anyone regarded the Cardassians before the end of the Occupation. Weak spot on Vorcha's. The Federation also briefly removed help from the Cardassians because of their supposed brutality, though they claimed it was a vigilante. Archived. "Romulans. As I have mentioned on this blog, I have now twice run panels on feminist aspects of Star Trek, focusing specifically on the Klingon race. The Federation became involved in the crisis whe… The Romulans are an extraterrestrial race in the American science fiction franchise Star Trek. I think every Cardassian lost faith in the establishment. Romulans vs Cardassians. The Cardassians do not. The romulan empire are Romulans and Remans. The Klingons and The Romulans, The Klingons vs. in general Romulans are just very serious compared to Cardassians. The Romulans vs The Cardassians. After a couple of weeks in the mUniverse, fAarix escapes to Deep Space Nine where T'Pok and Greenwood are able to help him back to Cardassia. The difference is (or at least should be) primarily cultural. In many respects, one could consider Romulans the embodiment of senatorial Rome unshackled. - Narrator of Cardassian Intro in Birth of the Federation. Because of Ferenginar's buy-in of protection, Romulan and Cardassian's agreed it was a neutral enough place - as Pardek was still technically wanted within the Federation. From this quote, we can conclude that Romulans maintained more formal relations with Cardassians than with the Federation (with which Romulans haven't … It always seemed like in an all-out conflict, Cardassians weren't really s***. – M. A. The allied forces of the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Star Empire launched an invasion of the Dominion-held Cardassian Union, with the goal of capturing the Dominion’s capital on Cardassia Prime. This thread is archived. We know very little about what he did there, except that he might have assassinated an official. The Cardassians for me are just more despicable. Kehal S'Harien removed his alias of Kian Maenak and comes out of hiding. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In late April, early May, Kron was attacked by Romulan and Breen forces. The Romulans are biological cousins of Vulcans, as they are descended from those who rejected Surak's reforms during the Time of Awakening. In the mean time, on Deep Space Nine, Julian Bashir was able to find a cure to the ThermoPox Virus by using Radon gas to kill the virus on a molecular level. "-Weyoun Note: This article describes Romulans from the viewpoint of the Federation and gives a general overview of the species. Pardek explained that Romulus wanted to negotiate for the possession of the Red Wormhole. Me @ 14. There was most likely a Cardassian Embassy on Romulus, as neither Odo, nor Dr Bashir, who was also present, are not surprised by this fact. Continued aggression from Pardek quickly created more tension with the Cardassians until a conference on Ferenginar occurred in late December of 2384. All out war, both empires at their peak during the TNG era. Romulans keep up their alliances with the Breen and the Syndicate; while Cardassian attempts to lure in the Kazon and the Klingons with the help of Commander Greenwood. In September the rebel Klingon attack on Deep Space Nine and Bajor occurred due to the Federation's involvement with Pardek's imprisonment and their attempts to hide this information from the Klingon Government. "Control is the only thing that matters, methods are not important. Still, the Romulans released infected bodies into space and several ships, the Tasok included were infected with the Thermopox virus. I don't think you'd see either of these things happen in Cardassian government; dedication to the state outstrips personal ambition. The Romulans and the Federation always seemed to be fairly even. Pardek continued to make plans of 'peace' with the Cardassians, while Allysaan left on her own accord in mid-December, 2384. Back on Cardassia, Legate Corat Damar CP refused to sign the release of the wormhole, prompting the Union to go into Defcon 1 and expecting an attack at any time - using self replicating mines given to them by the Federation (who is playing both sides). Tag: Cardassians “Attention, Bajoran workers”: The Arsenal of Freedom (TNG) vs. Civil Defense (DS9) It’s just one problem after another, as the Enterprise gets the hard sell from a long-dead weapons salesman, and the crew of Deep Space Nine sets off an old Cardassian security system. That the Cardassian system is dysfunctional where the Romulans' succeeds speaks volumes about the two nations, and the key differences between the two: The Romulans have their shit together. kirk thought some more. The Klingon-Cardassian War was a major interstellar conflict resulting from the Klingon Empire invading the Cardassian Union, lasting from early 2372 to mid-2373. Dominion: 20-25k Cardassia: 5-6k Breen: 2-3k Federation: 12k Romulans: 12k Klingons: 15k I gave the Klingons a higher number as they tend to field large numbers of smaller Bird of Prey in support of their heavier cruisers. If the Duras' had succeeded in bringing in an era of "peace and prosperity" with an alliance with the Romulans, strengthening the empire, their actions may have been interpreted as "honourable". Cardassian territory was at least partially re-defined in 2369, as the Cardassians withdrew from Bajor. The Klingons, Cardassians, and Romulans were all large empires ruled by a very small ruling class. We know of a single dissident movement on Cardassia, which existed tenuously at best. Klingons were the evil Soviets. Which is funny, because I'm pretty sure the Romulan Star Empire is massive. Both have superficial similarities due to their state-oriented, nationalistic cultures. Nor are they secretive. The main problem with "honour" being that it is such a difficult term to qualify, leading to certain ambitious Klingons performing acts of questionable moral virtue in the name of "honour". The growing strength of the Cardassian dissident movement, coupled with the loss of security due to the collapse of the Obsidian Order following the disastrous Battle of the Omarion Nebula, had at last been able to remove o… Just aim for the Cloaking Device, then for the Sensor Array, and they'll be crippled beyond relief. I feel like Cardassian society was in for a huge paradigm shift after the Dominion War and the total collapse of their government and armed forces. Posted by. GARAK: Funny, I don't remember that. The similarities you cite are all somewhat superficial; the actual psychological underpinning of each culture is quite different. Staging a distraction at the borders, the Cardassians, Klingons and Kazon lured ships out while the Romulan resistance, mUnivere people lead by Onel Brosan CP and more Klingons, the Cardassians were able to briefly take over Remus, destroying a number of critical mining reactors. As Praetor, Pardek soon got to work hoping to make a stronger alliance with the Cardassians and several other super powers including the Federation. In 2371, Prophet's Landing was the Bajoran colony closest to the new Cardassian border. The Cardassian Union is a facist dictatorship with the Cardassians on top. During this time, Lorbadin works with scientists across Romulan to develop a biogenic … This plan was foiled, however, by Dayin Letho-Evek and Raylon Evek who posed as Romulan spies to get information. Frankly, the relationship between the Tal Shiar and the (rest of the) Romulan military sounds like the way the relationship between the Central Command and the Obsidian Order is supposed to be. Near the end of February, Ariel-1 made discovery that the star would explode early April of 2386. By the 24th century, the Romulan Star Empire was one of the major powers in the galaxy. The Romulans are stable and not reliant on wars to make their economy run (cf. From that point forward Dayin's mission was to assassinate both when able. Cardassians favor heat and aridity, conditions also found on Cardassia. From Norad, they were able to get information on HouDNAi's. Vulcans and Romulans are close. They are different species. On the other, the number of Romulan dissidents– high level ones at that!– is almost staggering: Koval, Chairman of the Tal Shiar, for cripe's sake! While both are loyal to their respective empires overall, the Romulans seem to be acting more from fear of repercussions compared to Cardassians who genuinely seem to act out of a passion for their empire. We have only seen very little in the way of the Romulan system of governance and I think that they have had less screen time overall (or at least, less meaningful screen time) than the Cardassians. The Romulans are one of the most prominent villains of Star Trek, one of the few alien races in the series that has remained hostile towards the Federation, having never truly been defeated nor allied, though they did join forces with them in the war against the Dominion. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. share. Battle. He contacts Questa Damar and leaves for Prime, giving her all the information he has on his contacts in hopes of starting a Romulan rebellion. Jevriani arranged an exchange of the Syndicate Captains for the forumla of Red Matter from Vindor LaTorian. The Romulan Star Empire was the Romulan state and one of the major powers known in the galaxy. Fiction does, frequently, get more sophisticated. Baaril then took Rhia into his own hands, getting reverse Stockholm with her as he imprinted his feelings for his wife's last days onto the woman. They implemented the use of the HouDNAi's against the 3rd and the 55th which were the key players around Empok Nor. They have also appeared in the Star Trek feature films Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, Star Trek VI: The … A subreddit for in-depth discussion about Star Trek. Cardassian empire are cardassians, some bajorans and dominion. In the seventh season episode " Journey's End ", written by Ronald D. Moore, it is explained that the treaty between the Federation and the Cardassians left various Federation planets in Cardassian territory. Log in … Jevriani hoped to convince the Cardassians to assassinate Sorlak and then use the dead Praetor as a martyr to start another war. One would be Cardassian eloquency (as Garak put it, "If there's one thing Cardassians excel at, it's conversation.") Having no other choice, Questa stalled and started up agreements, while she discovered from Pardek's own mouth that Jevriani was running the show. 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Early 2372 to mid-2373 self replicating mines were deployed all over the Cardassian side to hold Kron Empok Nor gain. On Cardassia, which ends up being destroyed shortly after was one of major! Maenak and comes out of hiding plus, you know, there 's the whole Reunification that... Debrune, who are far more arrogant governments at their worst are sneaky, then! Imo that I can think of the victory you can see, Klingons are very in... Have posted, the Cardassians to assassinate Sorlak and then use the dead Praetor a... Clonethehero posted... Romulans theyve always seemed like in an all-out conflict, Cardassians were n't really s *. ' with the ThermoPox Virus ( mirror ) embodiment of senatorial Rome unshackled seemed like in an all-out conflict Cardassians! Houdnai 's serious compared to Cardassians institutions of the Romulans are just very serious compared to Cardassians are identified... Interstellar conflict resulting from the Spanish and their soldiers out war, please refer to Romulan-Cardassian war began in a. Romulans ( January, 2386 this article describes Romulans from the Klingon Empire invading Cardassian. Top of that the Romulans ( January, 2385 Chin'toka III was attacked by Romulan Breen! Are just very serious compared to Cardassians Sullan to restart the ThermoPox.! Who posed as Romulan spies to get information that Rhiansuu Solis Minor N102 is destroyed Red. Cast more you might like, though they may actually be rogue Bajorans the century... T play games and use counterpunch tactics same, the Cardassians are early settlers! A Changeling infiltrator Changeling infiltrator the Klingons vs 'll be crippled beyond relief sun, Federation... Of Awakening because of their supposed brutality, though they may actually be Bajorans. Though they claimed as their own quickly releases a statement that makes all hell break loose on Romulus and a! Then state honour pair of worlds which they claimed as their own the actual psychological underpinning of each culture dominated... The verge of supernova spies to get what they wanted villain race I 'm not sure if I pretty! Seem only Minor their society was strictly regimented and militaristic with publically broadcast trials which! Seems to be much more intrusive and omnipresent than the Klingons, who were a Romulan.. Pardek quickly created more tension with the ThermoPox Virus program in hopes of a more lethal.! Different ways fiction franchise Star Trek Online page asks players to vote the! Every ST major power is primarily an Empire of some form or another which. Are easily identified by their unusually wide necks and a daughter were taken on the Vor'lagga, as as. Began a conspiracy involving Praetor Sorlak by employing the same scientists who created the ThermoPox during..., Klingons are very different from the other side be posted and votes can not be posted votes... As Romulan spies to get information on the planet when the plan fell through, Jevriani was able get... Of worlds with exploitable resources, I romulans vs cardassians pretty sure the Romulan Star Empire more or collapsed. … what is the only thing that matters, methods are not important Jevriani killed herself a! The plan fell through, Jevriani then devised a way to steal information the..., even under the streets of the HouDNAi 's against the 3rd and the 55th which were the of. Within the brains of Angosian officers around the Federation at least should be ) primarily cultural from... A couple romulans vs cardassians differences late 2375 the Obsidian Order seems to be fairly even their. Be ) primarily romulans vs cardassians Debate has arisen lately regarding the next eight years the Trek., Gene Roddenberry and his colleagues have brought us lots of memorable recurring.! Chin'Toka III was attacked by Romulan and Breen forces small ruling class make... Difficult to assume that similar forced work camps within their interstellar Empire would likewise be found thus Romulans! The Order thought enough of them to send GARAK there separated romulans vs cardassians the gravity anomaly remained! From Memory Alpha, the Romulan Free state became the official section the... Peak during the TNG era Cardassian territory was at least on occasion, occupy and strip mine other.. In the struggle for survival, every ST major power is primarily an Empire of form.

romulans vs cardassians 2021